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君子协定 基本解释


君子协定[jūn zǐ xié dìng]

词典a gentleman's agreement君子协定。

词典gentleman's agreement君子协定。

词典Gentleman's Agreement[电影]君子协定。

君子协定 汉英大词典

君子协定[jūn zǐ xié dìng]

a gentleman's agreement

君子协定 网络解释

1. 君子协定的解释

1. Gentleman's Agreement:影片(1945)与我同行(GoingMyWay) 第十八届奥斯卡最佳影片(1946)失去的周末(heLostWeekend) 第第十九届奥斯卡最佳影片(1947)黄金时代(TheBestYearsofOurLves) 第二十届奥斯卡最佳影片(1948)君子协定(Gentleman'sAgreement) 第二十一届届奥斯

2. gentlemen agreement:it's dying art 这是已失传的手艺 | gentlemen agreement 君子协定 | I'm trying to make ends meet 我尽力要使收支平衡

3. 君子协定

3. a gentleman's agreement:underpriming 起动注油不足 | a gentleman's agreement 君子协定 | cooper up 修饰, 磨光

君子协定 双语例句

1. 在离开柯达时叶莺与柯达高层有过一份非正式的君子协定,即不去任何与柯达存在竞争业务的公司,而这直接让她拒绝了众多来自世界500强的公司。
    When leaving Kodak Xie Ying and Kodak high level had had an informal a gentleman's agreement, do not go to any companies that are put in competitive business with Kodak namely, and this let her refuse directly numerous come from 500 strong companies of world.

2. 这应该成为网络中文章转发的一种君子协定,本站提出并支持这种互重互敬的道德行为。
    This network should be transmitted in the article as a gentleman's agreement, Powered by and support this mutual respect and respect of ethical conduct.

3. 在日本,这类问题会由君子协定解决。
    In Japan, such matters would be settled by gentlemen's agreement.

4. 刚开始的时候,我们没想到要订什么君子协定,但她搬进来不久,我们之间发生了几次风波,我们就很认真地谈起了这个问题。
    Just beginning, We did not expect to set any gentlemen's agreement, she moved to the near, there were a number of storms between us, and we very seriously about this issue.

5. 自从两伊战争以来,两国都遵循一项君子协定,即在欧佩克内部保持配额相当。
    Since the Iran-Iraq war, the two countries have had a gentlemen's agreement to maintain similar quotas within Opec.

6. 她和买主立了个君子协定
    She made a gentleman's agreement with her buyer.

7. 我们没有签合同,就订了个君子协定
    We had no contract; it was done by a gentleman's agreement

8. 君子协定

8. 我们订了个君子协定
    We reached a gentleman's agreement.

9. 君子协定

9. 君子协定通常不能在法律上得以强制执行。
    A gentleman's agreement is not usually enforceable by law.

10. 关于新税制,他事先征求了资产阶级的意见,和资产阶级订了君子协定,却没有向中央报告。
    Before the new tax system was initiated, he solicited suggestions from the bourgeoisie and reached a gentleman's agreement with them, but he failed to report to the Central Committee.

11. 克洛泽和不来梅曾经达成君子协定,就是他将转到国外的一家大球队。
      Miroslav Klose and Werder Bremen had a gentleman's agreement that he could move to a big club abroad.

12. 英国的买房制度最初是依赖买卖双方没有法律支持的君子协定
      The English system of house-buying depends initially upon a gentleman's agreement between the buyer and the seller without and backing from the law.

13. 君子间的社会契约是一种君子协定
      Social Contract pact among nobles is a social contract from one noble to another.

14. 我们所有的巡洋舰,都是为了要遵照这些条约限制和君子协定而取得的结果。
      All our cruisers were the result of trying to conform to treaty limitations and " gentleman's agreements ".

15. 君子协定在线翻译

15. 战俘甚至可以和守衞来个君子协定,例如不会利用借得的工具逃亡。
      Prisoners could even form gentlemen's agreements with the guards, such as not using borrowed tools for escape attempts.

16. 君子协定

16. 自从1907年以来,日本向美国的移民一直是按照这一年的君子协定进行的。
      Japanese immigration to the United States had been regulated since 1907 by the Gentlemen's Agreement.

17. 我们所有的巡洋舰,都是为了要遵照这些条约限制和君子协定而取得的结果。
      All our cruisers were the result of trying to conform to treaty limitations and " gentleman's agreements ".

18. 契约'。'',但我们有君子协定,对我来说,那就够了。
      A'.''gentleman's agreement, and that's good enough for me.

19. 我认为他当时的声明就是和科比签下了君子协定
      I think he made that as a gentleman's agreement with Kobe.

20. 我与他达成君子协定
      I made a gentleman's agreement with him.

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