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吸进 基本解释

吸进[xī jìn]


词典breathe in吸气;通过呼吸吸入;全神贯注地听。


吸进 汉英大词典

吸进[xī jìn]


吸进 网络解释

1. 吸进在线翻译

1. breathe in:tar=焦油; | breathe in=吸进; | component=成分;

2. ingulf:inguinal 腹股沟的 | ingulf 吸进 | ingurgitate 狼吞虎咽

3. 吸进的翻译

3. engulfingulf:engulfingulf 投入深渊 | engulfingulf 吸进 | engulfsweepcarryawayeverything 席卷

4. draw in:3. put forward 提出计划, 建议 | 4. draw in 吸进 | 5. connect sth. to sth. 把什么和什么连接起来

吸进 双语例句

1. 微小的不移栖的海洋无脊椎动物,它们的身体呈囊状并带有可吸进和吐出水的''。
    Minute sedentary marine invertebrate having a saclike body with siphons through which water enters and leaves.

2. 把你的名字写在香烟上,妄想一口把你深深的吸进肺里,把你放在离我心脏最近的地方。
    You write in the names of cigarettes, your paranoia a deeply inhaled, I take you from the heart on the last place.

3. 你们将会听到,毒气室里面的母亲怎样把幼小的婴儿紧紧抱在身上,以免他们吸进毒气,直到行凶者过来把他们活活丢进焚尸炉,或者抛进等待着他们的坟墓。
    You will hear evidence of tender infants pressed by their mothers to their bodies in the gas chambers so that they should not inhale the poisonous gas, until the executioners came and threw them alive into the furnaces or the waiting graves.

4. 可是,一阵病痛袭来,他连哀恸的气力都丧失了:他在父亲的病榻边吸进了疫气,突然也卧床不起了。
    But grief was soon silenced by pain: he had inhaled the pestilential air from the dying breath of his father, and was speedily like him stretched on the bed of sickness.

5. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

5. 外型策划轻盈好看。2、发动机网罩,预防发动机吸进杂物。3、使用优秀材料创造,三速开关,随便调解空气air访问数量,控制灵便。4、大鼓风涡轮,型成再大空气air访问数量,提升工作速率。5、聚乙烯外壳,保卫机内配件,平安可信,持久经用。
    Exterior design is deft and beautiful. 2, motor guard, prevent motor engulf sundry. 3, use high grade material to make, 3 fast switch, flow of random adjustment air, the operation is agile. 4, turbine of bass drum wind, generate bigger air flow, improve work efficiency. 5, polyethylene crust, protect the component inside machine, on the safe side, wear well.

6. 吸进的近义词

6. 那种取耶和华而代之所带来的强烈快感,以及那种真正的、压倒一切的、绝对的对于自己的私属世界的爱,会把所有靠近它的人或物全部吸进自己的漩涡中。
    The headlong high of substituting for Jehovah, and the genuine, overwhelming, sheer love for one's private world, will suck in any and all who near it.

7. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

7. 他因多年的吸进煤灰而生病了。
    He became ill after breathing coal dust for many years.

8. 吸进的解释

8. 这个模型是指气体从大型红巨星伴星流到白矮星的吸积盘上然后被吸进白矮星中。
    In this model, gas flows from the large red giant companion star into a disk and then onto the white dwarf.

9. 因为它们所得到的这一切生长,可以说只是昨天和前天由食物和吸进的空气而来的。
    For all this received its accretion only yesterday and the day before, as one may say, from the food and the air which is inspired.

10. 我正把生活吸进爱情。。。。
    I'm breathing my life into love....

11. 吸进

11. 你的女儿?当我出来的时候,你被吸进了书里。
      Your daughter? You went in the book when I came out.

12. 是谁说她被吸进书里了?
      Who's to say she got there?

13. 吸进

13. 低压铸造就是把融化的金属浇铸在模具里成型并硬化;反压铸造是较为先进的铸造方法它用很强的真空把金属吸进模具,有利于保持恒温和排除杂质,铸件内没有气孔而且密度均匀,强度很高;高反压模铸这种制造工艺产生近乎锻造的效果,德国名厂BBS的RX/RY(规格从381 508mm)系列铝轮毂就是采用HCM法制造的,锻造,这是造轮毂的最先进的技术,以6000t的压力趁着热劲,把一块铝锭给压成一个轮毂。
      The low pressure casting is takes shape the melted metal founding in the mold and hardens; The back pressure casting is the more advanced casting method it uses the very strong vacuum to draw the metal the mold, is advantageous in maintains the constant temperature and the elimination impurity, in the casting does not have the blowhole and the density are even, the intensity is very high; The high back pressure die casting this kind of fabrication technology produces the near forging results, German Country's name Factory BBS RX/RY (specification from 381508mm) the series aluminum wheel hub is uses the HCM law manufacture, forging, this makes wheel hub's most advanced technology, is taking advantage of the enthusiasm by the 6000t pressure, for presses a wheel hub together the aluminum ingot.

14. 吸进的翻译

14. 低压铸造就是把融化的金属浇铸在模具里成型并硬化;反压铸造是较为先进的铸造方法它用很强的真空把金属吸进模具,有利于保持恒温和排除杂质,铸件内没有气孔而且密度均匀,强度很高;高反压模铸这种制造工艺产生近乎锻造的效果,德国名厂BBS的RX/RY(规格从381 508mm)系列铝轮毂就是采用HCM法制造的,锻造,这是造轮毂的最先进的技术,以6000t的压力趁着热劲,把一块铝锭给压成一个轮毂。
      The low pressure casting is takes shape the melted metal founding in the mold and hardens; The back pressure casting is the more advanced casting method it uses the very strong vacuum to draw the metal the mold, is advantageous in maintains the constant temperature and the elimination impurity, in the casting does not have the blowhole and the density are even, the intensity is very high; The high back pressure die casting this kind of fabrication technology produces the near forging results, German Countrys name Factory BBS RX/RY (specification from 381508mm) the series aluminum wheel hub is uses the HCM law manufacture, forging, this makes wheel hubs most advanced technology, is taking advantage of the enthusiasm by the 6000t pressure, for presses a wheel hub together the aluminum ingot.

15. 抑制剂组于孵育前30min加入H89。孵育结束后,各皿加入800μl的KRH缓冲液,1min后全部吸进至eppendorf管,4°C保存。
      Sample fractions were collected every 1 min into eppendorf tubes on ice by the batch method.

16. 本发现亮相了一类具备换气效能的璧挂式空气air筛选器,包含:本体、吸进口、筛选零件、送扇子、外面空气air通气眼、旁路、档扳和排岀口;外面空气air通气眼产生在本体上;旁路产生在本身体之内筛选零件的后头,型成外面空气air直接流向送扇子的路线;档扳设定在筛选零件与旁路的边界面上,其位置高于筛选零件;排岀口产生在本体的前头扳的下部。
      What this invention has function of take a breath one kind publicly is wall hung inhaler, include: Noumenon, air suction opening, filter component, send fan, outside air blowhole, bypass, fender and eduction mouth; Outside air blowhole is formed go up in noumenon; Bypass is formed at the back of what the component filters inside noumenon, form outside air to flow to the passageway that sends fan directly; Fender setting is filtering on the face of have a common boundary of component and bypass, its position prep above filters component; Eduction degree of lip-rounding is become in noumenal before the bottom of face plate.

17. 吸进

17. 其实孩子哭是有原因的,后来这样儿次下来我了解了原因,吃奶的时候吸进空气了,不要以为拍两个打个嗝就可以放下了,或拍几分钟就放下,孩子通常是还有气没排出来,你也不要因为这个原因而紧张,只要每次吃奶时注意不要进空气了,还有吃完奶后多立着抱一会,如果放下去出现上面的情况你还是把他直抱着拍一拍,等孩子慢慢长大一点了就会好的,别担心!
      Baby cry for a reason, then this child times down I know the reason, when infants sucked into the air, and not think that making the two make a belch can be put down, or take a few minutes on the go, baby usually did not have gas row out, you do not just because of this reason tension, as long as each feeding into the air when you do not, there is still more than after eating milk stand will hold one, if put to appear above circumstances you had to pat him, and slowly grew up a little baby will be all right, do not worry!

18. 吸进的翻译

18. 而且痱子粉容易被宝宝吸进肺里,会对宝宝的肺部造成伤害。
      Vulnerable children and smoking into the lungs, it would harm the child s lungs.

19. 该燃烧过程类似于柴油机的混合气质量控制,就是说气缸容量并非取决于吸进的混合气的量,而仅仅是喷入的燃油量。
      This combustion process is similar to the mixture quality control known from the diesel engines. That means that not the amount of admitted mixture determines the charge of the cylinder, but only the amount of injected fuel.

20. 植树造林可以净化空气、美化环境、绿化祖国等,它还能制造氧气供人们吸收,吸进人们呼出的二氧化碳。
      Plant trees the forestation can purify air, beautify environment, green turn motherland etc., it can also make oxygen to be provided for people to absorb and inhale the carbon dioxide that people exhale.

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