
和衷共济是什么意思 和衷共济在线翻译 和衷共济什么意思 和衷共济的意思 和衷共济的翻译 和衷共济的解释 和衷共济的发音


和衷共济 基本解释

和衷共济[hé zhōng gòng jì]

词典work together with one heart和衷共济。

词典be united and to work in concert和衷共济。

词典make a concerted effort and mutual cooperation和衷共济。

词典pull together for a common cause和衷共济。

和衷共济 汉英大词典

和衷共济[hé zhōng gòng jì]

work together with one heart; be united and to work in concert; make a concerted effort and mutual cooperation; pull together for a common cause; work harmoniously

和衷共济 网络解释

1. Unity is strength:To be to lerant心胸开阔 | Unity is strength和衷共济 | To be creditable讲求诚信

2. solidarity; fighting together with one accord:一如既往 unswervingly | 和衷共濟 solidarity; fighting together with one accord | 亡國滅種 extinction; being conquered and destroyed

3. double-scratch should be the policy best:中西交流,west wooing east and east kissing west, | 和衷共济,double-scratch should be the policy best, | 事与愿违,however, wish against wish against wish,

和衷共济 双语例句

1. 和衷共济的反义词

1. 伟大的抗战精神,蕴含着中华儿女和衷共济的团结精神。
    The grand spirit of Anti-Japanese implies the solidarity of working with one accord of the Chinese people.

2. 用人事比拟,认为任何事物运用法则而变化,但又不被法则所拘束,即使你是居于领导的地位,但能以平等之心,和衷共济,遇事不逞强,保持冷静、客观、不冲动,通权达变,才能掌握变化,善用法则。
    Only by this way can you adapt yourself to the changing situation and be good at making use of the rule.

3. 和衷共济什么意思

3. 元吉将成为您永久信赖的合作伙伴,元吉全体员工与您和衷共济、共创辉煌。
    Yuanji will become your trusted partner permanently, Yuanji all staff work together with you to create brilliant.

4. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

4. 新的工作机会、新的和衷共济精神克服了恐惧本身。
    Conquer fear itself with a New Deal, new jobs, a new sense of common purpose.

5. 我们要和衷共济,携手应对挑战。
    We should work together to overcome challenges.

6. 总之,真正的朋友是朋友风雨同舟,和衷共济
    In a word, true friends are friends through thick and thin.

7. 这两个企业实在非彼此和衷共济不可。
    Here are two industries that must be in harmony with one another.

8. 911查询·英语单词

8. 这将需要业内全体同仁和衷共济
    It will require positive action by all in the industry.

9. 社会主义和谐民族关系的提出,就是针对当前我国面临的时代背景,在民族政策的制定和实施上所采取的一种解决方法和手段,其目的就是要各族人民和睦相处、和衷共济、和谐发展。
    The posting of harmonious ethnic relationship is one kind of solution to setting down and implementing the ethnic policy in allusion to the current era background against our country, the aim of which is to guarantee all kinds of ethnic people smoke the calumet together, to share happiness and woe, and to develop with harmony.

10. 这两个企业实在非彼此和衷共济不可。他和以往一样无动于衷。
    Here are two industries that must be in harmony with one another. As before he remained unmoved.

11. 武术文化中以和为贵的民族精神是推进和谐社会建设的坚强支柱,和者,和睦也,蕴涵着和衷共济、政通人和、内和外顺等深刻道理。
      Martial arts culture " harmoniousness " national spirit is promoting the building of a harmonious society, and the strong pillar, harmonious, also contains works together, the political learned person and, inside and outside such profound truth along.

12. 我们真诚地欢迎社会各界交流信息、洽商业务、诚信合作、带动经济、互惠互利、和衷共济、携手共进,托起明天的太阳。
      We sincerely welcome the community to exchange information, negotiate business, integrity, to promote economic, mutual benefit, together, join hands, hold up tomorrow the sun.

13. 贸易和商业也与今天的会议十分相像,往往能够促使不同背景的各国人民为了共同的目标和衷共济
      Much like this event today, trade and commerce have always brought together diverse peoples in a common pursuit.

14. 自然灾害是人类共同的敌人,国际社会只有和衷共济,才能战胜灾难。
      Natural disasters are the common enemy for human kind, and only joint international efforts could overcome these catastrophes.

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15. 这说明,国际社会已经认识到,随着经济全球化深入发展,和衷共济、合作共赢是我们的必然选择。
      This shows that the international community has come to recognize that with deepening economic globalization, working together for win-win outcomes is the only option we have.

16. 这是中国各民族之间能够长期紧密团结、和衷共济的根本原因。五环相连象征着五大洲的运动员紧密团结及在奥运会上友好相见。
      This is the fundamental reason that all ethnic groups in China have for a long time united closely, lived in harmony and helped one another. meeting at the Olympics between athletes from five continents.

17. 中国积极推进同地区国家的经贸往来和互利合作,和衷共济,共同应对国际金融危机带来的挑战。
      We have built closer trade relations and cooperation with regional partners, and have stood with them in the face of the financial crisis.

18. 冷战所带来的发达世界各国间的明确的关系,特别是两大联盟各自内部和衷共济感,已经变得模糊了。
      The clarity that the cold war imposed upon relations between the countries of the developed world, in particular the sense of solidarity within each of the two main alliances, has become blurred.

19. 试论和衷共济的团结精神
      On the Unity Spirit

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20. 武术文化中以和为贵的民族精神是推进和谐社会建设的坚强支柱,和者,和睦也,蕴涵着和衷共济、政通人和、内和外顺等深刻道理。
      Martial arts culture " harmoniousness " national spirit is promoting the building of a harmonious society, and the strong pillar, harmonious, also contains works together, the political learned person and, inside and outside such profound truth along.

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