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咫尺天涯 基本解释

咫尺天涯[zhǐ chǐ tiān yá]

词典a short distance away, and yet poles apart -- to see little of each other though living nearby

词典a panorama of one-thousand li on a one-chi scroll咫尺天涯。

词典It looks as if it were as far as the horizon, although it is but one foot's distance away.

词典rich content within a small compass咫尺天涯。

词典Faraway, So Close![电影]咫尺天涯。

咫尺天涯 汉英大词典

咫尺天涯[zhǐ chǐ tiān yá]

(又作“咫尺千里”) a short distance away, and yet poles apart -- to see little of each other though living nearby; a panorama of one-thousand li on a one-chi scroll; It looks as if it were as far as the horizon, although it is but one foot's distance away.; rich c

咫尺天涯 网络解释

1. Coast To Coast:给我的感觉 播客: 小宇_spring 加入时间: 2006-11-07西城男孩(Westlife)专辑咫尺天涯(Coast To Coast)第十四首-孤寂上心头 播客: 小宇_spring 加入时间: 2006-11-07西城男孩(Westlife)专辑咫尺天涯(Coast To Coast)第十五首-易碎的心

2. album:coast to coast:Singer:Westlife西城男孩 | Album:Coast To Coast咫尺天涯 | Shane:If only you could see the tears多希望你可以看到我的悲伤

3. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

3. So near and yet so far:8.A man is known by the company he keeps. 观其交友,知其为人. | 9. So near and yet so far. 咫尺天涯. | 10. Life is but a dream. 人生如梦.

4. FarAway,SoClose:1991 <<直到世界尽头>> Until the End of the World Guild | 1993 <<咫尺天涯>> FarAway,SoClose | 1994 <<里斯本的故事>> Lisbon Story

咫尺天涯 双语例句

1. danci.911cha.com

1. 因此关在那颠簸的老邮车的狭小天地里的三个乘客彼此都是奥秘,跟各自坐在自己的六马大车或是六十马大车里的大员一样,彼此总是咫尺天涯,奥妙莫测。
    So with the three passengers shut up i'the narrow compass of one lumbering old mail-coach; the were mysteries to one another, as complete as if each ha been in his own coach and six, or his own coach and sixty, with the breadth of a county between him and the next.

2. 庭前花开花落,烟雨楼台里已经是西风吹尽,几番回首,他还是他,我还是我,但相见已是咫尺天涯
    Again, this one still is referring to how near-sighted Chinese people are.

3. 您可以在咫尺天涯的文化交流活动申请过程中享受特别的优先权。
    You can enjoy the priority that is exclusively for the members in our exchange programs.

4. 我们的距离,咫尺天涯……我们的距离,咫尺天涯
    Our distance is close but seems untouchability.

5. 怀念吧!你有无尽的思念和痛楚,咫尺天涯的学友,该是多么的欣慰和自豪啊!
    You remembered fondly endlessly with pain-suffering, the so near and yet poles apart learned friend, should be what delighted with proud of!

6. 咫尺天涯的近义词

6. 我到达不了我的目的地,到达不了我的咫尺天涯
    I can not reach my destination, I can not reach the Zhichitianya.

7. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

7. 也许你我有着相隔之远,但也是那般咫尺天涯
    Maybe you and I have far apart, but also as Zhichitianya.

8. 无论咫尺天涯,请让我们一起走。
    Whether distance end of the World, please let us go

9. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

9. 可是我们却咫尺天涯,他象我的校长一样不可理解。
    But we were divided; he was as inscrutable as my headmaster.

10. danci.911chaxun.com

10. 无论这颗石头咫尺天涯还是近在眼前,只要为彼此坚定的守住那份只属于你们自己的信念,就会彼此楔入最终合为一体!
    Whether this is still just around the corner stones, as long as a firm hold for each other that only belong to your own beliefs, they will each eventually wedging into one!

11. 我么感觉很近,却咫尺天涯。我对她的爱似乎怪异。
      Me's feels so close but yet so far me's love for her seems bizarre.

12. 咫尺天涯

12. 可实际上,这一秒与上一秒却已然咫尺天涯
      Might, this second actually already be in fact unbearable with a on second.

13. 咫尺天涯,无论你身在何方。
      Near, far, wherever you are.

14. 在咫尺天涯的地球村里,六十多亿人作为一个大家庭,而不是互不相干的个体,怎样在一起生活和工作、多元兼容、互利共赢,并没有现成的路线图。
      There's no road map for how an organism that's not a bacterium lives and works together on this planet in numbers in excess of6 billion. But2006 gave us some ideas.

15. 我们曾经在一起,如今却咫尺天涯
      We were so close but yet so far now

16. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

16. 涯咫尺,无爱咫尺天涯,爱,到底需要多少理由?
      There's no love, love, love the world is but a little place, what need much reason?

17. 在咫尺天涯的地球村里,六十多亿人作为一个大家庭,而不是互不相干的个体,怎样在一起生活和工作、多元兼容、互利共赢,并没有现成的路线图。
      There's no road map for how an organism that's not a bacterium lives and works together on this planet in numbers in excess of6 billion.But2006 gave us some ideas.

18. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

18. 这一切仿佛都是上天的绝妙安排,咫尺天涯,天涯比邻,幸福瞬间淹没了我。
      A masterpiece from God, I felt dizzy. We were not near, yet we were together.

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