
哈腰是什么意思 哈腰在线翻译 哈腰什么意思 哈腰的意思 哈腰的翻译 哈腰的解释 哈腰的发音 哈腰的同义词 哈腰的反义词 哈腰的例句


哈腰 基本解释

哈腰[hā yāo ]


词典bend one's back哈腰。


哈腰 汉英大词典

哈腰[hā yāo]


哈腰 网络解释

1. 哈腰的解释

1. HAY:哈萨HAS | 哈腰HAY | HB河北 虎B

哈腰 双语例句

1. 从她在老板面前点头哈腰的那个模样,你就知道她是个什么人了
    Scraping in front of the Boss, you'll know what sort of person she is.

2. 他周围有太多点头哈腰的人,因为他们都害怕他。
    He had to have had a lot of yes people around him who were afraid of him.

3. 哈腰的反义词

3. 从她在老板面前点头哈腰的那个模样,你就知道她是个什么人了
    This sort of music is quite to his taste.

4. 他点头哈腰,带着叫人受不了的笑容向前走来。
    He came forward with his bow and his deadly smile.

5. 然后,我们收捡我们采购的东西,店主人点头哈腰把我们送出店。
    Then, collecting our purchases, we were bowed out of the shop by the owner.

6. 美国妇女走过柜台时,老板从办公桌后面向她点头哈腰,她内心感到这是小事,也是麻烦事。
    The padrone made her feel very small and at the same time really important.

7. 哈腰的反义词

7. 她理解到她对生命的胸有成竹只是虚张声势而已,如今生命的最后一刻就要消弭在无意识的拱背哈腰抽搐痉挛之中,像一条河岸上涸辙中的鱼。
    She perceived that her life had been not safe but smug, and that she was about to spend the last of it in mindless archings and jerkings, like a fish on a dusty bank.

8. 这对我来说是一个很大的教训,有时候你不得不学会点头哈腰,放下身段,不得不去为那些对你不友善的人服务。
    And it was a big lesson to me, that some times you have to learn to put your head down and be of service even to people who are not nice to you.

9. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

9. 我不在乎他说什么,我对任何人都不点头哈腰
    I don't care what he says; I'll not bow and scrape to any man.

10. 人人都来巴结我和我的家人,朝我点头哈腰
    Everybody came and fawned on my family and I, bowing and scraping.

11. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

11. Sal成了附近小辈们的大英雄,甚至比他年纪大的树也向他点头哈腰,而Peepul却不以为然。
      The Sal became a great hero to the younger trees in the neighborhood and even some of the older ones began bowing to him when the Peepul was not looking.

12. 瞧那憨厚的知更鸟,嬉戏之余不忘引吭高歌,可真是精力旺盛的表现;还有那叽喳啁啾的黑鹂,层云中把双翼展起;还有金翅的啄木鸟,红冠在顶,黑斑绕颈,红得鲜艳,黑得黝亮,更不必说一身华丽的羽毛;看那雪松鸟,双翼末梢一抹红,俏尾顶端一点黄,更兼有那蒙蒂罗小羽帽;别忘了蓝松鸦,噢,他可真是个花花公子,穿着一身明快的亮蓝色外套衬着白色的内衣,四处叫嚣闲聊,一边还不时地点头哈腰,好像他和林子里的歌手们都很熟似的。注:有不少意译,个别可能不太准确,但尽力了,希望能帮到你。
      There was the honest cockrobin, the favorite game of stripling sportsmen, with its loud querulous note; and the twittering blackbirds flying in sable clouds; and the golden_winged woodpecker, with his crimson crest, his broad black gorget, and splendid pumage; and the cedar bird, with its red_tipt wings and yellow_tipt tail, and its little monteiro cap of feathers; and the blue jay, that noisy coxcomb, in his gay light_blue coat and white underclothes; screaming and chattering, nodding and bobbing and bowing, and pretending to be on good terms with every songster of the grove.

13. 他哈腰系鞋带。
      He bent over to tie his shoe.

14. 我起来坐着,哈腰在床边找鞋穿上。
      I sat up, leaned over, found my shoes beside the bed and put them on.

15. 当时看见他的人说他比平时更加哈腰躬违,显得特别疲劳。
      Those who saw 你好m said that he bent forward even more than usual, looked particularly worn and tired.

16. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

16. 向左侧哈腰,站立双脚打开与肩膀同宽。
      To the left hands, standing with legs wide open and the shoulders.

17. 今天一件稀罕的事情发生在我身上,我在赛马跑道上哈腰系鞋带时,一个眼睛近视的骑师把马鞍子绑到了我背上。
      A funny thing happened to me today. I was at the racetrack and bent over to tie my shoe, when some nearsighted jockey strapped saddle on my back.

18. 哈腰,两臂向前使哑铃在右脚的两侧。
      With both hands, arms dumbbell in the right foot forward so that both sides of.

19. 对阿谀奉承、点头哈腰的人要格外警惕!我不能同时是你的朋友又是你的阿谀奉承者。
      You must guard against those who fawn upon you and bow obsequiously before you! I cannot be your friend and your flatterer too.

20. 我一哈腰把钢笔掉在地上了。
      As I bent over; my fountain pen fell to the ground.

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