
因仍是什么意思 因仍在线翻译 因仍什么意思 因仍的意思 因仍的翻译 因仍的解释 因仍的发音 因仍的同义词 因仍的反义词 因仍的例句


因仍 基本解释


因仍[yīn rénɡ]


因仍 双语例句

1. 畴昔的手工分色,工序极之不单纯,早期右版制卡和会员卡制息,石上屈接制卡和会员卡制息之制版最难办理,因仍未拔取底片制版,所以描图分色时,须以镜不兵原图不直射,再在镜背刻画,又因制卡和会员卡制息油不朱并非如本日般拔取CMYK 四色制卡和会员卡制息,不新凡是按画像着色场所勾描拆色,最别致的是七色制卡和会员卡制息,即是怠工七件分色石版,最粗陋的不黑不黑画有众达不一三个色,每一个色都给调特不退印不朱,不等于本日所谓的专色制卡和会员卡制息。
    In former days of manual separation operation is extremely complicated, early left Edition business card printing and membership card making, rock direct cards and membership cards for producing seihan the most difficult to deal with, because we still have not adopted the film seihan, 描图, color separation shall be made to mirror the original figure of specular reflection, and then in portraying their business card printing and membership card making ink as adopted today is not, as a CMYK four-color business card printing and membership card production, thus making the General position as to write off a sketch of the portrait of a stain removal, the most common is a seven-color business card printing and membership card production, that is to do and it came to seven colour separation, the most exquisite color to draw as many as 13 colors, each color that you want to transfer specific printing inks, equivalent to today's so-called spot color business card printing and membership card.

2. 中古议会是由国王召集的由教俗贵族及地方代表参加的议事机构,因有选举产生的地方代表参加而有别于之前的大会议,因仍是隶属于国王的封建机构而有别于近代意义的议会。
    Since the Medieval Parliament was a deliberative organ, convened by the King and attended by the ecclesial and secular noble and common (mainly knight and citizen representatives), it differed from the Great Council for attending by the elected commons. But it was still not the modern parliament because it was feudal institution belonging to the King.

3. 结果:首先全部经保守治疗,好转21例,痊愈9例,1例因仍反复腹痛、呕吐而行手术治疗。
    Results: 31 patients received conservative treatment. Among them, 21 cases got clinical improvement and 9 cases were cured, one case received surgical treatment because of vomiting and abdominalgia repeatedly.

4. 试验结果显示,混凝土初期因仍含有孔隙水,所需的浇水量较后期要少;
    The results showed that, the pre-wetting time required was less in the beginning period than in later period after concrete was cast.

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