
墓门是什么意思 墓门在线翻译 墓门什么意思 墓门的意思 墓门的翻译 墓门的解释 墓门的发音 墓门的同义词 墓门的反义词 墓门的例句


墓门 基本解释


词典door of a coffin chamber墓门。

墓门 双语例句

1. 一场前所未闻的争辩展开了,就看谁不被人赶出墓门
    Each struggled to determine which should not allow himself to be placed at the door of the tomb.

2. 墓门

2. 16:3 彼此说、谁给我们把石头从墓门滚开呢。
    And they were saying among themselves, Who will get the stone rolled away from the door for us?

3. 石墓门是墓葬的重要组成部分。
    The stone tomb-door is an important part of tombs.

4. 谁给我们把石头从墓门辊开呢?
    Who will roll away the stone for us?

5. 可 16:3 和合本彼此说:谁给我们把石头从墓门辊开呢?
    And they said to one another, Who will roll away the stone for us from the door of the tomb?

6. 003 彼此说:谁给我们把石头从墓门辊开呢?
    And they said among themselves, Who shall roll us away the stone from the door of the tomb?

7. 刘峙之父风形势不好,乃毅然答允,在一个月淡然的晚上,刘父带领家人数人在秦明子的陪同之下到达坟地,秦明子先行命家人烧香祭,他口中念念词,压墓门打开之际,秦明子及刘家各人大吃一惊慌,原来墓之内竟被树根缠着。
    LIU Zhi-poor father of the wind situation is firmly agreed, in a month indifferent night, leading the home刘父the number of people in the Qin son arrived at the cemetery, accompanied by, Qin son burn incense and sacrifice family life first, he believed the mouth word, 墓门pressure to open the occasion, and Liu Qin son surprised everyone nervous, Tomb of the original roots and become round.

8. 他看见远处的刘二叔之家突然门挂蓝灯笼,并有丧乐传出,而且祖墓门亦已打开。
    The distance he saw Liu Di House suddenly the door hanging blue lanterns, and funeral music news, but has also opened墓门ancestors.

9. 他正求死不得,死的机会却自动找他来了,他正敲着墓门,而黑暗中有一只手把钥匙递给了他。
    He wished to die; the opportunity presented itself; he knocked at the door of the tomb, a hand in the darkness offered him the key.

10. 彼此说、谁给我们把石头从墓门滚开呢。
    And they said among themselves, Who shall roll us away the stone from the door of the sepulchre?

11. 墓门的意思

11. 与墓志同时出土的一套线刻墓门,雕刻生动逼真、线条流畅,反映了唐代石雕线刻艺术的水平和成就。
      With the epigraph, a set of line-engraved tomb door is unearthed, the patterns on which are very vivid and pleasing, which reflect the level of the line-engraved arts of Tang dynasty.

12. 苔丝不像红衣主教那样能够阅读教会拉丁文,但是她知道这儿是她祖坟的墓门,墓里面埋的是她的父亲举杯歌咏的那些身材高大的骑士。
      Tess did not read Church-Latin like a Cardinal, but she knew that this was the door of her ancestral sepulchre, and that the tall knights of whom her father had chanted in his cups lay inside.

13. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

13. 墓门所饰凤凰(朱雀)、铺首且画虎,寓意安宁、吉祥、辟邪和守护,龙与飞廉、龙与虎的组合象征上天;
      The design of the phoenix carved on the tomb gate and the tiger image on the chassis with a ring-handle indicate the peace, luck and counteracting evil spirit and guardian.

14. 约瑟买了细麻布、把耶稣取下来、用细麻布裹好、安放在磐石中凿出来的坟墓里。又滚过一块石头来挡住墓门
      And he bought fine linen, and took him down, and wrapped him in the linen, and laid him in a sepulchre which was hewn out of a rock, and rolled a stone unto the door of the sepulchre.

15. 这些壁画墓主要分布在洛阳、郑州以及北部的安阳和焦作等地域。墓室多为砖室,一般有墓道、墓门、甬道和墓室组成。
      Henan Song Dynasty tomb murals are mainly located in Luoyang, Zhengzhou and northern part of Anyang and Jiaozuo, and more to the brick tomb, usually a ramp, the entrance of the tomb, connected, and the tomb constitutes.

16. 墓门的解释

16. 又辊过一个石头来挡住墓门
      Then he rolled a stone against the entrance of the tomb.

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