
声训是什么意思 声训在线翻译 声训什么意思 声训的意思 声训的翻译 声训的解释 声训的发音 声训的同义词 声训的反义词 声训的例句


声训 基本解释


声训[shēnɡ xùn]


声训 网络解释

1. Sound glosses:语音:speech sound | 声训:Sound glosses | 音速:sound velocity

2. 声训的反义词

2. acoustic exegetics:声强:acoustic intensity | 声训:acoustic exegetics | 降噪:Acoustic Control

3. Sheng Xun:伏生:Fu Sheng | 声训:Sheng Xun | 入声:Ru Sheng

4. sound gloss:sound field 聲場 | sound gloss 聲訓 | sound image 語音圖象;音象

声训 双语例句

1. danci.911cha.com

1. 该书自始至终都主要采用声训的方法对群经涉及的名物词语进行训解阐释,不仅释其然,更重要的是释其所以然,即解释名物词语的得名之由,在训诂学上有一定的价值和意义。
    Bai Hu Tong Ti is not only a philosophical but also an explanatory book, which explains things in the way of shengxun from the beginning to the end and which is a good material to realize the nature and the development of shengxun.

2. 在此基础上,依据《说文》声训数据库所提供的资料,对声训过程中不同声母、不同韵部之间的历史语音交替的一些规律以及同源词中语音和语义相对对应关系的情况进行了讨论。
    On the ground of this catalogue the author found some rules of sound mutation between initial consonants and between finals in classical Chinese, and discussed the relative correspondence between the sound and meaning in cognate words in classical Chinese.

3. 王念孙在《广雅疏证》中运用声训广泛剔发词的音近义通现象,大量揭示同源词,创造了训诂学史上的最辉煌的业绩。
    With the aid of shengxun, Wang Niansun probed widely into the linguistic phenomenon of word with similar sound and meaning and explained widely words with the same origin in Guangya shuzheng, thus achieving the greatest achievement in the history of xungu.

4. 声训

4. 结果李时珍的植物释名存在比附字形、望文生训,错用声训,误以修辞义为命名义等错误方法。结论《本草纲目》植物释名尽管存在误释,但其可信率达65.8%,其植物命名研究已经达到当时最高水平。
    ConclusionThere exist some wrong explanations on plant-naming in Li Shizhen's Compendium of Materia Medica, but the confidence rate is up to 65.8% and the study of plant-naming had already reached a very high level at that time.

5. 《尔雅》前3篇是对普通词语的解释,其中的同源词占有相当大的比重,这决不是偶然的。这表明,在解释词语时,先秦学者已经自觉或不自觉地运用声训
    The first three chapters of " ER YA " are of explained ordinary words, and the cognates occupy a large proportion in them, not accidental, which suggests that in interpreting the words, the pre-Qin scholars had consciously or unconsciously use of sound training.

6. 声训的翻译

6. 从科学词源学的角度分析,先秦两汉声训中两词之间的关系基本上有三种类型:同源关系、亲缘关系和异源关系。
    From the perspective of scientific etymology, Shengxun in Qin and Han dynasties has three types: the same oriqination, the close oriqination, the different oriqination.

7. danci.911chaxun.com

7. 在这部书里,朱熹使用了声训作为训释词语的方式之一。
    In this book, sound explanation was one of the manners that had been used to explain words.

8. 声训是儒家正名的重要手段,到荀子这里得到了最充分体现。
    Phonetic exegetics is the important means for the Confucianists to rectify the names.

9. 《释名》声训方式研究
    A Study of the Manner of Acoustic Exegesis in Shi Ming

10. 虽然缺乏理论上的论证,但是先秦学者运用声训的技巧已经十分熟练。
    Despite the lack of a theoretical argument, but the pre-Qin scholars to the use of sound training techniques that had been very skilled.

11. danci.911chaxun.com

11. 声训产生与初步发展于周、秦时代,大盛于两汉、魏晋,唐代以后渐微而趋于消失。
      This technique for the study of Chinese characters in ancient books was extensively used in the Han, Wei and Jin dynasties and was disappearing after the Tang Dynasty.

12. 《说文解字》声训的特点及其在音转研究史上的价值
      The characteristic of sound-based word interpretation in " explanation of words " and the value of vocal switch in the research history

13. 运用《说文》声训的系统材料讨论上古音的问题,实际上是从音义结合的角度对上古音进行研究。
      It is a study of this issue in the light of the combination of sound and meaning.

14. 这对《说文》释文体例和早期声训的深入研究都是颇有价值的。
      It has great value in the research of shuo wen'interpreting style and the original sheng xun.

15. 尔雅》就把声训作为一种训诂手段来运用。
      In Erya, shengxun was used as a means of xungu.

16. 正文内容主要分五部分:一、归纳概括出了《白虎通义》声训的条例,包括释义方式和表达方式两个方面。
      The main body of the thesis is made up of five sections: Firstly, the thesis l...

17. 声训是《说文》的一种重要释义方法。
      Sheng xun is an important interpreting method of shuo wen.

18. 周、秦、两汉'小学'中的名物问题、声训问题、语转。。。
      Zhou, Qin, Han'primary'in the problem of the name, voice training issues, language switch...

19. 《尔雅》前3篇是对普通词语的解释,其中的同源词占有相当大的比重,这决不是偶然的。这表明,在解释词语时,先秦学者已经自觉或不自觉地运用声训
      The first three chapters of " ER YA " are of explained ordinary words, and the cognates occupy a large proportion in them, not accidental, which suggests that in interpreting the words, the pre-Qin scholars had consciously or unconsciously use of sound training.

20. 《说文解字》声训的特点及其在音转研究史上的价值
      The characteristic of sound-based word interpretation in " explanation of words " and the value of vocal switch in the research history

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