
大帅是什么意思 大帅在线翻译 大帅什么意思 大帅的意思 大帅的翻译 大帅的解释 大帅的发音 大帅的同义词 大帅的反义词 大帅的例句


大帅 基本解释

大帅[dà shuài ]

词典commander in chief总司令;主帅;大帅;帅。


大帅 汉英大词典

大帅[dà shuài]

(统军的主将) commander in chief

大帅 网络解释

1. dashuai.org:yexiao.org 夜校 | dashuai.org 大帅 | shumiao.org 树苗

大帅 双语例句

1. 如果不了解一九一一年至一九二六年间崛起的一些风云人物的情况,就不可能了解中国的军队。那些人都是失去生计的识字不多的青年农民,本来是无名小卒,突然几乎一夜之间就成了大帅、将军和军阀。他们统治的地区,其面积之大和人口之稠密,不下于当今的许多欧洲国家。
    NOBODY can understand the Chinese army without understanding something about that fascinating group of half-educated, dispossessed farm boys who suddenly rose from obscurity between 1911 and 1926 and almost overnight became field marshals, generalissimos and warlords, with dominion over regions as large and populous as many modern European states.

2. 05年我们拍完《马大帅3》后就开始筹备春晚节目,当时因为我身体不好就和本山大哥说不想上春晚了,本山大哥也答应了,所以之后3年都没有上春晚。
    We finished the 2005 MaDaShuai 3 after the start, when its programs for poor health and because I don't want to go to the eldest brother said europeanize cctv1, eldest brother also promised more, so after 3 years to have established in 2009, the eternal song dan-dan famous.

3. danci.911cha.com

3. 大牛:韩佳,好不容易找着一点当大帅的感觉。
    Han Jia, it`s not easy for me to have just found

4. 韩佳:好,就让你过过当大帅的瘾。
    Alright, I`ll let you satisfy your fantasies

5. 那聚集到你这里的各队都当准备;你自己也要准备,作他们的大帅
    Get ready; be prepared, you and all the hordes gathered about you, and take command of them.

6. 牛大帅,这就是你的千军万马吧?
    Commander Daniel, is this your army?

7. 总督为封疆大吏,常被称为治台、大帅、部堂、部院。
    The governor for regional premiers, often called Taiwan, guard, hall, department.

8. 总督为封疆大吏,常被称为治台、大帅、部堂、部院。
    Viceroy is the most important official governing the local region in Qing Dynasty.

9. 大帅的是乌菱圆角胡子,他只想有规模较小的红菱尖角胡子。
    While the marshal's was a round-horned black caltrop mustache, he desired no more than a small sharp-horned red caltrop mustache

10. 他在本省督军署当秘书,那位大帅留的菱角胡子,就像仁丹广告上移植过来的,好不威武。
    When he was a secretary at the office of the provincial military governor, the marshal's caltrop mustache was so impressive that it looked like it had been transplanted from a Jen-tan medicine advertisement

11. 他在本省督军署当秘书,那位大帅留的菱角胡子,就像仁丹广告上移植过来的,好不威武。
      When he was a secretary at the office of the provincial military governor, the marshal's caltrop mustache was so impressive that it looked like it had been transplanted from a Jen-tan medicine advertisement.

12. 她刚取得第二个国际象棋大帅等级分。
      She has just achieved her second grandmaster norm.

13. 大帅

13. 真希望马大帅还是穿着裤子跑!
      We'd prefer he kept his pants on.

14. 大帅的反义词

14. 随着《马大帅》、《刘老根》、《乡村爱情》等作品的热播,使电视剧东北风越刮越强劲,席卷了大江南北。
      With the broadcasting of " Mada Shuai ", " Liu Laogen ", " Country Love " and other works, the TV series " northeast " increased than strong, swept through the major north-south.

15. 随着《马大帅》、《刘老根》、《乡村爱情》等作品的热播,使电视剧东北风越刮越强劲,席卷了大江南北。
      With the broadcasting of " Mada Shuai "," Liu Laogen "," Country Love " and other works, the TV series " northeast " increased than strong, swept through the major north-south.

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