
大惑是什么意思 大惑在线翻译 大惑什么意思 大惑的意思 大惑的翻译 大惑的解释 大惑的发音 大惑的同义词 大惑的反义词 大惑的例句


大惑 基本解释



大惑 双语例句

1. 而且他们居然还对中学里的以大欺小问题大惑不解。
    And then they wonder why bullying is such a big proble in middle school.

2. 大惑的近义词

2. 现实的某些方面,比如,我们难以理解物理的统一理论或认知理论,也许只是因为它们超出了人类大脑的理解能力,正如量子力学必定会令黑猩猩大惑不解一样。
    Some aspects of reality - a unified theory of physics, or a theory of consciousness - might elude our understanding simply because they're beyond the powers of human brains, just as surely as quantum mechanics would flummox a chimpanzee.

3. 我大惑不解,说不明白他是怎样做到的。
    I`m mystified; I just cannot see how he did it.

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4. 我大惑不解,就是不明白他是怎麽做到的。
    I'm mystified; I just can't see how he did it.

5. 我大惑不解的人说,他们从不与梦想似乎没有兴趣。
    I am mystified by people who say they never dream and appear to have no interest in the subject.

6. 大惑的翻译

6. IBM的报价已经对Sun估值过高了,几位分析师也对据说IBM正在讨论的将近100%的溢价感到大惑不解。
    The IBM offer is flattering to Sun, and several analysts were scratching their heads over the initial premium of nearly 100% IBM was said to have been discussing.

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7. IBM的报价已经对Sun估值过高了,几位分析师也对据说IBM正在讨论的将近100%的溢价感到大惑不解。
    The IBM offer is flattering to Sun, and several analyst s were scratching their heads over the initial premium of nearly 100% IBM was said to have been discussing.

8. 成语先前态度傲慢;后来恭敬有礼。形容前后态度截然不同。例句这个售货员刚才对我大声喝斥;现在却热情有礼;~;令我大惑不解;仔细一看;原来是检查工作的领导来了。
    Change from arrogance to humility; be first supercilious and then deferential; haughty before and polite afterward -- change of attitude; change from arrogance to respect; One's haughtiness has given place to humility.; treat with rudeness at first but afterwards with respect

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9. 我对这件事大惑不解。
    I am in a puzzle about the matter.

10. 他对这件事大惑不解。
    He is in a puzzle about the matter.

11. 不,使我大惑不解的是那些余数,他算帐一直要算清最后一个生叮若要把帐全部付清,我必须得找开一个苏才行。
      No, it was the odd numbers which intrigued me. He used to figure it out to the last centime. If I was to pay in full I would have had to break a sou.

12. 我听到。。。感到大惑不解。
      I was confounded to hear that...

13. 大惑的反义词

13. 儿子当时大惑不解,不过还是
      Son at that time be extremely puzzled, do not pass or

14. 我真是一头雾水,大惑不解,经一番请教,总算恍然大悟。
      I am water of a mist really, be extremely puzzled, consult via, at long last suddenly be enlightened.

15. 老美大惑不解地搔搔头,说:他们又没伤害我,我怎么能平白无故打死人呢?
      Ground of old beautiful be extremely puzzled is scratched scratch a head, say: They did not harm me again, I how can does without reason of for no reason hit a the dead?

16. 大惑

16. 山羊抬头看着,心中大惑,便低头对小羊羔说
      The sheep looked up and was much astonished.

17. 大惑

17. 大惑者,终身不解;大愚者,终身不灵。
      They are stupid for their whole life.

18. 那个英国人感到大惑不解,这时,那个苏格兰人才接着说,那座城市名叫班诺本,在那里,英国人已居住了几个世纪之久,他们一直是苏格兰最热爱和平的、最守法的公民。
      The Englishmanis incredulous until the Scotchman tells him thatthe name of the town is Bannockburn, that thesame Englishmen have been inhabiting it for sever-al centuries and that they are among the mostpeaceful and law-abiding citizens of Scotland.

19. 我大惑不解的是你是如何知道的这个秘密。
      What puzzled me is how you know the secret.

20. 谁会告诉你,使我大惑不解。
      Who can have told you puzzles me.

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