
大襟是什么意思 大襟在线翻译 大襟什么意思 大襟的意思 大襟的翻译 大襟的解释 大襟的发音 大襟的同义词 大襟的反义词 大襟的例句


大襟 基本解释

大襟[dà jīn]

词典the front of a Chinese garment which buttons on the right大襟。

大襟 汉英大词典

大襟[dà jīn]

the front of a Chinese garment which buttons on the right

大襟 双语例句

1. 他解开了大襟上的钮扣,又抓着衣角搧了几下,站起来回家去。
    He unfastened the jacket and swung its opened edges back and forth a few times to fan himself.

2. 旗袍的胸襟设计是单纯而流畅的杰作,简洁的前胸大襟上全无装饰,一带而过。
    The design of the front of chipau is simple and flowing without any decoration.

3. 妇女常穿镶边或绣花的大襟上衣和多褶长裙,裙边镶各种颜色的布。
    Women often wear an edged or embroidered jacket with buttons on the right side of the front and a pleated long skirt edged with cotton of various colors.

4. 朴实耐穿的蓝衫是昔日客家妇女的主流服饰,宽袖、大襟、宽裤管的形式是为了便利田间劳动,虽不甚时髦,但是在燠热的南台湾却显得质朴而清爽。
    In the past, the simple but long-wearing Hakka blue shirts were widely worn by Hakka women. Broad sleeves, collar and trousers were designed for easier movements when working in the fields, and they appeared to be simple and refreshing in the hot Southern Taiwan.

5. 据说,穿这种鞋走起路来可风摆杨柳般的婀娜多姿,梳着左右插满绒花镶嵌着珠宝的两把头,右大襟的袍子一摆,手中轻抖香帕,胸脯一挺,小腰自然就直了,甭说是亲眼看见,就是想象着也是一种非常的美。
    Allegedly, wear this kind of shoe to walk along a Lulaike wind places willow like coquettish, combing the left and right sides inserts full velvet flowers to enchasing the two gangmasters of gem, the robe of right the front of a Chinese garment which buttons on the right is placed, in the hand shake sweet handkerchief gently, chest is held out, small waist nature is straight, saying is to kiss to see soon, imagining namely also is a kind of great beauty.

6. 男子喜穿对襟短衣、长裤、包头巾,妇女穿右衽大襟衣,着长裤或褶子裙,戴银质手镯、耳环、项圈等首饰。
    Men's Hi wearing Duijin jacket, pants, wearing a turban, women wearing the right ren dajin clothing, with trousers or a skirt creases, wear silver bracelets, earrings, necklace and other jewelry.

7. 上面穿一件白色或绯色内衣,外面是紧身短上衣,园领窄袖,有大襟,也有对襟,有水红、淡黄、浅绿、雪白、天蓝等多种色彩。
    Above or Feise wearing a white underwear, is outside the tight jacket, collar Zhaixiu Park, Tai Jin, also Duijin, polygoni orientalis, light yellow, light green, white, sky blue and other colors.

8. 服饰主要由包头巾、眉勒、大襟拼接衫、肚兜、百褶襡裙、襡腰头、穿腰、大裆拼接裤、卷膀、绣花鞋组成。
    Clothing mainly by the package kerchiefs, eyebrow Michael, cloth splicing unlined upper garment, abdomen wraps up, 100 plait skirt, the waist head, wear waist, Big dang splicing pants, roll bang, embroidered shoes composition.

9. 如能这样做,才真正体现出有关国度首先是中国和美国,其次是朝鲜和韩国元首们的大智慧、大襟怀。
    If you can do this, truly reflects the relevant countries is first in China and the United States, followed by north Korea and South Korea leaders of great wisdom, big bosom.

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