
夹袋是什么意思 夹袋在线翻译 夹袋什么意思 夹袋的意思 夹袋的翻译 夹袋的解释 夹袋的发音 夹袋的同义词 夹袋的反义词 夹袋的例句


夹袋 基本解释


夹袋[jiā dài]


夹袋 双语例句

1. 存贮在托盘仓库中的空托盘自动输送到装袋位置。人工把空包装袋套入装袋机下料口后,夹袋器夹住袋口,做好接受来料的准备。给料箱将物料送入空包装袋中,并利用垛盘电子称称重(标准重量1000公斤)。称重完毕,夹带器及垛盘电子称上的挂袋装置将料袋释放到托盘上。
    Empty pallet stored in pallet magazine is automatically conveyed underneath the filling spout; After the bag is hung and bag mouth fastened around the filling spout manually, the bag is prepared for incoming material; Materials in the feed hopper are discharged into empty bags, then weighed by loaded pallet, weigher (standard weight 1000kg After weighing is completed, the bag is automatically released from bag clamper and hanging apparatus in loaded pallet scale to pallet conveyors.

2. 该系列自动定量包装秤主要构成部件有:进料机构、称重机构、气动执行机构、夹袋机构、除尘机构、电控部分等组成的一体化自动包装系统。
    The series automatic quantitative packing scale there is the main component parts: the feed body weight bodies, executive bodies pneumatic, folder BAG institutions, dust institutions, such as electric control part of an integrated automatic packaging systems.

3. 夹袋的意思

3. 形似虾的甲壳动物,其母虾把卵和幼子放在两腿间的夹袋里。
    Shrimp-like crustaceans whose females carry eggs and young in a pouch between the legs.

4. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

4. XD 系列定量包装机由给料机构、计量机构、夹袋机构、料斗装置、气动装置、传动机构、电气控制系统以及机架箱体等部分组成。
    The XD quantitative packaging machine is composed of a feeding mechanism, a measuring mechanism, a clamping device, a pneumatic device, a transmission mechanism, an electric control system and a frame case etc.

5. 夹袋

5. 如判断套袋、夹袋完成,则放料嘴张开,随即中间仓底门打开把已称量好待包物料装入袋子。
    If the bagging and the bag-clamping are judged to be complete, the leaking mouth is opened and the bottom door of the midbin opens to put the well-weighted materials to be packed into bags.

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6. 同时袋夹夹爪位置触头判断套袋和夹袋状态,如判断认为袋子没套好袋夹立即放开,除袋吹气嘴把未套好袋子吹掉等待重新套袋。
    Meanwhile the location contact of the clamping jaw for the bag nip judges the state of setting bag and the clamping bag, such as if it is judged that the bag isn`t well set, the pocket nip will immediately unlock it. The bag-removing air blowing mouth blows off the unset mouth, waiting for the bags to be reset.

7. 夹袋挂袋装置接高度可调节结构设计,可满足多量程称重需要;
    Structure design can be adjusted as per the height of bag clamping and hanging device, to meet requirement for weighing of multiple scale.

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8. 形似虾的甲壳动物,其母虾把卵和幼子放在两腿间的夹袋里。但她丝毫不知道汉梭口袋里并没有装鹅卵石,可以丢在地上做记号指出回去的路。
    Shrimp-like crustaceans whose females carry eggs and young in a pouch between the legs. But little did she know Hansel did not have pockets full of pebbles to drop to mark their way back.

9. 灌装称重为杠杆式自动计量皮重式,具有自动夹袋,自动脱袋功能,安装操作极其简便。
    Filling weighing means an automatic lever-type tare-measuring mode, with function of auto sack-clamping, auto sack-releasing, extremely simple and easy both for installation and operation.

10. 夹袋的反义词

10. 全自动包装计量装置是替代传统量具,以单片机为核心的智能控制器同新型包装机械相结合构成,可自动完成称重、夹袋、卸包和包装的机电一体化的全自动包装计量设备。
    Full automatic metric equipment can replace the traditional metric tool, Based on the combination of MCU kernel intelligent controller and new type packaging mechanism. The packaging metric equipment can accomplish weighing, bag nipping, unloading and packaging automatically.

11. 该系统通过智能控制系统,自动完成夹袋、加料、称重、放袋等工序。
      Ltd, which can automatically perform such process steps as bag-holding、material-feeding、weighing and bag-plac - ementetc、under the control of intelligent control system.

12. 该系统通过智能控制系统,自动完成夹袋、加料、称重、放袋等工序。
      Ltd, which can automatically perform such process steps as bag-holding 、 material-feeding 、 weighing and bag-plac - ementetc 、 under the control of intelligent control system.

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