
奉还是什么意思 奉还在线翻译 奉还什么意思 奉还的意思 奉还的翻译 奉还的解释 奉还的发音 奉还的同义词 奉还的反义词 奉还的例句


奉还 基本解释

奉还[fèng huán]

词典return sth. with thanks奉还。

奉还 汉英大词典

奉还[fèng huán]

[敬] return sth. with thanks

奉还 网络解释

1. Remand:4 Repeal 撤回 | 4 Remand 奉还 | 4 Perilous Research 冒险探寻

2. x Remand:4 x Dragonstorm 龙群蔽空 | 4 x Remand 奉还 | 4 x Lotus Bloom 盛开莲花

3. redoni:奉告: informi | 奉还: redoni | 佛: budho;budao

奉还 双语例句

1. 要是姑娘有心,便将原物奉还,倘若加上火炭送还就意味着拒绝。这种以物代言的遗风,今天在一些偏远的山区,仍然保存。
    If the girl have feeling to the boy, she will give the same thing back, it means disallowance if the thing is returned with char, This kind of relic It is still saved in some out of the way area

2. 寻求一个银奉还保证-许多宿主是目前提供免费试用期,或退款保证。
    Look for a money-back guarantee - Many hosts are currently offering a free trial period or a money-back guarantee.

3. 奉还是什么意思

3. 我给你100%奉还
    I'll give you 100% of your money back.

4. 奉还

4. 我保证100%奉还
    I guarantee 100% of your money back.

5. 奉还

5. 如果你不接受我的一切承诺,只要求奉还
    If you don't receive everything I promised, just ask for your money back.

6. 她的工作是绝对保证的,否则奉还
    Her work is absolutely guaranteed, or your money back!

7. 你预期温和回报,你的投资,或至少令奉还
    You expect a modest return on your investment, or at least to make your money back.

8. 我会好好保管后安然奉还的。
    I'll keep it safe and give it back you later.

9. 奉还

9. 为维护团体最高利益,任何旅客若有妨碍团体正常活动及利益情况,本公司导游有权取消其继续参加之资格,旅费恕不奉还,一切行为自行负责
    For the interests of all participants in the tour group, the tour leader assigned by Worldnet Holiday reserves the right to terminate the continuation of anyone

10. 奉还

10. 你们已经教会我残虐的手段我必要双倍奉还
    The villainy you teach me I will execute.

11. 奉还的意思

11. 要是姑娘有心,便将原物奉还,倘若加上火炭送还就意味着拒绝。这种以物代言的遗风,今天在一些偏远山区,仍然保存。
      If the girl accepts, she will return the gift to the young man, if she refuses him, she will also return his gift, togather with a coal. this kind of custom which convey meaasages by things still remains in some remote moutian areas.

12. 奉还什么意思

12. 如果因任何理由交易漏网,你可以想象难以拉拢奉还这种情况。
      If for any reason the deal falls through, you can imagine how difficult it would be trying to get your money back in such a situation.

13. 现在我们荣幸地在大厦里奉还国旗。国会大厅象徵著人类最崇高的目标:为自己的同胞服务。
      It is our privilege to return them now in these halls which exemplify man's highest purpose─to serve one's fellow man.

14. 这两个藩的大名在*主动奉还版籍于天皇,也就是还给国家。
      In March 1869 their daimyo offered their land to the emperor, that is, to the nation.

15. 目前上证综指比2007年的峰值水平下跌了一半。那一年中国股市涨了一倍,可随后一年就把涨幅尽数奉还,还倒贴了一些。
      The Shanghai Composite is down by half from its peak in2007, a year when equities doubled – before giving back all their gains, and then some, in2008.

16. 奉还

16. 如果贵公司不准备将我订购的产品寄给我,希望奉还我的支票为荷。
      If you are not prepared to ship the ordered merchandise, immediately return my check.

17. 奉还

17. 国家文化研究所表彰了那些自愿奉还文物的公民。
      The National Institute of Culture praised the citizens who voluntarily returned the pieces.

18. 只要他有一天获得世界声誉,他保证一切加利奉还
      He had sworn a promise to return everything with interest once he had won fame abroad.

19. 在本商场购物,如不满意,原款奉还
      Money will be paid back if goods bought in our shopping centre fail to satisfy the customers.

20. 其他的文物,包括各种各样的针织品,长笛,一件陶器和3个前印加时代的玩具,石油德国的公民奉还的。
      The remaining artifacts, including a variety of different textiles, flutes, a ceramic piece and three pre-Inca dolls, were returned by private citizens in Germany.

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