
如鲠在喉是什么意思 如鲠在喉在线翻译 如鲠在喉什么意思 如鲠在喉的意思 如鲠在喉的翻译 如鲠在喉的解释 如鲠在喉的发音


如鲠在喉 基本解释

如鲠在喉[rú gěng zài hóu]

词典like a fishbone getting stuck in the throat -- necessary to give vent to one's pent-up feelings

如鲠在喉 汉英大词典

如鲠在喉[rú gěng zài hóu]

like a fishbone getting stuck in the throat -- necessary to give vent to one's pent-up feelings

如鲠在喉 网络解释

1. With my heart in my throat:22. 讨价还价:haggling | 23. 如鲠在喉:With my heart in my throat | 24. 蹙眉而露出不悦之色,表示不赞成:frown upon:

2. It's a pain at my side/in the neck:17.Let me be./Give me some space!/Don't get in my way today. 别惹我 | 18.It's a pain at my side/in the neck. 如鲠在喉 | 19.The traffic isn't moving./The traffic is backed up. 堵车了

3. to stick in one's throat:如坐针毡 to sit on pins and needles; to be on a bed of thorns; like a cat on hot bricks | 如鲠在喉 to stick in one's throat | 铁石心肠 a stony heart

如鲠在喉 双语例句

1. 感伤掠过心头,如鲠在喉,我禁不住泪流满面。这绽放的菊花让我回忆起我的母亲。
    I felt a lump in my throat as the sorrows went through my mind; my tears gathered and flowed down my face.

2. 如鲠在喉的解释

2. 你可曾体会如鲠在喉和唾面自干的滋味?
    Do you know what it feels like to be spit on your faceand have trash shoved down your throat?

3. 如鲠在喉的翻译

3. 你可曾体会如鲠在喉和唾面自干的滋味?
    And have trash shoved down your throat? Do you know what

4. 你可曾体会如鲠在喉和唾面自干的滋味?
    Do you know what it feels like to be spit on your face and havetrash shoved down your throat?

5. 你可曾体会如鲠在喉和唾面自干的滋味?
    Do you know what it feels like to be spit on your face and have trash shoved down your throat?

6. 911查询·英语单词

6. 他拿出他妻子的加了边框的照片,如鲠在喉地说他们结婚24年,在一起生活24年,而现在他失去了她。
    He took out her photo, all framed and tinted soft, and with a lump in his throat, told of twenty-four years together, in marriage, he`d lost.

7. 如鲠在喉的翻译

7. 这虽然不影响使用但总是感觉如鲠在喉
    Although this does not affect the use of but always feel as stuck in the throat.

8. 如鲠在喉的解释

8. 虽然这并不怎么影响使用,但总是感觉如鲠在喉
    Although this is not how the impact of the use of, but always feel as stuck in the throat.

9. 每当我阅读这篇演讲词的时候,总感觉心情激动,如鲠在喉
    As often as I've read this speech, getting a lump in my throat every time.

10. 如鲠在喉什么意思

10. 法庭上的种族歧视和不公令卡梅隆如鲠在喉
    Court on the racial discrimination and injustice such as the Cameron stuck in throat.

11. 他也承认,提及美利坚对黑人的剥削,他便如鲠在喉,心结“从未解开”。
      The exploitation of blacks was something he admitted he had " never got over ".

12. 真是奇迹!每当我阅读这篇演讲词的时候,总感觉心情激动,如鲠在喉
      That's something. As often as I've read this speech, getting a lump in my throat every time.

13. 我的心都碎了,南多,就像其他的夜晚一样,他们说这种感觉真是如鲠在喉&这种感觉就像杰拉德将球猛击向我的肠胃一样难受。
      My heart broke Nando as did so many others tonight * They say something feels like a kick in the stomach – this felt like Stevie G had smashed the ball straight at me gut.

14. “去年最糟糕的时刻我到现在也是如鲠在喉:欧冠决赛输给巴塞罗那,”他说。
      " The one thing that sticks with me most about last year was the worst moment: the Champions League final defeat against Barcelona, " he said.

15. 如鲠在喉

15. 他也承认,提及美利坚对黑人的剥削,他便如鲠在喉,心结“从未解开”。
      The exploitation of blacks was something he admitted he had " never got over ".

16. 如鲠在喉是什么意思

16. “去年最糟糕的时刻我到现在也是如鲠在喉:欧冠决赛输给巴塞罗那,”他说。
      " The one thing that sticks with me most about last year was the worst moment: the Champions League final defeat against Barcelona," he said.

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