
姑子是什么意思 姑子在线翻译 姑子什么意思 姑子的意思 姑子的翻译 姑子的解释 姑子的发音 姑子的同义词 姑子的反义词 姑子的例句


姑子 基本解释

姑子[gū zi]

词典Buddhist nun尼姑;比丘尼;姑子。

姑子 汉英大词典

姑子[gū zi]

Buddhist nun

姑子 网络解释

1. sister in law:sissy 胆小无用的男子 | sister-in-law 姑子 | sister-in-law 弟媳

2. sis:bourgeois 中产阶级的人,商人,店主 | sis 姐妹,姑子,嫂子,弟媳 | nemesis复仇者,难以对付的敌手

姑子 双语例句

1. 姑子

1. 但陈灵宝遭到了婆婆的冷脸和小姑子的数落,为了家庭的和睦只有忍耐。
    But Chen Lingbao suffers the coldness of mother-in-law and the rebuke of sister-of-law, she endures all for the sake of a harmony family.

2. 你能成为我的小姑子我是多么高兴啊
    Did I tell you how happy I am you're gonna be my sister-in-law?

3. 姑子是什么意思

3. 茉莉,这是我的小姑子,叫莉莉。
    Molly, this is my sister-in-law, Lily.

4. 你要明白,我老早就认识他,我也喜欢你的小姑子玛申卡。
    I have known him a long while, do you see; and Masha, your sister-in-law, I love.

5. 小姑子还以为是自己嫂子让人给她送饭来的,就吃了。
    Uncles son thought that his wife to her meal delivery to people, and ate.

6. 姑子

6. 曾有一对姑嫂相伴前往普陀山朝礼观世音菩萨,刚坐船到山脚下,小姑突然来了天癸,嫂子认为来月经是不洁之事,不宜上山朝礼,于是命小姑待在山下的船中,小姑子也羞愧难当,不敢随嫂上山,于是就独自待在船中等嫂归来。
    There have been accompanied by a pair of aunts went to Putuo Mountain Chaoli Guanyin Bodhisattva, just by boat to the foot of the mountain, uncles suddenly came Tiangui, wife to menstruation is considered unclean thing, not up the hill toward propriety, then ordered to stay in the foot of the sister - boat, uncles son also ashamed, they dare not with the daughter-the mountains, so he stayed alone in the middle Sao return shipping.

7. 正在此时,看见一位老奶奶提着一个饭篮子来到岸边,屡投石块于水中,踩着石块一步一步走来,海水打湿了老奶奶衣裾的下摆,但老奶奶靠近了小姑子的船,将饭篮交给小姑子让她吃饭,便转身离去。
    At this juncture, he saw an old lady carrying a basket of rice came to the shore, and fail to cast stones in the water, stepping on rocks step by step, walking, water wet the old lady clothes garment's hem, but the old lady near the son of the sister-ship, the rice basket to the sister-son let her eat, then walked away.

8. 当时站起来就要走,老公和大姑子拉着不让我走,直到现在我都不怎么搭理婆婆。
    At that time, we must stand up go, and her husband will not let me go姑子pulled, now I do not how搭理mother-in-law.

9. 姑子是什么意思

9. 先是嫌人多添乱,摔摔打打,说三道四,后来就指桑骂槐,跟妯娌和大姑子、小姑子吵了起来,干脆不让人家来护理了,也不让送饭。
    Firstly, they complained there are too many people and it gets complicated with squabbling and pushing around. Secondly, the daughters in law begin to quarrel among themselves and then they decide not to let anyone to come look after again.

10. 姑子

10. 前阵子也好多人来提亲,我也做不得主,她已有对象了,她自己说了,这人一年不来,她等一年,十年不来,等十年,若这人死了还不来,她清远剃了头当姑子去。
    I can`t decide when so many people came and she did have her love. she even said that she would wait on and on until he is dead.

11. 其时,神使伊里丝来到白臂膀的海伦面前,以她姑子的形象出现,安忒诺耳之子。强有力的赫利卡昂的妻侣,名劳迪凯,普里阿摩斯的女儿中最漂亮的一位。
      Meanwhile Iris went to Helen in the form of her sister-in-law, wife of the son of Antenor, for Helicaon, son of Antenor, had married Laodice, the fairest of Priam's daughters.

12. 久之,嫂子朝礼归来,突然想起小姑子已多时没吃饭了,小姑子说:你不是已经让人给我送过饭了吗?
      Hisayuki, wife returned toward ceremony, suddenly remembered uncles son has not eaten for a long time, and sister-son said: You do not have people bring me over rice it?

13. 姑子的翻译

13. 伯祖母;叔祖母;舅婆;姑婆;姨婆某人祖父母的姐妹
      Sister-in-law; my husband's sister姑子 A sister of one's grandparent.

14. 嘉丁纳太太的回答对大姑子表示出适当的同情,那天晚些时候,她找到一个机会与伊丽莎白单独详细地谈了这件事。
      Mrs Gardiner made a suitably sympathetic reply to her sister - in - law, and later that day found the opportunity to dis - cuss the matter in more detail with Elizabeth, alone.

15. 没想到潮水升起,船离陆岸,小姑子无法上岸,没饭吃没水喝是又饥又渴。
      Did not expect the rising tide, the ship away from land and shore, uncles son could not go ashore, no food and no water to drink is another hungry and thirsty.

16. 在准备向小姑子扯这个弥天大谎的时候我紧张得心直跳。
      My heart bangs in my chest as I prepare to tell my sister-in-law a whopper.

17. 我的小姑子呀,你看这小脸花的。
      My younger sister. Look at your dirty face.

18. 此外周边还拥有尚未开发的乾隆皇帝曾住的住所及山间残局、仙人洞、桃花寨、姑子安等诸多旅游景点。
      Moreover, there are other scenic spots still undeveloped such as Mountainous Final Chess Phase, Fairies Cavern, Peach Flower Village, Guzi An, etc.

19. 她真是第一等的小姑子,厨艺一流,机智友好。
      She's a first-rate sister-in-law, a great cook, witty and also kind.

20. 小姑子曾说过加拿大的护目镜在同一专区;
      My sister-in-law tipped me off about Canadian swim goggles on the same aisle;

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