
婚假是什么意思 婚假在线翻译 婚假什么意思 婚假的意思 婚假的翻译 婚假的解释 婚假的发音 婚假的同义词 婚假的反义词 婚假的例句


婚假 基本解释


词典marital leave婚假。


婚假 网络解释

1. Marriage Leave:Markov Analysis 马尔可夫分析过程 | Marriage Leave 婚假 | Massed Practice 集中练习 集中学习

2. Marital Leave:因病住院 Hospitalization | 婚假 Marital Leave | 娩假 Maternity Leave

婚假 双语例句

1. 通常,这些程序还可以根据公司的政策设置并计算由于年假、事假、病假、婚假、丧假等带薪假期以及迟到、早退、旷工等形成的对薪资和福利的扣减,能够设定企业的成本中心并按成本中心将薪资和总账连接起来,直接生成总账凭证,还能存储完整的历史信息供查询和生成报表;这类系统也可处理部分简单的人事信息。
    It also can enact the salary and welfare policy, and according to the options (such as year holiday, private affair leave, be late, absent from work and so on). Through the cost center it can auto combine with the salary and welfare with total account, then output the account warranty and report form and save the whole log information which could be inquired anytime.

2. 所有员工享有国家规定的法定假11天,并同时享有年假、工伤假、病假、婚假、产假、陪产假等有薪假。
    All employees enjoy statutory leave for 11 days, as well as the annual leave, injury leave, sick leave, marriage leave, maternity leave, paternity leave and other paid leaves.

3. 用人单位公司:可否免费提供食宿,职员享有住房津贴,享有国家劳动法规定的节假日及工伤假、婚假、丧假、产假、带薪年假(满1年可享5天带薪年假)等
    Employers companies: Would provide free board and lodging and staff enjoy a housing allowance.

4. 第9条(因请假扣发全勤奖金之禁止)雇主不得因劳工请婚假、丧假、公伤病假及公假,扣发全勤奖金。
    Article 9 An employer shall not deduct full-attendance bonus payment from the worker who has either taken wedding, funeral, occupational sick leave, or public leave.

5. 请婚假的邮件,请各位帮忙看看有没有有什么问题
    I am glad to inform you that I planned to be married at a registry in this year.

6. 符合国家规定的晚婚要求,在原规定的婚假(3天)的基础上,再加12天。
    In line with the requirements stipulated by the state later in the original provisions of the marriage (3 days) basis, plus 12 days.

7. 如,你五一开始享受婚假,也只能到15号。
    For example, you begin to enjoy the 51 marriage, they can only account on the 15th.

8. d 。婚假:员工结婚凭结婚证给婚假3天。
    D. Marriage: marriage staff with a marriage certificate marriage to 3 days.

9. 婚假的反义词

9. 婚假仅适用于员工首次结婚。
    Marriage leave is applied for the first marriage only.

10. 在过去,人们是十分重视婚嫁制度的,将婚姻与丧礼置于同样的高度,然而现在社会状态下人们对于婚假的态度已经发生了很大的改变,在西方文化外来的同时,本土文化在人们心中到底还存有多少?
    In the past, people attaches great importance to the system of marriage, marriage and funeral will be at the same height, but now the community under the Hunjia people's attitude has undergone a great change in Western culture alien at the same time, people in the local culture How many hearts in the end still has?

11. danci.911chaxun.com

11. 提供国家法律规定的所有法定假期,有薪年假、婚假、产假、陪产假等
      More than 5years of experienced in Production floor such as New project Development

12. 婚假的反义词

12. 员工可获得为期五天的全薪婚假,只要你已在本公司工作一年并在结婚后继续在本公司工作。
      Employee may be granted a marriage leave for5 working days with full pay provided that you have completed one full year of services and continue working with the company after marriage.

13. 婚假和晚婚假应在结婚(后)的一年内使用完毕,否则视作放弃。
      Marrying leave and late marriage leave should be used in the year after marriage, or it will be regards as abandonment.

14. 乙方在合同期内享有按国家及上海市规定的法定公众假日、婚假、丧假、产假等有薪假期。
      During the contract term, Party B shall be entitled to such statutory holidays as wedding leave, funeral leave, family-planning leave etc. with salary as specified by the State.

15. danci.911cha.com

15. 婚假:员工结婚凭结婚证给婚假3天。
      D. Marriage: marriage staff with a marriage certificate marriage to3 days.

16. 埃迪坎特劳:我和那个梦中情人结婚,然后有三个星期的婚假,我们来了一场公路旅行抵达墨西哥&麦克,如果这都是梦,千万不要叫醒我。
      Eddie cantrow: I'm married to the girl of my dreams, I've got the next three weeks off, I'm roadtripping down to cabo-if I'm dreaming, mac, do not wake me up.

17. 婚假:员工结婚凭结婚证给婚假3天。
      D.Marriage: marriage staff with a marriage certificate marriage to3 days.

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