
孤家寡人是什么意思 孤家寡人在线翻译 孤家寡人什么意思 孤家寡人的意思 孤家寡人的翻译 孤家寡人的解释 孤家寡人的发音


孤家寡人 基本解释

孤家寡人[gū jiā guǎ rén]


词典the regal isolationist孤家寡人。

词典a loner孤家寡人。

词典a man without followers孤家寡人。

词典a person in solitary splendor孤家寡人。

孤家寡人 汉英大词典

孤家寡人[gū jiā guǎ rén]

the regal isolationist; a loner; a man without followers; a person in solitary splendor; a person who is utterly isolated; a person who has no mass support; a person who leads a secluded life; be all alone by oneself without any real backing; living in spl

孤家寡人 网络解释

1. Isolating:What was it like?|什么感觉? | Isolating.|孤家寡人 | But at the same time,|you never have any privacy.|但同时又没有任何隐私可言

2. 孤家寡人的反义词

2. Loner:Light Sleeper 轻轨枕 (睡眠容易惊醒的意思?) | Loner 孤家寡人 | Lucky 幸运

孤家寡人 双语例句

1. 太不好了,让我一个孤家寡人在那里努力说着活跃气氛,我什么时候口才那么好了?
    It's hard to get by just upon a smile. Oh baby baby it's a wild world, I'll always remember you like a child, girl. Oh baby baby it's a wild world

2. 当他只剩下孤家寡人的时候,我就回到了他那儿,决心要照料他,以此来报答十年来他对我的恩情。
    And when he was alone in the world, I tried by absolute devotion to his will, to make up to him all he had done for me during ten years of unremitting kindness

3. 他怀疑是孤家寡人的困难所经历的人际关系。
    He was suspected to be a loner with difficulty experienced during relationships.

4. 在这一点上,我绝非孤家寡人
    I`m far from alone in this.

5. 我告诉你,如果你不改变自己的生活方式最后肯定是孤家寡人
    I'm telling you, you don't change your Iife, you're gonna end up Ionely.

6. 孤家寡人什么意思

6. 家庭上,我还孤家寡人,房子上,目前我没房子。
    Family, I also isolated, the house, the present house, I did not.

7. 如何任何人都可以函数内的一个组织,如果他们是孤家寡人
    How can anyone function inside an organization if they are a loner?

8. 他已经是孤家寡人了,我当时为此还拟了一个新闻标题:`孤独的圆桌骑士。
    He was a very forlorn and lonely figure.

9. 孤家寡人的意思

9. 提示:用过去一个你不怕成为孤家寡人并且帮助带来真正改变的时期来准备一个例子。
    Tip: Be ready with an example of a time when you weren't afraid to go out on a limb and your actions helped bring about real change.

10. 她觉得自己失去了布莱尔,失去了丹,又是孤家寡人了。
    Feeling like shes lost Blair, lost Dan, shes all by herself again, explains Savage.

11. 我发现自己是孤家寡人
      I found myself to be in a minority of one.

12. 1966年,他倍感了这种孤家寡人的难受,老年也不能让他放下阶级斗争的重担,清静地把世界还给世界。
      In1966, the pain of solitude grew deeper as he aged. Still, that never for one second make him let go off his " duty " in class war.

13. 守寡使她不得不过着孤独的晚年生活。总的说来,她们甚至较不可能守寡,较不能孤家寡人一个。
      Her widowhood condemns her to a lonely old age. They are even less likely to be widowed all in all, less likely to end up alone.

14. 孤家寡人

14. 灾后新建社区孤寡老人面临的问题及照顾机制你不明白你是孤家寡人
      Issues and Special Care for the Senior without Family in Newly-Built Community after 5.12 Earthquake Do you understand that you are alone?

15. 我不想很多年过去了,到头来我还是孤家寡人一个。
      I'm afraid of ending up alone a couple of years down the road.

16. 你不明白你是孤家寡人
      Do you understand that you are alone?

17. 布什决定要加倍努力,却发现如今自己几乎成了孤家寡人
      In deciding to redouble the war effort, Mr Bush now finds himself almost alone.

18. 它意味着成为孤家寡人,在公司里没有可以倾诉的对象。
      It means being lonely and having no one inside the company to moan to.

19. 孤家寡人

19. 我自己刚好也是单身,我相信有一些原因可以很好地解释为什么像我这样的单身人士依然孤家寡人
      I happen to be single myself and believe that there are some pretty good reasons to explain why single people like myself seem to stay single.

20. 她见过我介绍的两个人选&还嫁给了他们,现在(不知不觉)又再次成了孤家寡人
      She has met - and married - two candidates put forward by me, and is now (involuntarily) on her own again.

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