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宏博 基本解释




宏博 双语例句

1. 李:我也是!我特别喜欢申雪和赵宏博
    Lee: Me too! I like Shen Xue and Zhao Hongbo so much!

2. 丹尼尔:那你一定知道申雪和赵宏博了。
    Daniel: Then you must know Shen Xue and Zhao Hongbo.

3. 宏博

3. 但申雪和赵宏博去年改变了退役的想法。
    But last year, Ms. Shen and Mr. Zhao changed their mind about retirement.

4. 夜夜气势宏博的涛声,让我知道怎样是伟大,怎样看待伟大。
    Get up on his hind legs beacher every night, I know waht's the bigness, how to look on the bigness.

5. 申雪和越宏博试作的和一个四周抛跳完美无瑕。
    The first throw quad salchow Shen Xue and Zhao Hongbo attempted was flawless.

6. 张宏博 宋修广:山东大学土建与水利学院,山东济南 250061;黄茂松:同济大学土木工程学院地下建筑与工程系,上海 200092
    HUANG Mao-Song: Department of Geot. Engineering, School of Civil Engineering, Tongji University, Shanghai 200092, China

7. 2010年9月4日,中国首对奥运会花样滑冰冠军申雪、赵宏博在首都体育馆举行了一场冰上婚典。
    China ` s first Olympic champion figure skaters Shen Xue and Zhao Hongbo held an on-ice ceremony in the Capital Gymnasium on Sept 4, 2010.

8. 中盐宏博集团立足盐业,大胆发展多种经营,盘活了存量资产,提高了企业整体经济效益。
    CNSIC Hongbo (Group) Co., Ltd is based on the salt industry and dares to develop diversified businesses, which stimulates the deposit assets and improves the economic benefit of the company.

9. 宏博

9. 其它和申雪赵宏博一起表演的还有02冬奥会冠军来自俄罗斯的阿列克谢?亚古丁以及两届世锦赛金牌得主加拿大选手兰比尔。
    The men's2002 Olympic champion Alexei Yagudin of Russia and two-time World Champion Stephane Lambiel of Canada will also hit the ice with Zhao and Shen.

10. 我们很为小雪宏博两个人高兴,他们终于有机会能在冰上实现自己的梦想。
    We are very happy for them to have this opportunity to live the dream on ice.

11. 至于结婚礼金,申雪赵宏博取消了婚礼签到送红包环节,说这场盛大的婚礼已经让他们受宠若惊。
      As for gifts, Zhao and Shen have skipped the bridal registries, saying they already have their hands full with their massive wedding.

12. 宏博的近义词

12. 宏博精微的杰作与优美隽永的精品&秦牧、杨朔散文特色比较
      Excellent Pieces of Prose with Rich and Exquisite Features & A Comparison of the Features of Prose by Qin Mu and by Yang Shuo

13. 眼界宽阔,心胸远大,宏博烟云才能从心中冉冉升起!
      The field of vision is broad, the heart is broad, the great atmosphere of abundant can raise slowly from the heart!

14. 尔后,在不息的变动中开拓艺术教育,并积竭地引介西方现代美术,交融中西精神,力构宏博境界,以推动本土艺术发展。
      Afterwards he opened unceasingly up art education and did his utmost to introduce the western modern art, blended the Chinese spirit with the western one to promote the development of the native art.

15. 武术的真正魅力在于宏博的文化内涵,而不仅仅作为一种格斗方法或表演手段。
      The real charm of Wushu lies in the profound cultural contents rather than as a fighting method or performing means.

16. 杜甫的美学思想体现了唐人的宏博襟度和美学转型的特征。
      Du Fu's aesthetic thoughts embody magnificent bosom of people in Tang Dynasty, and also show the characteristics of aesthetic thoughts transformation.

17. 体育和爱情,正如申雪和赵宏博在双人花样滑冰中夺得金牌所证明的那样,是密切相关的。
      Sports and love, as evidenced by Zhao Hongbo and Shen Xue's gold medal in pairs figure skating, are closely related.

18. 这场在北京首都体育馆举行的冰上婚礼,已经让人期盼了整整三年。早在2007年世界花滑锦标赛上赢得金牌之后,赵宏博就已经当众向申雪求婚。
      The wedding, scheduled to take place at Beijing's Capital Gymnasium, has been an affair three years in the making. Zhao proposed to Shen after a gold medal-winning performance at the 2007 World Figure Skating Championships.

19. 宏博在线翻译

19. 赵宏博:我和小雪搭档了十五年了,我们一起克服了非常多的困难,在我们之间有一种真诚的长久的感情。
      Hongbo Zhao: I've been with Little Xue for 15 years and there's sincere and long-lasting relationship between us since we overcame together so many difficulties.

20. 宏博的意思

20. 在2007年世锦赛长节目表演结束之后,赵宏博做了一件很特别的事情,给了大家一个惊喜&他向搭档了十五年的申雪求婚了。
      After finishing their long program in 2007 World Championship, Hongbo Zhao did something special that surprised all people & Proposal to his 15-year partner Xue Shen.

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