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定评 基本解释


定评[dìng píng]

词典accepted opinion定评。

定评 汉英大词典

定评[dìng píng]

(确定的评论) accepted opinion

定评 双语例句

1. 如果任其事实流传而不加检验,这样的事实是可怕的,因为它们极容易被认为是已获定评的事实,而不是迫切需要处理使之具有逻辑条理的原始材料中最原始的部分。
    Facts are terrible things if left spreading and unexamined. They are too easily regarded as evaluated certainties rather than as the rawest of raw materials crying to be processed into the texture of logic.

2. 谈出版史研究方法&兼论一则定评
    On the Research Methods of Publishing History: Also on a Piece of " General Recognized Comments "

3. 造成这种状态的原因主要是观念上囿于历史定评,研究方法单一。
    The major reason is the criticizers being limited by the accepted opinions and deficient of the means of study.

4. 911查询·英语单词

4. 中国传统文学作品与历史著述之间有着极为密切的关系,这一说法向为学者定评
    Abstract It has been agreed by scholars that there exists a very close relation between traditional Chinese literary works and historical writings.

5. 定评的翻译

5. 诗境与画境相结合,是我国古代山水诗的共同特征,而作为王维山水诗的考语和定评的“诗中有画”有着特定的含义。
    Combination of poetic atmosphere and picturesque scene is the common feature of Chinese ancient landscape poems, but the comment of " picture in poems " for Wang Wei's landscape poems has its special meanings.

6. 这件事情说不好,现在还没有定评
    Nothing definite can be said about the matter.

7. 定评;牢固确立了第一乡村诗人的地位。
    An established reputation; holds a firm position as the country's leading poet.

8. 因此,从前是非有定评之书不读的,现在却马勃牛溲,一例的都想看看了,这大约总也是一种进步的现象[8]。
    Therefore, that people nowadays have taken to reading whatever books they like, trashy or not, including those already generally judged to be good or bad, is probably an indication of social progress.

9. 它们太容易被看作已的定评的可靠事实,而不是近切需要处理,使之具有逻辑条理的原始材料中最原始的材料。
    They are too easily regarded as evaluated certainties rather than as the rawest of raw materials crying to be processed into the texture of logic.

10. 定评的解释

10. 钱谦益的文学成就素有定评,研究也很多。
    Since continuously, about literature achievement of Qian Qianyi appraisal all very high.

11. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

11. 它们极容易被认为是已经获得定评的事实,而不是迫切需要处理、使之具有逻辑条理的原始材料中最原始的部分。
      They ar too easily regarded as evaluated certainties rather than as the rawest of raw materials crying to be processed into the texture of logic.

12. 定评的反义词

12. 谈出版史研究方法&兼论一则定评
      On the Research Methods of Publishing History: Also on a Piece of " General Recognized Comments "

13. 定评

13. 诗境与画境相结合,是我国古代山水诗的共同特征,而作为王维山水诗的考语和定评的“诗中有画”有着特定的含义。
      Combination of poetic atmosphere and picturesque scene is the common feature of Chinese ancient landscape poems, but the comment of " picture in poems " for Wang Wei's landscape poems has its special meanings.

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