
尘缘是什么意思 尘缘在线翻译 尘缘什么意思 尘缘的意思 尘缘的翻译 尘缘的解释 尘缘的发音 尘缘的同义词 尘缘的反义词 尘缘的例句


尘缘 基本解释

尘缘[chén yuán]


尘缘 网络解释

1. Dirt Meeting:06 菊花台 Chrysanthemum Height 4:51 | 07 尘缘 Dirt Meeting 4:41 | 08 美人吟 Singing of Beauty 4:24

2. fatality of this world:07 雪山盟 Snow Mountain UNITA 4:47 | 08 尘缘 fatality of this world 5:11 | 09 南屏晚钟 Night Bell In Nanping Mountain 3:27

3. Love genesis:01.尘缘 Love genesis | 02.大海 The sea | 03.今宵多珍重 Take good care tonight

4. Destiny:06 怎么能 How Can It Be | 07 尘缘 Destiny | 08 新娘 Bride

尘缘 双语例句

1. 是时候了,我的尘缘已尽。
    Now I have finished with all earthly business, and high time too.

2. 请记住:握紧眼前的人的手,并好好珍惜这一刻。因为终有一天他将了结尘缘,离你而去。
    Remember to hold hands and cherish the moment for someday that person will not be there again.

3. 是时候了,我的尘缘已尽。
    Now I have finished with all earthly business, high time too.

4. 尘缘的意思

4. com 终有一天他将了结尘缘,离你而去。
    Give time to love, give time to speak, give time

5. danci.911chaxun.com

5. 握着他的手,珍惜这一刻,因为终有一天他将了结尘缘,离你而去。
    Hold hands and cherish the moment for someday that person will not be there again.

6. 记住,握着他的手,珍惜着这一刻吧,因为终有一天他将了结尘缘,离你而去。
    Someday that person will not be there again.

7. 观:善哉,善哉,难得你有这片归依三宝的诚心,只是你尘缘未了,又如何能白日飞升呢?
    G:Godness. It is difficult for you to take the vows of a monk. You can't forget the past. How can you become an immortal.

8. 风吹起你的名字,月谢落过往的尘缘,明天,烟雨江南孕育的第一缕晨曦,有谁能解它的情衷?
    Wind blows afloat your name, the moon put down to the dust the passing world-bound, and tomorrow, the first ray of the rising sun in Jiangnan, is there anyone who can read its feeling?

9. 我也仿佛幻化为了那笛生,绝去了尘缘,永远永远地留在了这仙乡神苑。浮光掠影网站$^qy K6N8DKC
    I would also like metamorphosed to that flute of Health, must go to the bonds of this world, they will forever remain in the Court of God in this fairy realms.

10. 拂尘在道门中有超凡脱俗、拂去尘缘之意,是道人云游时随身携带之物,是等级威严的一种象征。
    Fuchen, means horsetail whisk, in Taoism it implies an air of free and elegant, sweeping away any mundane restrictions.

11. 一花一天堂,一笑一尘缘,一念一清净,心是莲花开。
      But I was young and foolish, and now am full of tears.

12. 尘缘

12. 七夕节前夕,尘缘禅心祝天下有情人乞巧节巧结良缘!祝博友们中国情人节快乐!
      Hope you lucky and happy on the Double Seventh Festival, the Valentine's Day Of China, my dear friends!

13. 尘缘的解释

13. 一花一世界,一草一天堂,一叶一菩提,一土一如来,一方一净土,一笑一尘缘,一念一清净,心似莲花开。
      A flowered world, a grass heaven, a bodhi, an earth Tathagata, a side pure land, as soon as smiles a fatality of this world, as soon as reads one pure, the heart resembles the lotus flower to start.

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14. 是时候了,我的尘缘已尽。是的,是的,我亲爱的孩子,死亡来临了。奥匈帝国作曲家莱哈尔
      Now I have finished with all earthly business, and high time too. Yes, yes, my dear child, now comes death & Franz Lehar Composer of the former empire of Austria-Hungary

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