
展延是什么意思 展延在线翻译 展延什么意思 展延的意思 展延的翻译 展延的解释 展延的发音 展延的同义词 展延的反义词 展延的例句


展延 基本解释




展延 网络解释

1. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

1. Extension:首先实施中通滤波或低通滤波,以降低像素的杂讯,如有必要,则再以线性化来改变像素的灰度值分布图,并加强明暗对比,像素的灰度值分布图可予以展延 (extension)处理加强对比,但对人眼区别瑕疵和背景之所在有帮助,对数位影像切割并无影响.

2. stretching:应力 stress | 展延 stretching | 展延电路 stretching circuit, stretcher

3. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

3. Exte ion:展销Expose for Sale | 展延Exte ion | 栈单Warehouse Receipt

4. extend vt:make up 配齐,凑齐 | extend vt.展延 | pay vt.支付

展延 双语例句

1. 更新基于各方法医尚未完成第二度验尸报告,原定在明天早上续审的赵明福验尸庭,再度临时宣布展延
    Update on all forensic autopsy has not yet completed the second report, originally scheduled for tomorrow morning, the Court continued the trial of Zhao Mingfu autopsy, re-announced extension of the temporary.

2. 由国家文化部与共享空间专业舞团联合制作,国家文化宫协办的大型舞剧《大马薪传》将展延至明年年中演出。
    A large-scale dance drama'Anak Malaysia'which co-organized by National Cultural and Arts Department and Dua Space Dance Theatre, Collaboration with Istana Budaya will held at Istana Budaya Pentas Lambang Sari from 31th October till 2nd November at 8:30pm will postpone the year of 2009 in KL Festival.

3. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

3. e。如果此银行於其办理提示是营业日,但是未能於该规定的有效日,及/或,装运后提示时段的最迟日收到一份电子化档案,如此情况得是,此银行将被视为休业日,且此提示日,及/或,有效日当被展延到於其日该银行能收到一份电子化档案下一银行营业日,。
    E. If the bank to which presentation is to be made is open but is unable to receive an electronic record on the stipulated expiry date and/or the last day of the period of time after the date of shipment for presentation, as the case may be, the bank will be deemed to be closed and the date for presentation

4. 由於政策上的关系,菲律宾海外就业署不同意验证工作期间少於一年的劳动契约,因此,马尼拉经济文化办事处将不会验证劳委会递补函上的工作期间少於一年且不可展延的劳动契约。
    As a matter of policy, POEA does not approve contracts with work periods of less than one year. Therefore MECO will not verify employment contracts whose CLA replacement approval letter is less than one year without extension.

5. 您的班机被展延到明天了。
    Your flight has been delayed until tomorrow.

6. 由于无法预计的事情,我被迫展延今天的求婚行动。
    Due to unexpected matter happened, i hav to postpone my proposal to another date.

7. 展延什么意思

7. 在本文里,我们认为假使违约的情形严重,该负债就不应该展延
    In this essay, we argue that the debt should not be extended if it is defaulted severely.

8. 我的展延家庭有七名成员,包括祖父母和外祖父母以及我的核心家庭。
    My extended family consists of seven members, including my paternal grandparents and maternal grandparents and my nuclear family.

9. 现在,她就可通过展延贷款周期来减小自己有能力支付的分期付款的规模。
    Now she can reduce the installment size that she can afford to pay, by extending the loan period.

10. c。装运的最后日期将不因29条项结果被展延
    C. The latest date for shipment will not be extended as a result of sub-article 29.

11. 这次展延维持风力发电生产税额减免至2012年,并保持市区固态废物、合格水力发电、生物量、地热能、海上和hydrokinetic可再生能源设备等的生产税额减免到2013年。
      The act also directs $2 billion in EERE funds toward grants for the manufacturing of advanced battery systems and components within the United States, as well as the development of supporting software.

12. 他是一个洋基人,全美明星,他有一个合约可让他再持续个三年;如果他要留,洋基将愿意在展延那合约,如果他对他们承诺。
      He is a Yankee. An All-Star. He has a contract that could keep him around for another three years; if he wants to stay, the Yankees would be willing to extend that contract if he commits to them.

13. 公私场所申请许可证展延之文件不符规定或未能补正者,直辖市、县(市)主管机关或中央主管机关委托之政府其它机关应于许可证期限届满前驳回其申请;
      The special municipality, county or city competent authority or other government agency commissioned by the central competent authority shall reject the applications of those public and private premises for which permit extension application documents fail to meet regulations or are not corrected by the permit expiration deadline;

14. 展延

14. 相关展延系列统计参数计算新公式
      New formulas to calculate statistical parameters of correlation extending series

15. 展延失踪人死亡宣告公约有效期间之议定书
      Protocol for Extending the period of validity of the Convention on the Declaration of Death of Missing Persons

16. 展延是什么意思

16. 截止到周三为止,死亡人数已达到大约6万人。再度展延失踪人死亡宣告公约有效期间之议定
      By Wednesday, nearly 60, 000 people died. Protocol for the further extension of the period of validity of the Convention on the Declaration of Death of Missing Persons

17. danci.911chaxun.com

17. 如超过保险期限交付,必须事先书面通知本公司办理展延保险期限手续。
      Where delivery is made beyond the period of insurance, pervious written notice shall be given to the Company for an extension of the period of insurance.

18. 其无法于网络建设许可证有效期间内建设完成者,应于期间届满前叙明理由向电信总局申请展延
      If the applicant fails to complete the construction before the effective period of the network construction permit, it shall state the reasons to apply with DGT for an extension before the lapse of the time limit.

19. 但供公众使用建筑物之查验期限,得展延为二十日。
      However, the time limit for inspection of the buildings used for the public may be extended to20 days.

20. 展延的反义词

20. 开发单位于前项补正期间届满前,得申请展延或撤回审查案件。
      The developer may apply to extend or withdraw from the review process prior to the expiration of the time period for making corrections in the foregoing paragraph.

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