
岂止是什么意思 岂止在线翻译 岂止什么意思 岂止的意思 岂止的翻译 岂止的解释 岂止的发音 岂止的同义词 岂止的反义词 岂止的例句


岂止 基本解释

岂止[qǐ zhǐ]



岂止 网络解释

1. czli:czlg 瓦特 | czli 岂止 | czln 岂肯

岂止 双语例句

1. 岂止如此,他还把男爵说成是他有生以来不幸遇上的最无法容忍的迂夫子。
    Indeed he went farther, and characterised the Baron as the most intolerable formal pedant he had ever had the misfortune to meet with.

2. 我看岂止是局部多云
    That sky doesn't look partly cloudy to me.

3. 我想要的爱岂止如此。。。。。
    I've had you so many times but somehow I want more.

4. 岂止

4. 他父亲岂止是个老师,而且他还是一个非常成功的发明家。
    His father is more than a teacher, and he's a very successful inventor as well.

5. 他和我共事了这么多年,岂止是我的普通朋友。
    After all these years of working together, he is more than a friend to me.

6. 其实,岂止是教师,世界上的哪一项工作又不是如此呢?
    In fact, more than teachers, which the world of work is not the case?

7. 他和我公事了这么多年,岂止是我的普通朋友。
    I was busy and less than delighted to have company that day.

8. 雪铃:紧张?哦,我岂止是紧张!
    Snowbell: Tense? Oh, I'm way past tense.

9. 岂止是什么意思

9. 飞翔岂止于俯视是云,就化为雨为露降落、洒开、渗入每寸泥土小径等待久违的步伐,石屋把斑驳留与谁看?
    Why does flight limit itself to looking down Clouds will melt into rain or dew Falling, sprinkling, seeping into every inch of earth The path awaits footsteps not seen for ages, the stone house Leaving mottles for whom to see?

10. 最后,加句不太废的废话,这3个设计师每个都年过40,对资源的把握,对市场的把握,又岂止是仅凭才华便想开疆扩土的愣头青可以比拟的。
    Finally, add the nonsense sentence less waste, each of these three designers over 40 pairs of resources sure grasp of the market, but also more than just a mere talent he wanted to break soil Lengtou Qing expansion of comparable The.

11. 岂止的反义词

11. 跟康师傅永远带著蔼然微笑、态度谦和的CFO林清棠先生谈话后,才知道,集团经历的,岂止万水千山。
      This interview with Mr. Frank Lin, CFO of Tingyi Group, reviewed the ups-and-downs behind the group`s success story.

12. 岂止

12. 他岂止是报答了我的帮助。
      He has more than repaid my kindness.

13. 其实,岂止是李自成,历史上所有的农民领袖几乎无一例外地都有浓厚的帝王思想。
      In fact, more than is Li, the history of all of the peasant leaders almost always have a strong ideological and imperial.

14. 像我这样的驴子之友看来,这样来想问题,岂止是有点笨,简直是脑子里有块榆木疙瘩。
      For people like me who are friends of the donkey, this way of thinking is not merely a little stupid, it is simply the mindset of a blockhead.

15. 像我这样的驴子之友看来,这样来想问题,岂止是有点笨,简直是脑子里有块榆木疙瘩。
      For people like me who are friends of the donkey, this way of thinking is not merely a little stupid, it it simply the mindset of a blockhead.

16. 岂止水温保持平稳,但也有量。
      Not only do the water temperatures remain steady but the volume does as well.

17. 对生命的漠视和麻木,岂止是世态炎凉。
      Disregard for human life and numbness, is not only the fickleness of the world.

18. 岂止的意思

18. 这岂止是愚蠢简直是危险。
      It's not just stupid-it's downright dangerous.

19. 一年的学费岂止一万,已经快两万了。
      The yearly tuition didn't stop at $ 10, 000, it has almost reached $ 20, 000!

20. 岂止如此,他还把男爵说成是他有生以来不幸遇上的最无法容忍的迂夫子。
      Indeed he went farther, and characterised the baron as the most intolerable formal pedant he had ever had the misfortune to meet with.

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