
峰头是什么意思 峰头在线翻译 峰头什么意思 峰头的意思 峰头的翻译 峰头的解释 峰头的发音 峰头的同义词 峰头的反义词 峰头的例句


峰头 基本解释

The first peak;

峰头 双语例句

1. 峰头什么意思

1. 阴晴之日,或而雾截山腰,或而云缠峰头;时而山岚似纱,时而霞光万道,确属探幽寻险,登临攀援的好去处,尤其是山顶上观日出别有一种奇特的景象。
    Clear one day, or cut-off halfway up the fog, or clouds wrapped around the first peak; yarn may from time to time Sam Rainsy, sometimes Xiaguang 10000, Exploring indeed find insurance, a good place for climbing on board, especially the top of the hill there is a view of sunrise and other strange scene.

2. 朋友,你见过劈地摩天的天都峰,宛如银妆素裹的神女吗;朋友,你见过隔壑相望的莲花峰,如同一朵盛开的雪莲吗;朋友,你见过九龙峰变成了一条蜿蜒腾飞的玉龙,飞舞在黄山的云海之上吗;朋友,你见过西海群峰奇异的石林,像一尊尊身着素服的神仙,聚集在峰头之上吗。
    The friend, you sees has divided the skyscraping day all peak, justlike silver 妆 white clothing goddess; The friend, you sees hasseparated the lotus flower peak which the gully faces one another, ifidentical is in full bloom saussurea involucrata; The friend, you sawthe Kowloon peak to turn the jade dragon which wound to soar, dancedin the air above Huangshan Mountain's cloud sea; The friend, you hasseen the west sea group peak strange hoodoo, likes to wear the whiteclothing the deity, gathers above peak.

3. 你必须创造步,一天到最后一步,你将发现自己站在你的峰头云。
    You must create it step by step, and one day, you will take that last step and find yourself standing on the summit with your head in the clouds.

4. 形成了群峰来朝,峰头汹涌的波澜壮阔的场面。
    Formed Qunfeng to North Korea, the first peak surging magnificent scenes.

5. 峰头是什么意思

5. 穿岁月峰头,伴历史云烟。
    Years to wear the first peak, with the history of Yunyan.

6. 峰头的反义词

6. 最为忙碌的莫过于英格兰银行了,他们要开始准备接过领导分析资本持有量的担子。这样一来,即使早出现经济危机,银行业也能挫煞危机的峰头
    Stirring in the underbrush, however, is the Bank of England, which is beginning to provide the kind of analytical leadership that might have blunted the crisis had it come earlier.

7. 此山巍峨险峻,峭壁如削,峰头耸入天际。
    Mountain towering steep, cliff such as cut, the first peaksong ru horizon.

8. 庐山是一个驰名中外的游览避暑胜地。庐山古木参天,名胜古迹遍布峰头丘壑。
    Mt Lushan is now a world-renowned summer resort. In the depths of centuries-old forests are tucked famous scenic spots and historic sites.

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