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工棚 基本解释

工棚[gōng péng]

词典builders' temporary shed工棚。

词典work shed工棚。

工棚 汉英大词典

工棚[gōng péng]

builders' temporary shed; work shed

工棚 网络解释

1. construction camp:construction budget 施工预算 | construction camp 工棚 | construction climatology 建筑气候学

2. barracks:barothermohydrograph 气压温度湿度记录仪 | barracks 工棚 | barracks 临时工房

3. AASA:工模 AARX | 工棚 AASA | 工本 AASE

工棚 双语例句

1. 被广泛应用于海港码头、船舶、汽垂、火车的雨蓬;游艇罩,旅游帐蓬,遮阳伞,炮衣,并架工棚,建筑用安全网罩,养鸡场与养牛场遮阳棚,及各种旅口袋和手提包等。
    Are widely used in the harbor docks, ships, steam down, êrail; yacht enclosures, tourism tents, parasols, clothing artillery and aircraft camp, construction safety net enclosures, farm with cattle, and a variety of pockets and handbags and other brigades.

2. 这是给临时工棚准备的食物。
    It's bunkhouse food.

3. 车开到谢尔本路,他下来了,沿着工棚墙投下的阴影,拖着粗壮的身躯,向前走去。
    His tram let him down at Shelburne Road and he steered his great body along in the shadow of the wall of the barracks.

4. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

4. 他们住在工棚里,每个工棚塞着3000甚至更多的人。
    They sleep in labour camps, each one crammed with 3, 000 or more people.

5. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

5. 保卫尔牛肉汁就回来了,它是一种传统的、给工棚里的人饮用的热牛肉品饮料。现在欧盟也已经取消了对英国牛肉产品的禁令。
    Bovril, a traditional hot beef drink served to men in sheds, is back, now the European Union has lifted its ban on Britain's beef products.

6. 下一张是我爸爸在工棚里。然后还有一张
    The next one is of dad in his shed, and then one of the times

7. 我盯着工棚的边缘—没有任何人在的迹象。
    I peered around the edge of the shed —there was no sign of anyone else.

8. 他住的工棚位于北京南面的一个仓库里,和他同住在这一片的有上万农民工。
    His bunkroom is in a warehouse district in southern Beijing that is home to tens of thousands of migrants.

9. 在工棚里面,表演刚刚开始。
    In the shed the performance has begun.

10. 除此之外,建筑工棚是波多黎各中最孤单的建筑。
    After that, it is the loneliest building in PR.

11. 工棚的反义词

11. 这是给临时工棚准备的食物。签约人匆忙搭建工棚存放新设备。
      It's bunkhouse food. The contractor flung up some temporary sheds to hold the new equipment.

12. 带有轮子的小屋、工房或工棚,用牵引列车牵引,用作一个工作组食宿的小棚。
      A small house, bunkhouse, or shed mounted on skids and towed behind a tractor train as eating and sleeping quarters for a work crew.

13. 但是车辆段也覆盖了操作控制中心大楼,该车辆段的运行由单独的大楼管理,即车辆段行政楼和各个车辆段地面上的维修办公室、仓库和工棚
      Whereas the depot shall also house the operations control centre building, the operation of the depot will be managed from separate buildings, namely the depot administration building and the various maintenance offices, warehouses and sheds on the depot grounds.

14. 在签订合同以前,应澄清轨道的大概数量、工棚的一般尺寸、功能与规格。
      The approximate number of tracks and general sizing of the sheds, function and specification shall be clarified before contract signing.

15. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

15. 我知道得很清楚,约翰尼加勒格尔在他的工棚里至少杀了一个人。
      I know very well that Johnnie Gallegher has killed at least one man at his camp.

16. 工棚

16. 那只狗嚎叫起来,跑着穿过了草坪,跑向南方,铁匠工棚的方向。
      Howling, the dog now raced away across the lawn, going South, toward the blacksmith sheds.

17. 工棚的翻译

17. 一群拉工棚的少年看着我们接吻。
      A group of teenagers pulling sheds was watching our kissing.

18. 这种骨架可作为蔬菜大棚使用,还可以作为仓库、临时工棚的骨架使用。
      The utility model can be used as a vegetable greenhouse and can also be used as a framework of warehouses and temporary work sheds.

19. 直到羊毛打包在工棚,在二十多年前。
      To till the bales at Carmody's, a score of years go.

20. 那个园丁十分滑头,当他认为我不在时总是躲到工棚后面抽烟。
      That gardener is a sly boots; he's always behind the shed smoking when he thinks I am not about.

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