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巫峡 基本解释


Wuxia Gorge[地名] [中国] 巫峡。

巫峡 网络解释

1. Wu Gorge:瞿塘峡 Qutang Gorge | 巫峡 Wu Gorge | 西陵峡 Xiling Gorge

2. die Hexenschlucht:瞿塘峡die Qutang-Schlucht | 巫峡die Hexenschlucht | 西陵峡die Westgrabschlucht

3. Waxia Gorges:三峡栈道 Plank Roads in the Three Gorges | 巫 峡 Waxia Gorges | 小三峡 Lesser Three Gorges

巫峡 双语例句

1. 苏轼愕然,就将过巫峡忘记取水之事,告诉王安石,并请教如何识别三峡水之异。
    Almost dumbstruck, Su Dongpo then told the truth and asked Wang Anshi to tell him how to dist in guish the water in one gorge from that in another

2. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

2. 什么,然后向北穿过巫峡,南极潇湘,移动客运诗人,将会有更多,浏览对象的爱,几乎相同?
    What, then north through Wu Gorge, the Antarctic Xiaoxiang, moving passenger Poet, and more will be there, browse object love, was almost same?

3. 巫峡

3. 巫峡两岸,群山相拥,云遮雾绕,奇峰异岭隐没期间,宛如仙境。
    On the bank of the Wu Gorge are mist-covered fairyland-like mountains and grotesque peaks.

4. 壮丽的三峡包括瞿塘峡、巫峡和西陵峡,全长193公里。
    The three imposing gorges--Qutang, Wuxia and Xiling Gorges---extend 193 kilometers.

5. 巫峡

5. 长江三峡由瞿塘峡、巫峡和西陵峡三个峡段组成,是世界上唯一能供大众全程游览的峡谷。
    Which are the most spectacular pearl inlaid on the Yangtze River and ranked as one of the 10 top scenery areas in China.

6. 巫峡是三峡中最长的一段峡谷。
    The Wu Gorge is about 40 km long.

7. 巫峡长44公里,以深谷及静态美而著名。
    WU GORGE is 44 kilometers long, and it is known for its deep valley and quiet beauty.

8. 20《巫峡》不信,你看看这就是举世闻名的巫峡,真正的风光埋在水下。
    Wu Gorge Well, this is world famous Wu Gorge; however the real natural scenic view is in the water.

9. 什么北巫峡,南极潇湘,男子的转机旅客,并会继续在这里,在关系到复杂的感情,即使得到相同的?
    What BETOP Wu Gorge, the Antarctic Xiaoxiang, man of transfer passengers, and more will be here, in relation to complex feelings, even get the same?

10. 观看巫峡晨曦是船上游客的一件赏心乐事。
    Morning break in Wuxia Gorge is a delight for passengers on tour boat.

11. 壮丽的三峡包括瞿塘峡、巫峡和西陵峡。
      The three imposing gorges are Qutang, Wuxia and Xiling Gorges.

12. 中午2時:巫峡–以12 座著名的山峰而闻名天下,包括神女峰
      00Pm: Wu Gorge Viewing – The Wu Gorge is known for the 12 famous peaks including the Goddess Peak.

13. danci.911cha.com

13. 水陆兼程,投宿两岸,画家胸中块磊消解于滔滔江水,履之所至,纵览江山,渐于心手相忘之际,心物相应之时,雪域青松、天府梯田、巫峡女神、黄山云雾、金陵大桥、水乡粉墙、滨江灯火,一一魂入画中。
      When Wu Guanzhong mentioned the creation of Ten Thousand Kilometers of Yangtze River, he said, When I painted the Yangtze River, I set the image as a whole, and painted the details from the images.

14. 巫峡是什么意思

14. 位于巫峡的神女峰是中国旅游者在整个长江江面游览中最重要的游览景色。
      The Goddess Peak, the most important sight on the entire river for Chinese tourists, is located in the Wu Gorge.

15. 巫峡是什么意思

15. 巫峡位于四川省巫山县与湖北省巴东县之间,全长42公里,山高入云,有巫山十二峰擅奇全国。
      Wu Gorge is located in Wushan County, Sichuan Province and Badong County in Hubei Province, 42 km in length, goes into the high mountains, there are12 peaks Wushan good at all surprising.

16. 船进巫山峡前经过巫山市(有一座山曾被认为住着女巫,因而得名),巫峡是三个峡中最平静的。
      Ships pass by the city of Wushan (named after a mountain once believed to be inhabited by witches) before entering the Wu Gorge, the most serene of the three.

17. 巫山十二峰分别座落在巫峡的窍北两岸,是巫峡最著名的风景点。
      Twelve were located in Wushan peak in the North-South cross-strait Wu Gorge, Wu Gorge is the most famous scenic spots.

18. 巫峡的翻译

18. 本文以主跨460m的中承式钢管混凝土拱桥&巫峡长江大桥为背景,主要研究了静阵风响应,尤其是风致抖振响应。
      Based on the background of the Wu Gorge Bridge of Yangtze River which is a semi-supported concrete-filled steel tube arch bridge with a main span of 460m, this dissertation is concentrated on the static gust responses, especially on the wind-induced buffeting responses.

19. 峰下有一长方形白色岩壁,上刻「重崖叠嶂巫峡」六个大字,相传为诸葛亮所书。
      A peak under the rectangular white wall, engraved on the " overlapping peaks Cliff Wu Gorge, " the six characters, word for the wise book.

20. 人们过巫峡,联想起这则高唐梦的故事,大概都会生出几分神秘感的。
      When people sail in the Wu Gorge and recall the story of King Xiang's dream at Gaotang, they are likely to feel excited by the mysteriousness of the setting.

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