
平贴是什么意思 平贴在线翻译 平贴什么意思 平贴的意思 平贴的翻译 平贴的解释 平贴的发音 平贴的同义词 平贴的反义词 平贴的例句


平贴 基本解释



平贴 双语例句

1. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

1. 从屋子对面的书房里我能看到孩子们把鼻子平贴在育儿室的窗子上,脑中闪过过去常常背诵的一段韵文,那时我也是个孩子,也把鼻子平贴在冰冷的窗子上观看下雪
    From my study, which is apart from the house and faces it, I can see the children flattening their noses against the nursery window, and there is running through my head a jangle of rhyme I used to repeat when I was a child and flattened my nose against cold window to watch the failing snow

2. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

2. 他们的伪装好得过分了,胸口平贴在树上。
    They'd been too well camouflaged, chest level in the trees. Stupid.

3. 正确的站立法在腿部具有适当的张力,同时脚平贴於地面。
    F. Correct stances with proper tension in the legs, and feet flat on the floor.

4. 耳朵:中等大小,平贴在头部两侧。
    Ears -- Medium sized and carried flat to the side of the head.

5. 平贴是什么意思

5. 她是个少言寡语,长相一般的女人。她的头发平贴地向后紧梳着,在头后面梳成一个髻。
    She was a quiet, plain-looking woman, with her hair in a bun, pulled severely back from her face.

6. 将供试品注入微生物限度培养器内,通过检验仪自带内置真空泵负压抽滤,将供试品中微生物截留在滤膜上,用取膜器取出滤膜,转移至配置好的固体培养基上,菌面朝上,平贴
    Commodities will be tested into microbial limit for training, through the test instrument to bring their own built-in vacuum suction vacuum filtering, Commodities will be tested microorganisms subscriptions in the membrane, the membrane is used for membrane removed, transferred to the distribution of good solid medium, Bacteria open, Ping stickers.

7. 平贴的翻译

7. 绿牌PVC装饰片产品包括吸塑木纹片、平贴木纹片、吸塑单色片、平贴单色片,配件有PVC专用胶水、封边条等。
    Green card PVC decorative film products include grain Blister films, flat against the grain films, Blister monochrome film, flat-paste monochrome film, and accessories have a dedicated PVC glue, Edge and so on.

8. 肩角度适中,平贴于上肢上方,前肢的位置恰好位于身体下面。
    Well laid back shoulders, together with proper angulation at the upper arm, set the forelegs nicely under the body.

9. 屈膝坐立,保持后背伸直,脚平贴地面。
    Sit with knees bent, feet flat on floor, back straight.

10. 呼气向右倾斜,保持髋部和臀平贴于地面。
    Exhale and lean to right keeping hips and buttocks flat on floor.

11. 平贴的反义词

11. 保持髋部较小活动及平贴地板。
      Keep hips motionless and flat on floor.

12. 平贴的解释

12. 保持背部及骨盆平贴地面。
      Keep back and pelvic area flat on floor.

13. 保持背部及骨盆位置较少动作并平贴地板。
      Keep back and pelvic area motionless and flat on floor.

14. (敷湿或黏之物)使某物平贴
      Make sth lie flat by putting a wet or sticky substance on it

15. 轻轻地将眼线刷平贴向外刷,所以它得以柔和地淡化,接着让我们继续来卷睫毛。
      Gently feather the liner out so it fades away softly, and lets move on to curling the lashes.

16. 平贴

16. 脚内侧平贴在地板上也可以;
      It is also okay to place the feet flat on the floor;

17. danci.911cha.com

17. 汤姆于身子平贴在墙上。
      Tom flattened himself against the wall.

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