
幽明是什么意思 幽明在线翻译 幽明什么意思 幽明的意思 幽明的翻译 幽明的解释 幽明的发音 幽明的同义词 幽明的反义词 幽明的例句


幽明 基本解释

幽明[yōu míng]

词典the world of the living and that of the dead幽明。

幽明 汉英大词典

幽明[yōu míng]

[书] the world of the living and that of the dead

幽明 网络解释

1. qIOgmIAng:四明 sIcdmIAng | 幽明 qIOgmIAng | 昭明星 TIog–

幽明 双语例句

1. 歌中写情人在生死线外,幽明永隔,死者不已,生者含悲,缠绵凄凉,令人难忘……他写的诗句很凄美,运用了比喻拟人的手法,我喜欢这首民谣的原因是这首诗很美。
    Is very beauty, used the metaphor to be people tricks, I like the song because folk This is a beautiful poem. touching lyrics are more poetic. t the summer past, flowers die, just as you go, can not retain.

2. 没有人能自全,没有人是孤岛,每人都是大陆的一片,要为本土应卯那便是一块土地,那便是一方海角,那便是一座庄园,不论是你的、还是朋友的,一旦海水冲走,欧洲就要变小。任何人的死亡,都是我的减少,作为人类的一员,我与生灵共老。丧钟在为谁敲,我本茫然不晓,不为幽明永隔,它正为你哀悼。译者——李敖
    No man is an island John Donne No man is an island, entire of itself; every man is a piece of the continent, a part of the main; if a clod be washed away by the sea, Europe is the less, as well as if a promontory were, as well as if a manor of thy friend`s or of thine own were: any man's death diminishes me, because I am involved in mankind, and therefore, never send to know for whom the bell tolls; it tolls for thee.

3. 我建议冰蚕掌和青蛇掌还有幽明掌心法跟着等级提升而提升。
    I suggest ice silkworm Snake palm palm and palm幽明law also enhance and upgrade the level then.

4. 他知道幽明,他是至睿的,是彻知的。
    For He is the Wise, well acquainted.

5. 可是树林的上面,天还带着水晶似的幽明,不过没有那种睛朗的白光了。
    A man could no longer be private and withdrawn. The world allows no hermits.

6. 全知幽明者啊!
    Knower of all that is hidden and open!

7. 幽明的意思

7. 这一次,他肩负着全村人的命运,将要去险恶的大沙漠中揭开幽明湖的神秘面纱。
    The fate of an entire village rests on his shoulders as he braves the perilous desert to discover the secret of the mysterious Roaming Lake.

8. 幽明的近义词

8. 他认为伊斯兰文化的特色思想——真一论、大化论、幽明与复生说等,迥异于儒家文化,但同时又可以补儒家所不足。
    He tries to find their similarities on the basis of revealing their intrinsic differences. 2. His Islamic thoughts on the mandate of heaven.

9. 幽明的近义词

9. 在孔子易经系传里,孔子说,仰以观於天文,俯以察於地理,是故知幽明之故。
    In interpretation of Book of Change, Confucius held that one could know the mystery of universe by understanding the phenomenon of sky and apprehending the activities of land.

10. 志人小说《世说新语》无疑为文言小说的典范之作,但志怪小说《幽明录》也以其独特内容和艺术魅力,在中国文言小说史上占有重要的地位。
    Novels of person " shi shuo xin yu " is undoubtedly a model of the classical Chinese novel, but Ghost novel " You Ming lu " owns its unique content and artistic charm, and occupies an important position in the history of China.

11. 幽明永隔。
      The dead and the living are separated forever.

12. 幽明的解释

12. 《幽明录》的志怪体式及其文学价值
      On the Ghost Pattern and the Literature Value of You Ming Lu

13. 总结确认刘义庆及其《幽明录》在文学史上的重要地位。
      To conclude the important position of Yi-Qing Liu and his " You ming lu " in the literary history.

14. 生死悬隔的悲哀和超越幽明的幻想&悼亡赋的抒情模式及心理期待
      The Mode of Expression and the Psychological Anticipation in the fu about Mourning for the Dead

15. 幽明在线翻译

15. 《幽明录》中的婚恋题材小说从展示到纪录
      Love Stories in Record of the Nether World

16. 志人小说《世说新语》无疑为文言小说的典范之作,但志怪小说《幽明录》也以其独特内容和艺术魅力,在中国文言小说史上占有重要的地位。
      Novels of person " shi shuo xin yu " is undoubtedly a model of the classical Chinese novel, but Ghost novel " You Ming lu " owns its unique content and artistic charm, and occupies an important position in the history of China.

17. 总结确认刘义庆及其《幽明录》在文学史上的重要地位。
      To conclude the important position of Yi-Qing Liu and his " You ming lu " in the literary history.

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