
强辩是什么意思 强辩在线翻译 强辩什么意思 强辩的意思 强辩的翻译 强辩的解释 强辩的发音 强辩的同义词 强辩的反义词 强辩的例句


强辩 基本解释

强辩[qiǎng biàn]

词典defend oneself by sophistry强辩。

强辩 汉英大词典

强辩[qiǎng biàn]

defend oneself by sophistry

强辩 网络解释

1. chicanery n:certification n.证明 | chicanery n.强辩, 强词夺理, 狡辩, 欺骗 | comprehensive adj.全面的, 广泛的, 能充分理解的, 包容的

2. chicanery:bowdlerize 修订; 删改 | chicanery 强辩 | chromosome 染色体

强辩 双语例句

1. 强辩的解释

1. 这意味著给出的指南是极其明确的,无可适从的含糊与不足诚实的强辩,在此并无余地。
    This means that they give very clear guidance, with no room for waffling or less-than-honest rationalizations.

2. 德国杜宾根Eberhard-Karis大学化学家,奥托*罗斯勒教授向欧洲人权法院提交了诉讼状,其中毫不掩饰地强辩说,如此方案将侵犯欧洲公民的生命权,并对法律之规定构成威协之势。
    Professor Otto Rossler, a German chemist at the Eberhard Karis University of Tubingen, filed a lawsuit against CERN with the European Court of Human Rights that argued, with no understatement, that such a scenario would violate the right to life of European citizens and pose a threat to the rule of law.

3. 辩论之后,那辩论败的不是立刻自杀,就立刻归依做弟子,决不作强辩,决不作遁词,更没有无理的谩骂,话出题外,另生枝词的现象,像我中国学者的常态。
    Debate, the debate is not lost immediately commit suicide, do so immediately convert disciples, and never for Jiangbian, summary No defence, no more unreasonable criticism, then to that, another branch of Health term phenomenon, Chinese scholars like me normal.

4. 在这些话中,法利赛人只找出了又一次强辩的新藉口。
    The Pharisees saw in them only fresh ground for caviling.

5. 这样的强辩使他们在国际上受到激进分子的痛批,认为他们误导了很多青少年,留给这些缺乏社会背景或意识去思考这些形象为何刺激的青少年暴力美化的印象。
    This rationalization has brought such musicians under fire from activists internationally, who claim that this is often lost on a large number of adolescents, who are left with the glamorization of such violence without social context or awareness of why such imagery is stimulating.

6. 虽然一直强辩说,单恋也是一种爱情,但单用一边的手掌是拍不出声音的。
    Although you insist loving on your own is also called love, one palm can not make noises.

7. 不要制造愚蠢的理由,强辩说你在所有环境中都能控制自己的思想和感情。
    Stop making the silly excuse that you can control your thoughts and emotions under all circumstances.

8. 911查询·英语单词

8. 虽然一直强辩说,单恋也是一种,但单用一边的手掌是拍不出声音的。
    Although you insist loving on your own is also called love, one palmcan not make noises.

9. 强辩

9. 在争辩中硬要说出最后一句,强辩到底。
    It's just like Brad to have to have the last word.

10. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

10. 任某人在万言书之后的文章里语气更软了,就像一个强辩的人理屈词穷、心亏气短,。。。
    Let someone in the 10000 word article, written after the softer tone, and those who like a Champion, lack of arguments, the heart loss shortness of breath, ...

11. 强辩的近义词

11. 若有人想强辩,那么他该知道:我们没有这样的风俗,天主的各教会也没有。
      But if anyone is inclined to be argumentative, we do not have such a custom, nor do the churches of God.

12. 贝卢斯科尼仍然在私密宴会上为朋友们表演,他在总理权力移交仪式上对新任总理马里奥•蒙蒂仍然“强辩到底”。
      Berlusconi, who still performs for friends at intimate dinner parties, also could not resist having the last word at a ceremony to mark the handover of power to Italy's new premier, Mario Monti.

13. 若有人想强辩,那麽他该知道:我们没有这样的风俗,天主的各教会也没有。
      But if any man seem to be contentious, we have no such custom, nor the church of God.

14. 强辩的岂可与全能者争论吗。与神辩驳的可以回答这些吧。
      Shall he that contendeth with the Almighty instruct him? he that reproveth God, let him answer it.

15. 林前十一16若有人想要强辩,我们却没有这样的规矩,神的众召会也没有。
      Cor.11:16 But if anyone seems to be contentious, we do not have such a custom of being so, neither the churches of God.

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