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御手 基本解释

御手[yù shǒu]


御手 汉英大词典

御手[yù shǒu]


御手 双语例句

1. 一轺车坐二人,前为御手,后为主人。
    The driver sits in frong snd the master behind.

2. 御手洗先生想出了一个不同的管理模式。
    Mr Mitarai has come up with a different management model.

3. 御手洗先生想出了一个不同的管理模式。
    It has become a hybrid, it`s true.

4. 御手洗先生在美国时,那也是他的经营方法。
    When Mr Mitarai was in the US, that was how he operated, too.

5. 御手洗说:这意味着将与世界上那些最大的、最优秀的公司相竞争。
    Mitarai said which means that will be the world's largest and most excellent companies compete.

6. 御手洗是个本土人士,虽然受到他美国工作经历的影响,但他的策略显然是在日本形成的。
    Mr Mitarai is an insider whose strategies, though influenced by his time in the US, are clearly made in Japan.

7. 你们的怕死,只是像一个牧人,当他站在国王的座前,被御手恩抚时的战栗。
    Your fear of death is but the trembling of the shepherd when he stands before the king whose hand is to be laid upon him in honour.

8. 你们的怕死,只是像一个牧人,当他站在国王的座前,被御手恩抚时的战栗。
    Your fear of death is but the trembling of the sheperd when he stands before the king whose had is to be laid upon him in honour.

9. 自那以来,出井伸之和御手洗就把减少汇率波动对集团财务状况的冲击,当作头等大事来处理。
    Mr Idei and Mr Mitarai have since made it a priority to reduce the impact of exchange rate fluctuations on their groups'financial performance.

10. 御手洗一直滔滔不绝地为国内就业辩护,尽管从逻辑上看,企业只有走出去,摆脱日本国内高成本的限制,经营才能有效率。
    He has been a voluble defender of domestic jobs, when logic might dictate that efficiency is to be found outside the confines of high-cost Japan.

11. 御手洗富士(FujioMitarai)还在美国时,日本就走错了路。
      It was while Fujio Mitarai was in America that Japan turned down a wrong path.

12. 日本仍在竭力摆脱资产泡沫破裂留下的后遗症。而御手洗取得成就的方式给日本提供了教训。
      How he achieved this has lessons for a Japan still struggling with the legacy of the burst asset bubble.

13. 御手

13. 他们对新的生活方式习以为常,”御手洗说,“他们拥有了许多资产,但没有用于科技或研发的再投资。
      They became accustomed to their new lifestyle, " he says. " They had plenty of assets but they did not re-invest them in technology or research and development.

14. 御手洗先生还采取措施,彻底改造了公司产品的生产方式。
      Mr Mitarai also took the step of reinventing the way the company manufactures its products.

15. 御手的意思

15. 接受过会计教育的御手洗先生还彻底改变了企业财务管理方式。
      Mr Mitarai, who trained as an accountant, also overhauled the way the business managed its finances.

16. 在完成了历史上最非凡的经济转型后,他们却白白浪费了大好时机&御手洗以第三人称的口吻谈论着自己的同胞。
      Having achieved one of the most remarkable economic transformations in history, his countrymen-he talks about them in the third person-threw it all away.

17. 从某个角度看,御手洗似乎是典型的日本商人。
      Viewed from one angle, Mr Mitarai seems the archetype of a Japanese businessman.

18. 20年后,尽管他已回到家乡,并担任了日本一流科技公司佳能(Canon)的总裁兼首席执行官,但说起日本的过去时,御手洗先生仍然怒气冲冲。
      Twenty years later, the president and chief executive of Canon, one of Japan's premier technology companies, is still fuming about what went on while his back was turned.

19. 他们对新的生活方式习以为常,”御手洗说,“他们拥有了许多资产,但没有用于科技或研发的再投资。
      They became accustomed to their new lifestyle," he says. " They had plenty of assets but they did not re-invest them in technology or research and development.

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