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御水 基本解释

Royal water;

御水 双语例句

1. 御水的解释

1. 记者从这两个展会的组委会获悉,都会国际、世纪阳光、城市印象、御水苑、马甸经典家园、森豪公寓、豪景佳苑、宏景绿洲、永合馨苑、广信嘉园、广顺园、九居名园、莲馨嘉园、东环18、当代城市家园、世纪星等30多个新项目,将相继在这两个展会上闪亮登场,其中相当多的新项目还未最后确定名称。
    Journalists from two exposition committee was informed that the city international, century sunshine, urban impression, Royal Water Court, Madian classic homes, Mori - apartments, Garden Jiayuan, Hongjinglu:zhou, Wing Hop Xinyuan, Gitic Jia Yuan, Tseng Park, nine in the park, Lin admitted Jiayuan, East Central 18, contemporary urban homes, century - such as more than 30 new projects will have in the two exposition on doing on stage.

2. 御水坊禅香SPA以独特的精油配方和芳香疗法用来取悦,安抚,苏活以及净化我们的知觉,芳香疗法是一种境界,一种沁人心脾,优雅神秘的逸智情趣。
    He describes 1892 kinds of medicine, which come from 1094 kinds of plants making up more than 11, 000 kinds of prescriptions. Aromatherapy is a refreshing, elegant taste of the mysterious.

3. 南航碧花园、五溪御龙湾、金碧御水山庄等多个别墅楼盘抢闸,是今年花都国庆楼市的一个特点。
    Wuxi Royal property, layered Royal Villa water projects ahead of a number of villas, Flora National Day this year is a feature of the property market.

4. 泰湖山庄、合和新城和五溪御龙湾将在国庆前后入市,花都楼市将掀起一轮新的销售热潮,而现有的金碧御水山庄、雍华廷、枫丹雅居和雅宝新城等价格也在不断走高。
    Lake Villa, Hopewell Metro and Wuxi in the National Day and His Royal market, the property market will trigger a new round of Huadu marketing campaign, and the existing water layered Royal Villa, Yong Hua Ting, maple Danya neighborhood and the price has also been high, Metro Arts.

5. 金碧御水山庄目前正推出其临水组团。
    Water layered Royal Villa near water are being launched its delegation.

6. 御水是什么意思

6. 我们的心紧紧相依,因为我们有一个家,她有一个神圣的名字――御水临风。
    These things can never die. A brother in his need, That proves a friend indeed

7. 为啥你要偷去这本御水天书?
    Why did you have to steal that waterbending scroll?

8. 这些方案有一个共同点:以水御水
    He has found several technologies that have a common theme: they all use water itself to help stem the flood.

9. 金碧御水山庄和金碧世纪花园也将推出全新单位,各盘总货量高达1000余套单位。
    Layered and layered century Royal Water Garden Villa will be the launch of the new unit, the total volume up to 1000 I offer units.

10. 御水的反义词

10. 御水坊禅香SPA身心灵工坊的健康咨询、催眠、音乐疗法、能量学、气场学、萨提亚、NLP、DIY、奇迹课程、心灵与芳香、瑜伽、茶道、花道、香道通过关注身心灵的平衡,帮助人们深入的探索自己:心理疗法是一种通过哲学超越自我、回归自我的人生境界;是一种冥想、一种洞察人生命本质的艺术、一种用来解放心灵的理想。
    Health consulting, meditation and yoga are focusing on your mental health, to help people explore their own in depth. It is a philosophy, personal mastery and return for true meaning of life. It is a meditation, a kind of look into natural of human life and a vision for the liberation of the soul.

11. 御水的意思

11. 第一幅图中,柯菈的动作曾出现在御水术中,特别是借力打力的那招。
      In the first panel, Korra is setting up a move that was used several times in Waterbending, specifically a form that involves the turning of an opponent's force against them.

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