
心往是什么意思 心往在线翻译 心往什么意思 心往的意思 心往的翻译 心往的解释 心往的发音 心往的同义词 心往的反义词 心往的例句


心往 基本解释


The heart to;

心往 双语例句

1. 911查询·英语单词

1. 接下来要做的事情,就是要让整个公司的心往一处想。
    The rest of what has to happen is getting the company to think like one firm.

2. 心往是什么意思

2. 先让心往一处想,然后劲才往一处使。
    Heart to let a thought, and then go to a make Jin Cai.

3. 一双筷子,心往一处想,力往一处使,才能把美好的日子夹起来,送进我们的口中。
    A pair of chopsticks, a heart to think that power to make an order folder to a bright day, and into our mouths.

4. 一双筷子,心往一处想,力往一处使,才能把美好的日子搛起来,送进我们的口中。
    A pair of chopsticks, a heart to think that force one to make, in order to better days up into our mouths.

5. 加强团结,与同事相处融洽,合作愉快,心往一处想,劲往一处使,组成一个团结协作的大家庭。
    Strengthen unity and get along well with colleagues, co-operative heart to a wish, to make an effort to form a unity and coordination of the extended family.

6. 朴槿惠(Park Geun-hye)的助手告诉我,他已经为我们的午餐准备了24页的摘要,其中包含了我可能想向这位韩国总统候选人提的每一个问题的回答。听到这话,我的心往下一沉。
    My heart sinks when Park Geun-hye's aide tells me he has prepared 24 pages of briefing notes for our lunch, containing responses for every question I might contemplate asking the South Korean presidential candidate.

7. 数百年来,中国文化令他们感到神秘,又使他们心往神驰。
    For hundreds of years, people in the west marveled at the mystery of Chinese culture.

8. 她伸出手臂,叫大家静下去,她屏着气,听得心往神驰。
    She stretched out her arm to enjoin silence about her, held her breath, and began to listen with rapture

9. 她伸出手臂,叫大家静下去,她屏着气,听得心往神驰。
    She stretched out her arm to enjoin silence about her, held her breath, began to listen with rapture.

10. 此外,也有文人雅士对西方传统艺术与文化心往神驰,其中更有人推崇西方前卫艺术,例如超现实主义与立体派的绘画风格,象徵主义的诗歌,平面设计,写实主义的戏剧,以及服装与室内设计。
    Some had a deep interest in traditional Western art and culture, while others looked to the avant-garde elements of that culture, such as surrealist and cubist painting, symbolist poetry, graphic design, realist drama, and new fashions in dress and interior decoration.

11. danci.911cha.com

11. 那发音器官本身就是一种圆润的天赋;对一个听讲人来说,哪怕全然不懂牧师布道的语言,仍然可以随着那声腔的抑扬顿挫而心往神驰。
      This vocal organ was in itself a rich endowment, insomuch that a listener, comprehending nothing of the language in which the preacher spoke, might still have been swayed to and fro by the mere tone and cadence.

12. danci.911cha.com

12. 他一脸苦相的说:我能明早给你答案吗?听到这话,我的心往下沉了。
      His face grew troubled, can i give you the answer tomorrow morning?

13. 当然,当11岁大的儿子说想学普什图语时,作为一位母亲我的心往下一沉是另有实际原因的。
      There, of course, lies the real reason a mother's heart sinks when her 11-year-old says that he wants to learn Pashto.

14. 我没有要心往那儿去。
      I don`t ask my heart to go somewhere.

15. danci.911cha.com

15. 虽然是苦了点,但只要认为这种生活是美满幸福生活的一种调剂,心往好的一方面去想,从而重拾自信心,然后就要努力,慢慢地改变生活,改善生活,那原本不好的也就会渐渐变好!
      Although the hardship to the point, but as long as life is happy that such a happy life as a swap, the heart to think of a good one to regain self-confidence, and then must work hard and slowly change their lives, improve their lives, It also had bad will gradually changed for the better!

16. 她伸出手臂,叫大家静下去,她屏着气,听得心往神驰。
      She stretched out her arm to enjoin silence about her, held her breath, and began to listen with rapture.

17. 心往

17. 大家心往一处想,劲往一处使,我们的事情就能办得更好。
      If we can think and work with one heart and one mind, we will be able to do an even better job.

18. “比如,”他说:“经验、好的球员、好的教练以及心往一处想和劲往一处使的集体。
      Experience, great players, a great manager, a team that works hard with everyone pulling together wanting the same thing.

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