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心急火燎 基本解释

心急火燎[xīn jí huǒ liǎo]

词典burning with impatience心急火燎;心如火焚。

词典be very impatient as if being set on fire心急火燎。

词典in a nervous state心急火燎。

心急火燎 汉英大词典

心急火燎[xīn jí huǒ liǎo]

burning with impatience; be very impatient as if being set on fire; in a nervous state

心急火燎 双语例句

1. 心急火燎的反义词

1. 你想想,亲爱的,咱们这么心急火燎地演出了金玉良缘这场戏,哪有时间高谈阔论。
    But if you'll recall, my love, the way we leaped into this marriage caper didn't allow much time for discussion.

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2. 倘若阿特柔斯之子没有表示要给你这些礼物,并列数了更多的承诺,倘若他还暴怒不息,我便决然不会劝你罢息怒气,前往助保阿耳吉维兵壮,尽管他们心急火燎的需要你。但现在,他要给你这么多财礼,并答应日后还有更多的东西;他派出最好的人来求你,从阿开亚军队中挑选出来的首领,全军中你最尊爱的朋友。
    Were not the son of Atreus offering you gifts and promising others later- if he were still furious and implacable- I am not he that would bid you throw off your anger and help the Achaeans, no matter how great their need; but he is giving much now, and more hereafter; he has sent his captains to urge his suit, and has chosen those who of all the Argives are most acceptable to you; make not then their words and their coming to be of none effect.

3. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

3. 不止一个作战人员在呼叫过程中显得心急火燎
    More than one combatant made contact practically flying on fumes.

4. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

4. 他心急火燎地盼着见到她。
    He was painfully anxious to see her.

5. 心急火燎是读不了书的,粗枝大叶也是不会有效果的。
    Edgy is not reading the book, and sloppy is no effect.

6. 为什么我要心急火燎的为大家做每位的感恩节大餐?
    So why was I busting my ass to make this delicious Thanksgiving dinner?

7. 于是,零售商在这等待的5周里,不断地心急火燎地增加要货。
    As a result, retailers in this waiting for the 5 weeks, constantly anxious to increase Huoliao goods.

8. 他等得心急火燎。不适合
    He was burning with impatience at all this waiting.

9. 她心急火燎地等丈夫从建筑工地回来。
    She watied impatiently for her husband to return from the construction site.

10. 心急火燎在线翻译

10. 女人!她心急火燎地等丈夫从建筑工地回来。
    Women! She watied impatiently for her husband to return from the construction site.

11. 心急火燎之中,她拨通了尼克•莱帕德的电话。
      In a bind, she turned to Nick leopard.

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12. 他平静地、忧郁地等待着,尔后还是不见她回来,就心急火燎起来。
      He waited, calmly, gloomily, and then anxiously as she did not appear.

13. 心急火燎的翻译

13. 他心急火燎地等着拉姆斯登说下去。
      He waited impatiently for bamsden to go on.

14. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

14. 她聪慧善感,只是做什么事情都心急火燎的。她伤心也罢,高兴也罢,都没有个节制。
      She was sensible and clever; but eager in everything: her sorrows, her joys, could have no moderation.

15. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

15. 仿佛依然感到心急火燎的疼痛。她会继续的回忆,因为这能告诉她要善待别人。
      It was as if she, still, felt the burning. 5 She would keep that memory, as it taught her to be nice to others.

16. 在互联网问世以前的日子里,度假意味着强制脱离工作,因此在离开前,要心急火燎地一股脑把所有事情都做完。
      Back in the old pre-Internet days when holidays represented a forcible break from work there was a wild dash to get everything done before you left.

17. 可以理解为什么无以计数的高中老师和心急火燎的家长一心一意地想让孩子们进入精英大学。
      It's understandable that so many high schoolers and their nervous parents are preoccupied with the idea of getting into an elite college.

18. 心急火燎的近义词

18. 去年农历腊月廿四,小鲁的病又发作了,小邹心急火燎地把她送到医院。
      Lunar腊月24 last year, small Lu also attack the disease, and small Zou impatient Huoliao her to a hospital.

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