
悉力是什么意思 悉力在线翻译 悉力什么意思 悉力的意思 悉力的翻译 悉力的解释 悉力的发音 悉力的同义词 悉力的反义词 悉力的例句


悉力 基本解释

悉力[xī lì]


悉力 双语例句

1. 他象查士丁尼那样制定法典,象恺撒那样独理万机,他的谈吐兼有帕斯加尔的闪电和塔西佗的雷霆,他创造历史,也写历史,他的战报是诗篇,他把牛顿的数字和穆罕默德的妙喻糅合在一起,他在东方留下了象金字塔那样高大的训谕;他在提尔西特把朝仪教给各国帝王,他在科学院里和拉普拉斯争鸣,他在国务会议上和梅尔兰辩论,他经心整饬纪律,悉力排难解纷,他象检察官一样了解法律,象天文学家一样了解天文;象克伦威尔吹灭两支蜡烛中的一支那样,他也到大庙①去为一粒窗帘珠子讨价还价;他见到一切,他知道一切,这并不妨碍他伏在他小儿子的摇篮上笑得象个天真烂漫的人;突然,惊骇中的欧洲屏息细听,大军源源开拔了,炮队纷纷滚动了,长江大河上建起了浮桥,狂风中驰聘着漫山遍野的骑兵,叫喊声,号角声,所有的宝座全震动了,所有的王国的国境线全在地图上摇晃起来了,人们听到一把超人的宝剑的出鞘声,人们看见他屹立在天边,手里烈焰飞腾,眼里光芒四射,霹雳一声,展开了他的两翼,大军和老羽林军,威猛天神也不过如此!
    He made codes like Justinian, he dictated like Caesar, his conversation was mingled with the lightning-flash of Pascal, with the thunderclap of Tacitus, he made history and he wrote it, his bulletins are Iliads, he combined the cipher of Newton with the metaphor of Mahomet, he left behind him in the East words as great as the pyramids, at Tilsit he taught Emperors majesty, at the Academy of Sciences he replied to Laplace, in the Council of State be held his own against Merlin, he gave a soul to the geometry of the first, and to the chicanery of the last, he was a legist with the attorneys and sidereal with the astronomers; like Cromwell blowing out one of two candles, he went to the Temple to bargain for a curtain tassel; he saw everything; he knew everything; which did not prevent him from laughing good-naturedly beside the cradle of his little child; and all at once, frightened Europe lent an ear, armies put themselves in motion, parks of artillery rumbled, pontoons stretched over the rivers, clouds of cavalry galloped in the storm, cries, trumpets, a trembling of thrones in every direction, the frontiers of kingdoms oscillated on the map, the sound of a superhuman sword was heard, as it was drawn from its sheath; they beheld him, him, rise erect on the horizon with a blazing brand in his hand, and a glow in his eyes, unfolding amid the thunder, his two wings, the grand army and the old guard, and he was the archangel of war!

2. 911查询·英语单词

2. 凯泰标识还将秉持一贯的认真、务实、创新的服务作风,悉力以赴,为社会各界提供优质高效的服务。
    Kete logo will always uphold the serious, pragmatic, innovative service style, with dedication, to the community, provide quality and efficient services.

3. 悉力的解释

3. 成功之道无它,唯悉力从事你的工作,而不存在沽名钓誉之心。
    The talent of success is nothing more than doing well whatever you do without a thought of fame.

4. 我们要继续悉力以赴,力求事事尽善,并致力成为世界上其他入境事务队伍的榜样。
    We will continuously strive for excellence in whatever we do and seek to be the role-model for other immigration services worldwide.

5. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

5. 你们既属直销团队的一分子,又为公司成员之一,大家必定悉力以赴,助你们踏上成功之路。
    You have a team – both within the distributor groups and the corporation – that is dedicated to supporting you to help you become successful.

6. 不论多么悉力,都不会讲话时不带美国口音。
    No mater how hared you try you'll never lose your American accent.

7. 基于此信念,加之融汇我们多年来在服装市场的经验,集合每位员工悉力以赴,成就了格兰全面优质的生产管理和不断创新的企业文化!
    Based on this belief, and together with many years experience in the clothing market, every employee's hard working; our company has developed a high quality production management system and Gelan's innovation culture.

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