
悬壶是什么意思 悬壶在线翻译 悬壶什么意思 悬壶的意思 悬壶的翻译 悬壶的解释 悬壶的发音 悬壶的同义词 悬壶的反义词 悬壶的例句


悬壶 基本解释

悬壶[xuán hú]

词典practise medicine行医。

悬壶 汉英大词典

悬壶[xuán hú]

[书] practise medicine

悬壶 网络解释

1. xuanhu.net:wenrui.net 温瑞,文瑞,文睿,吻蕊 | xuanhu.net 玄狐,玄胡,玄湖,悬壶 | xuante.net 宣特,癣特,炫特

悬壶 双语例句

1. 这是与我的清静无为悬壶济世的初衷相违背的,于是我在练每一套功夫之前都要洗心涤虑,去除杂念,神情专注,无欲无求,这样练起来才洒脱自如,身心兼修,达到物我合一怡然自得的境界,方可练成上乘的功夫。
    Now I am very happy, healthy and fit, facing all the strenuous tasks and setbacks in smiles and invincible courages. May all my good buddies enjoy themselves as me in this wonderful world.

2. 意识的生物学基础是什么? by 悬壶天狼
    What is the Biological Basis of Consciousness?

3. 老医生热爱工作,终身悬壶不言退
    After a lifetime of service, no retirement in sight for a doctor who still loves his job

4. 悬壶高冲:把滚开的水提高冲入茶壶或盖瓯,使茶叶转动。
    Hanging high red pot: to raise the boiling water into the teapot or covered bowl, turning to make tea.

5. 悬壶高冲:将水壶高高举起,冲入茶壶中。
    Raise the kettle high; pour hot water into the teapot.

6. 悬壶高冲:泡制铁观音的关键在于投茶量要恰到好处和水要煮沸,洗茶的时间不能过短,更不能过长。
    Hanging pot Gao Chong: cook Tie Guanyin tea is the key to the amount of investment should be balanced and the water to boil, wash the tea time can not be too short, but can not be too long.

7. 苏西因为剧烈的中风却正以极快速的步调恢复过来,就因为雪丽看到苏西跌倒而问了苏西『三个问题』。悬壶子按:为网路流传资料,觉得蛮具参考价值,由arsue大德提供!
    Susie is recuperating at an incredible pace for someone with a massive stroke all because Sherry saw Susie stumble --that is the key that isn't mentioned below - and then she asked Susie the 3 questions.

8. 当看到乡亲们饱受病痛折磨,儿时的我就立志要做一名救死扶伤、悬壶济世的医生。
    I have determined to become a doctor to heal the wounded and rescue the dying while seeing the villagers suffering from villagers.

9. 虽然不太可能用这一点点心理知识悬壶济世,但是能专心理的知识让自己好好活下去是一定能做到的。
    Although use knowledge of this bits of psychology unlikelily to imagine crock aid world, but can let oneself with psychological knowledge well subsist can be accomplished certainly.

10. 悬壶的意思

10. 罗博士的父亲一直希望他能读医学院,成为一名医生,悬壶济世,造福人群,为了完成父亲的心愿,遂於1997年筹办财团法人和春纪念医院,这是他对父亲的感恩怀念之意。
    Dr. Luo`s father had always expected him to enter the medical school and become a doctor to benefit the poor and the sick. In order to fulfill his father`s wish, Dr. Luo is now prepared to found the corporate body Fortune Memorial Hospital in memory of his father.

11. 悬壶的翻译

11. 悬壶济苍生,杏林弘真粹&访新加坡中医师公会名誉会长陈立健先生
      An Interview with Mr. CHEN Li-jian, Honorary Chairman of Singapore Association of Traditional Chinese Physicians

12. 传统智慧又告诉我们,军队的作用是防内御外,但原来军队越多,潜在危机亦越高;医生是悬壶济世的一种高尚职业,但事实证明原来医生越多的地方,疫症和死亡的指数也是相对的提高,例如医院。
      We were told again. The functions of armies are protect ourselves and guard against enemies, but the fact that the more armies, the more potential hazards; Doctor is a respectable job as they can save human lives, but the truth proves that the more doctors, the more diseases and deaths. For instance: hospital.

13. 这些不胜枚举的黑暗例子似乎在提醒世人,那些在一定程度上掌控着人们生与死的医生们,并非全部都是救死扶伤、悬壶济世的高尚人群。
      All of these dark examples are warning us that not all the doctors are the elegant people who heal the wounded and rescue the dying.

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