
戴绿帽子是什么意思 戴绿帽子在线翻译 戴绿帽子什么意思 戴绿帽子的意思 戴绿帽子的翻译 戴绿帽子的解释 戴绿帽子的发音


戴绿帽子 基本解释

戴绿帽子[dài lǜ mào zi]

词典be a cuckold戴绿帽子。

词典be cuckolded戴绿帽子。

戴绿帽子 汉英大词典

戴绿帽子[dài lǜ mào zi]

[方] (比喻妻子有外遇) be a cuckold; be cuckolded:

  例:因为他妻子年龄比他小得多, 他老是怕戴绿帽子

    Since his wife was much younger than he, he was constantly afraid of being cuckolded.

戴绿帽子 网络解释

1. have / wear a green bonnet:高等学校 high school | 戴绿帽子 have / wear a green bonnet | 黄色书籍 yellow book

2. wear horns:toot one's own horn [美口]自吹自擂 | wear horns 戴绿帽子 | wind the horn 吹号角, 吹喇叭 嗡嗡叫(指昆虫)

3. at the sign of the horn:9.as close as a clam.一毛不拔:守口如瓶 | 10.at the sign of the horn.戴绿帽子. | 11.barking dogs do not bite. 吠犬不咬人:真人不露相

4. 戴绿帽子

4. to be a cuckold:龟儿子 bastard; lit. turtle son | 戴绿帽子 to be a cuckold | 杂种 illegitimate child; half-breed

戴绿帽子 双语例句

1. 我发现自己不得不直接效力于那个给我戴绿帽子的男人,对于我的自尊而言这是不可容忍的。
    I find myself having to work directly for the man who has cuckolded me - which is intolerable to my pride.

2. 戴绿帽子

2. 你也不管管你媳妇,就不怕戴绿帽子
    You should keep your wife under control, aren't you afraid of being cuckolded?

3. 但我们内心深处拒绝承认这一事实,就像戴绿帽子的丈夫,明知真相令人悲哀,却竭尽全力装着什么都不知道。
    But we were deep in denial, like a cuckolded partner who knows the sorry truth but tries their best to ignore it.

4. 911查询·英语单词

4. 这样,你可以放心地去找了,我也就不用戴绿帽子了!
    In this way, you can safely go, and I also do not have a son of a cuckold!

5. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

5. 我不想当戴绿帽子的傻瓜。
    Matt: I don't wanna be a chump.

6. 如果你们结婚的话,你务必要保证你不会戴绿帽子
    Sentence: if you get married, you must be sure to guarantee you won't be culkolded.

7. 而且还背叛我,给我戴绿帽子了?
    But also betrayed me, and give me in.

8. 戴绿帽子的近义词

8. 你就是那个给我戴绿帽子的助手?
    Were you the clerk that is to make me cuckold?

9. 911查询·英语单词

9. 他今后的日子都得戴绿帽子吗?
    Must he be a cuckold for the rest of his life?

10. 你就是让我戴绿帽子的文员?
    Were you the clerk that is to make me a cuckold?

11. 戴绿帽子的翻译

11. 不过,你一定要看紧点,小心戴绿帽子
      However, you must keep a close eye on, the son of a cuckold careful!

12. 唉~~~你要戴绿帽子了。308。
      Oh ~~~ you want to sub a cuckold.

13. 他估计总有那么一天,露玲或者那戴绿帽子的老公会宰了他。
      Jack said he'd had a thing going with the wife of a rancher down the road in Childress and for the last few months he'd slank around expecting to get shot by Lureen or the husband, one.

14. 戴绿帽子

14. 她现在想开放你们以前约定的一对一关系,比如外向型的关系,一妻多夫/一夫多妻,或者,戴绿帽子的。
      You`ve been in this committed relationship for a while; she wants to open it up. You can have an Open relationship, Poly-amorous relationship, Cuckolding..

15. 婚姻使男人戴绿帽子合法化了。
      The legalised cuckolding of men.

16. 911查询·英语单词

16. Frank戴绿帽子,穿绿体恤,蓝牛仔裤,黑袜子和白旅游鞋。
      Frank is wearing a green cap, a green T-shirt, blue jeans, black socks and white trainers.

17. 但他们自己却再也睡不着,此情形就像他们是一对情人,而在隔壁房间颠来倒去那人正是戴绿帽子的丈夫。
      But they were as little able to get back to sleep as if they had, indeed, been lovers and the man thrashing in the adjacent bedroom was the wronged husband.

18. 你就是那个给我戴绿帽子的助手?
      Gratiano Were you the clerk that is to make me cuckold?

19. 戴绿帽子

19. 男人的名誉是最为珍贵的,戴绿帽子比勾引人更难堪,法律难道对此不了解吗?
      Did the Law not know that a man's name was to him the apple of his eye, that it was far harder to be regarded as cuckold than as seducer?

20. 戴绿帽子

20. 因为他妻子年龄比他小得多,他老是怕戴绿帽子
      Since his wife was much younger than he, he was constantly afraid of being cuckolded.

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