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手不释卷 基本解释

手不释卷[shǒu bú shì juàn]

词典be never seen without a book in hand手不释卷。

词典always with a book in one's hand手不释卷。

词典be a diligent reader手不释卷。

词典be very studious手不释卷。

手不释卷 汉英大词典

手不释卷[shǒu bú shì juàn]

be never seen without a book in hand; always with a book in one's hand; be a diligent reader; be very studious

手不释卷 网络解释

1. Always with a book in hand:世外桃源 A heaven of peace and happiness | 手不释卷 Always with a book in hand | 守株待兔 Sitting by a stump, waiting for a careless hare

2. INSERT INTO comment VALUES (519:1541 INSERT INTO comment VALUES (518, 0, 0, 0, 1, '1', '日有進步... | 1542 INSERT INTO comment VALUES (519, 0, 0, 0, 1, '1', '手不釋卷' | 1543 INSERT INTO comment VALUES (520, 0, 0, 0, 1, '1', '存疑求...

3. keeps book at his elbow:got out of breath 上气不接下气 | keeps book at his elbow 手不释卷 | talks nine words at once 口若悬河

4. never seen without a book in hand:手忙腳亂 very busy; | 手不釋卷 never seen without a book in hand; | 手急眼快 dexterous, adroit, -ly;

手不释卷 双语例句

1. 手不释卷

1. 一个振兴中华的世纪伟人,一个运筹帷幄,用兵如神的大战略家、大军事家,一个手不释卷的大学问家、一个超迈千古的大诗人、大书法家。
    A rejuvenation of the century, a great man, a strategist, military forces, such as God's great strategists, great military strategist, and a university asked Shoubushijuan home, a super-step through the ages, a great poet, the great calligrapher.

2. 读下来,手不释卷,对自己的课堂教学艺术、作文教学乃至自己的写作等领域的思索都有很大启发。
    Read come down, fondle admiringly, of the domain such as education of artistic to oneself classroom education, composition and even oneself writing think to have very big inspire.

3. 这些引人入胜的关于冒险和危险的记录会让读者手不释卷
    These gripping accounts of adventure and danger will mesmerize readers from cover to cover!

4. 他是那么酷爱读书,你总是可以看到他手不释卷
    He has such a big appetite for reading that you never see him without a book.

5. 手不释卷

5. 我昨晚一直在读它,手不释卷
    I read it all through the night last night, I couldn't put it down.

6. 手不释卷的翻译

6. 慢慢的,他们就见缝插针地读书,最后手不释卷了。
    Slowly, they must attack first to study the final Shoubushijuan of.

7. 在这本薄薄的却又让人手不释卷的书中,他提出了这样的道理:富贵者,浮云也。
    With this slender but stimulating book, he provokes the opposite reaction.

8. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

8. 你手不释卷
    You couldn't put them down.

9. 梁启超的一生,手不释卷,行不离书,具有广泛而卓有成效的读书实践;
    LIANG Qichao always accompanied with books in all his life and took the extensive and effective practices of reading.

10. 令人关注的人物、情爱的紧张氛围和绝妙的情节交织在桑德拉·布朗的《恐怖因素》中。本书把谜底留到了最后一刻,使读者手不释卷
    The compelling characters, sexual tension, and stunning plot twists in Sandra Brown's Chill Factor combine to create a page-turner that will keep readers guessing until the very end.

11. 赵匡胤虽是一员武将,却很喜爱读书,常手不释卷
      Although he was a military general, he was fond of reading.

12. 他整日手不释卷,夜不能寐,每天想的全是这些浪漫的传奇故事。
      He read so much and slept so little that eventually all he could think of were these fictional tales of romance.

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