
拒人于千里之外是什么意思 拒人于千里之外在线翻译 拒人于千里之外什么意思 拒人于千里之外的意思 拒人于千里之外的翻译


拒人于千里之外 基本解释

拒人于千里之外[jù rén yú qiān lǐ zhī wài]

词典keep sb. a thousand li away拒人于千里之外。

词典keep at arm's length避免同…亲近;不可向迩;拒人于千里之外。

词典keep a good distance from sb.拒人于千里之外。

词典put sb. beyond the pale拒人于千里之外。

拒人于千里之外 汉英大词典

拒人于千里之外[jù rén yú qiān lǐ zhī wài]

keep sb. a thousand li away; keep at arm's length; keep a good distance from sb.; put sb. beyond the pale; unapproachable

拒人于千里之外 双语例句

1. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

1. 你想都不要想,她根本不会考虑的,她是个冷美人。get your hopes up,燃起希望,touch-me-not 那种拒人于千里之外的人。
    Don't even get your hopes up, there is no way she'd even consider it. She is a Touch-Me-Not.

2. 鸿蒙见云将态度真诚,也不好意思太拒人于千里之外,可是他还是不愿正面的回答云将有关替天行道的事。
    Seeing the sincere attitude of Yun Jiang, Hong Meng felt himself indifferent if refusing him, but he was reluctant to give Yun Jiang a direct answer about the doing duty for Heaven.

3. 有。浓妆艳抹,厚粉浓膏,不仅艳俗,而且拒人于千里之外,让人疑心厚重的脂粉底下有多
    Heavy make-up thick thick flour paste, is not only gaudy, but拒人于千里之外, makes one wonder how many of the heavy powder underneath the real stuff, and

4. 宽广,宁静,一望无垠,但是寒冷的地理气候却拒人于千里之外
    Very wide, quiet and the borders are practically unparallel but he frigid climate keeps people away.

5. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

5. 我想东健的霸气应该是让人倾慕的、却又不拒人于千里之外的、动人的、震撼的一面。
    His imposing presence is an admirable, touching and stunning side of him, not overpowering at all.

6. danci.911cha.com

6. 我发现她相当严厉,拒人于千里之外,近乎冷漠。
    I found her a rather austere, distant, somewhat cold person.

7. 近年来约翰·巴顿身上有一种拒人于千里之外的力量。
    Of late years, John Barton had had a repellent power.

8. 他觉得她冷若冰霜,拒人于千里之外
    He found her cold, ice-like and distant

9. 拒人于千里之外什么意思

9. 是我不想打开心门,拒人于千里之外
    Is I does not want to open the ostium, aloofs.

10. 鸿蒙见云将态度真诚,也不好意思太拒人于千里之外,可是他还是不愿正面的回答云将有关替天行道的事。
    Seeing the sincere attitude of Yun Jiang, Hong Meng felt himself indifferent if refusing him, but he was reluctant to give Yun Jiang a direct answer about carrying out the duty on behalf of Heaven.

11. 你不要总是拒人于千里之外,让我来帮助你。
      No, it's human. You're gonna get through this.

12. 在长谈和一阵争执之后,乔仍拒人于千里之外,罗力只得逃开。
      After a long talk and an argument, Jo still refused and Laurie ran away.

13. 拒人于千里之外

13. 她这些议论分明是有意拒人于千里之外
      Her comments were dearly intended as a snub.

14. 如果你感觉没有回信是拒人于千里之外,记得那些受伤的人都有冬眠的倾向。
      If a silence feels too withheld, remember that people who are hurting tend to have the desire to hibernate.

15. 911查询·英语单词

15. 她的人物都是被束缚着的或者是被囚禁着的,她这样将自己与外部世界隔离开来,仿佛是为了自我保护,是为了拒人于千里之外
      She binds-or imprisons-these personae, as if to self-protect and withdraw into her own body, rendering herself immune from the exterior world.

16. 拒人于千里之外什么意思

16. 无柔则不亲和,不亲和就会陷入孤立,四面楚歌,自我封闭,拒人于千里之外
      Because no one want to admit compassion and cruelty can live side by side in one heart.

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