
挤牙膏是什么意思 挤牙膏在线翻译 挤牙膏什么意思 挤牙膏的意思 挤牙膏的翻译 挤牙膏的解释 挤牙膏的发音 挤牙膏的同义词


挤牙膏 基本解释

挤牙膏[jǐ yá gāo ]

词典squeeze toothpaste out of a tube挤牙膏。

词典be forced to tell the truth bit by bit

词典confess quite reluctantly

挤牙膏 汉英大词典

挤牙膏[jǐ yá gāo]

(挤出牙膏) squeeze toothpaste out of a tube

挤牙膏 网络解释

1. to squeeze a tube of toothpaste:to press something firmly, especially with your fingers 挤压;捏 | to squeeze a tube of toothpaste 挤牙膏 VN | He squeezed her hand and smiled at her. 他捏了捏她的手,冲她笑笑.

挤牙膏 双语例句

1. 请不要使用微粒状牙膏,有碍挤牙膏器导出口的畅通和密封。
    Do not use microsome toothpaste, in case of causing obstruction of the output channel

2. 挤牙膏是什么意思

2. 她用力挤牙膏筒,把最后一点牙膏挤了出来。
    She squeezed the tube hard and the lost of the toothpaste came out.

3. 挤牙膏的翻译

3. 他使劲挤牙膏管子,挤出了最后一点牙膏。
    He squeezed the tube hard and the last bit of toothpaste came out.

4. 他使劲挤牙膏管子,挤出了最后一点牙膏。
    He squeezed the tube hard and the last bit of to othpaste came out.

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5. 他使劲挤牙膏管子,挤出了最後一点牙膏。
    He squeezed the tube hard and the last bit of toothpaste come out.

6. 挤牙膏的意思

6. 他总是从中间开始挤牙膏,而且吃饭的时候吧唧嘴。
    He always squeezes toothpaste in the middle of the tube and makes a big noise when eating.

7. 挤压法同从牙膏筒里挤牙膏和从口袋里往糕点上挤糖衣花饰的原理一样。
    The process of extrusion involves a similar principle to that of squeezing toothpaste from the tube or making cake decorations by squirting icing sugar from a bag.

8. 挤牙膏

8. 当你挤牙膏的时候会想:这是不是德国人的奶酪??
    When you get behind a slow driver and you hear Sinker tell you to outflank that SOB.

9. 审问这个惯犯就跟挤牙膏一样。
    To interrogate this hardened criminal, you have to squeeze every word out of him.

10. 挤牙膏什么意思

10. 他挤了挤牙膏,发现空了。
    He squeezed the toothpaste tube and found it empty.

11. 诸如挤牙膏之类的老生常谈确实是欠缺考虑的。
      Trite comments such as squeeze the toothpaste betray a real lack of thought.

12. danci.911cha.com

12. 挤牙膏夹本体,可制成圆柱体或长方体。
      The toothpaste squeezing clamp body can be made into a cylinder or a rectangle.

13. 无需使用电源的自动挤牙膏器 No electric toothpaste dispenser1、无需使用电源,采用抽真空方式自动挤出牙膏。2、避免繁琐的挤牙膏过程,适合大众便于使用。3、给儿童带来刷牙的喜悦,给老弱者、体障者带来方便。4、家庭、办公室、宾馆、宿舍、健身场所、医院、学校、桑那浴、幼儿园等地安装,便于管理牙膏,并且卫生。1。
      No need of electric, use vacuum force technology to get out toothpaste.2. Invoid of cumbersome procedure of getting out toothpaste, convenient for anybody.3. Bring happiness for children and convenience for old and disabled.4. Fit for family, office, hotel, dormitory, body-building club, hospital, school, massage room, kindergarten to install, easy and clean for toothpaste use.

14. 挤牙膏的意思

14. 他挤牙膏管直到挤出一些牙膏。
      He squeezed on the tube until some toothpaste came out.

15. 2003年,查尔斯王子被曝出每次刷牙前都由他最喜爱的佣人帮他挤牙膏,这引发了民众对于皇室奢侈生活的强烈抗议。
      In 2003, there was an outcry over Royal extravagance after it was revealed that Prince Charles had a favourite servant who squeezed the toothpaste tube for him before he cleaned his teeth.

16. 挤牙膏的解释

16. 有谁能想到女人比男人更可能从牙膏管中段&甚至更糟,从牙膏管顶端挤牙膏
      Who'd have guessed women are more likely to squeeze the toothpaste tube from the middle & or worse, from the top!

17. 对,我一般都是从下往上挤牙膏
      Yeah. I always roll it up from the bottom.

18. 好的,那你挤牙膏的时候是从上面还是下面?
      Do you squeeze the toothpaste from the top or the bottom?

19. 挤牙膏

19. 我有在挤牙膏
      I try to squeeze things.

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