
捡漏是什么意思 捡漏在线翻译 捡漏什么意思 捡漏的意思 捡漏的翻译 捡漏的解释 捡漏的发音 捡漏的同义词 捡漏的反义词 捡漏的例句


捡漏 基本解释


捡漏[jiǎn lòu]

词典repair the leaky part of a roof捡漏。

词典plug a leak in the roof捡漏。

捡漏 汉英大词典

捡漏[jiǎn lòu]

{建} repair the leaky part of a roof; plug a leak in the roof

捡漏 双语例句

1. 捡漏的意思

1. 这次赚到钱是你捡漏儿,以后不许做投机倒把的事情了。
    This time you've made money because you've made use of the loophole, but I warn you not to do it again.

2. 捡漏的解释

2. 使用原理和捡漏装置的应用进行了基本的介绍。
    Element and application of the device will be introduced.

3. 捡漏自然是种自我眼力的满足,吃药交费谁也难免,大可释怀一笑。
    A lot of things such as tuition are unavoidable, why not laugh?

4. 公司拥有从事电真空的高级工程师、富有实践经验的电真空高级技师以及专业的企业经营管理人才,同时配备了氢炉、真空炉、高频炉、炭化台、捡漏仪等先进设备,多年来公司的产品和服务得到了广大客户的信赖和好评。
    The company has engaged in a vacuum, a senior engineer, rich practical experience in the power vacuum senior technician and professional enterprise management personnel, equipped with a hydrogen furnace, vacuum furnaces, high-frequency furnace, charring Taiwan, Jianlou instrument, and other advanced equipment, the company over the years Products and services by the majority of customers trust and praise.

5. 她还没收拾好行李,笨女孩,千万别捡漏了东西没带啊。
    She didnt pack up her things yet, stupid girl, dont miss anything ya.

6. 尤文掌控了比赛,但帕尔玛在51分钟利用Lucci的捡漏又一次超出,并赢得了比赛。
    Juventus controlled the match but it was Parma who in the 51st minute once again went ahead with an opportunistic goal by Lucci to end the match.

7. 曼联花了18分钟打破了僵局,当时切赫的扑救给了朴智星一个捡漏的机会,而卡劳却并不担心曼联的领先。
    It took Manchester United 18 minutes to break the deadlock, when Ji-Sung Park slotted home after a Petr Cech block, but Kalou was not too concerned about United's early lead.

8. 主要叙述了目前在国内外汽车修理行业正广泛使用的汽车油箱捡漏装置中的重要光学元件&荧光滤光片的设计与制造,并对此光学元件使用原理和捡漏装置的应用进行了基本的介绍。
    This article main describes the design and production of fluorescent filter, it's an important optical component for the leak hunting device and extensive applying in the internal and overseas. The use of optical element and application of the device will be introduced.

9. 主要叙述了目前在国内外汽车修理行业正广泛使用的汽车油箱捡漏装置中的重要光学元件&荧光滤光片的设计与制造,并对此光学元件使用原理和捡漏装置的应用进行了基本的介绍。
    This article main describes the design and production of fluorescent filter, it ′ s an important optical component for the leak hunting device and extensive applying in the internal and overseas. The use of optical element and application of the device will be introduced.

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