
搭拉是什么意思 搭拉在线翻译 搭拉什么意思 搭拉的意思 搭拉的翻译 搭拉的解释 搭拉的发音 搭拉的同义词 搭拉的反义词 搭拉的例句


搭拉 基本解释


搭拉[dā la]



词典hang down垂;挂下来;下垂;低。

搭拉 汉英大词典

搭拉[dā la]

(耷拉) slouch; droop; hang down

搭拉 双语例句

1. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

1. 随着从走廊传来的父亲踏在橡木地板上的脚步声越来越近,我不禁缩头缩脑地搭拉着脑袋。
    His footsteps on the hallway's oak floor got louder and louder.

2. 搭拉的解释

2. 它的尾巴和脑袋都搭拉下来,慢吞吞地走着,仿佛它非常、非常累了。
    His tail and his head hung low and he walked slowly as if he were very, very tired.

3. 她开始轻轻的吟唱,直到他的手指从她的手中滑落,然后他的头搭拉到了胸前,我告诉她别出声,也别吵,因为担心她会把他吵醒。
    Then I told her to hush, and not stir, for fear she should wake him.

4. 汤姆的下巴搭拉在胸上。
    Tom's chin slumped down onto his chest.

5. 搭拉

5. 他白色的手绢搭拉在屁股口袋的外面
    His white handkerchief was hanging out of his pocket behind

6. 他白色的手绢搭拉在屁股口袋的外面,星期天也不例外——偶而有次把除外。
    His white handkerchief was hanging out of his pocket behind, as usual on Sundays -- accidentally.

7. 午夜渐渐来临,小伦斜倚在座椅上,书搭拉在一旁,已经有些昏昏欲睡,但是她知道,她真的不能睡过去的,因为明天要考试的,如果今天晚上不把这一章的内容全部拿下的话,很可能就不及格了,那样可惨了,而且妈妈说了,这次如果她要是取得了很好的成绩的话,她会得到一架新钢琴,这个诱惑力,对她来说实在不小的。
    It is approaching midnight, Xiao Lun leans back on the chair, beside her are some books in a mess. she feels kind of sleepy, but she is aware that she can't afford even a nap at the moment, 'cause she is gonna take the exam tomorrow, she may flunks if she doesn't finish this chapter tonight. if so, she'll be fucked up. besides, her mom had said that she could get a piano if she get a good grade, honestly speaking, it is not a small temptation for her.

8. 911查询·英语单词

8. 因为他看到那搭拉的脑袋、低垂的眼睛和抬起的手,心中想道,我感觉到这点;我为什么不为这位孤立无援、伤心失望的人认错呢?
    For he looked upon the bowed head, and the downcast eyes, and upraised hand, and thought, 'I have felt it; and why should I not avow it in behalf of this unfriended, broken man!

9. danci.911cha.com

9. 那张过去曾经属于我的脸,现在呈现出一副怪相:这里陷下去,那里鼓出来;半张嘴巴僵硬地歪向一边;右眼皮朝下搭拉着,助听器凸显在两只耳朵孔里;嘴里没有一颗牙齿。
    The locker room went deathly still as the players looked at the right side of my face—or what used to be my face. It was caved in here, bulging there. Half of my mouth was frozen in a sideways grimace. My right eye drooped. Hearing aids bulged from both ears. I had no teeth.

10. 搭拉

10. 小小的嘴巴,上唇突出在下唇的上面;一双机警的眼睛,眼皮稍微搭拉着,使他具有一种爱挖苦的和百折不挠的表情。
    His small mouth with its upper lip out above the lower, his eyelids a little dropped over his watchful eyes, gave hims a satirical and resolute expression.

11. 库图佐夫坐了起来,他的一条腿从床上搭拉下来,他那肥大的肚皮歪着放在另一条蜷缩起来的大腿上。
      Kutuzov sat with one leg out of bed and his unwieldy, corpulent body propped on the other leg bent under him.

12. “对不起,”老狗对它们说,同时它的耳朵搭拉下去。
      " Sorry, " he said to the other dogs as his ears fell down from their perked position.

13. 随着踏在走廊橡木地板上的脚步声越来越近,我不禁缩头缩脑地搭拉下脑袋。父亲很快就来到我门前咆哮起来。
      His footsteps on the hallway's oak floor got louder and louder. I felt my head hunching between my shoulders; then Dad was at the door and raging.

14. 那位年龄较大、但在公司里职务很低的人的眼睛向地面低垂着,脑袋搭拉着,站在那里,恭顺地听着另一位的谴责。
      He who was the Senior in years, and Junior in the House, stood, with his eyes cast upon the ground, and his head bowed, humbly listening to the reproaches of the other.

15. 他白色的手绢搭拉在屁股口袋的外面,星期天也不例外&偶而有次把除外。
      His white handkerchief was hanging out of his pocket behind, as usual on Sundays & accidentally.

16. 想了半天,他把铺板往斜里拉好,这样两头对着屋角,他就可以把头放平,腿搭拉着点先将就一夜。
      After some thought he pulled the bed out cross-wise. This way he could lay down his head and make do for the night with his legs dangling over the other end.

17. 我忙去驱逐它,它只一扑,把小鸟擒住!被人养惯的小麻雀,连挣扎都不会,尾与爪在猫嘴旁搭拉着,和死去差不多。
      I hastened to drive her away but, with a quick jump, she caught hold of the bird. The tame sparrow, with its tail and claws dangling from the kittens mouth, did not even know how to struggle.

18. 搭拉的翻译

18. 他搭拉着脑袋,哭丧着脸到处走,用动情的颤声对每个人诉说那畜生的逝世不同寻常。
      He went about with hanging head and melancholy face, telling everyone the particulars of the beast's demise in a voice quivering with emotion.

19. 当你站在落基山上,你搭拉着脑袋哭吧!
      When you're on that Rocky Mountain, hang your head and cry.

20. 而且搭拉会属于另外一个人!
      And Tara belonging to some one else!

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