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搭界 基本解释

搭界[dā jiè]

词典have a common border搭界;交界。

词典border on接壤;近乎;邻近,接界;濒。

词典juncture of搭界;交界。

搭界 汉英大词典

搭界[dā jiè]

(交界) have a common border; border on; juncture of

搭界 双语例句

1. 在拉森山,时而东行时而西向,与特里尼迪山区略有搭界,之后继续北上。
    From Mount Lassen, the trail runs east-west to make a toe-touch in the Trinities before continuing north.

2. 这些人年龄代互有差距,艺术圈也很不相同。其创作倾向更是各执一端,互不搭界
    Their creation tendencies are even more varied, with no connections with each other.

3. 你认为你来生会变成什么样的人或者东西?跟我现在一点不搭界的人。
    If you were to die and come back as a person or thing, what do you think it would be?

4. 有人说,那是国家的事儿,跟老百姓不搭界
    Somebody says, that is national thing, do not build a bound with common people.

5. 搭界

5. 内容加载中。。1。咱俩说的事根本不搭界
    There is no relationship between what we said.

6. 咱俩说的事根本不搭界
    What we say are not the same.

7. 年轻的金村西与市区为邻,北与晋煤集团、高都镇相连,东与柳树口镇接壤、南与大箕河南搭界
    Young Kim Village West and the urban areas adjacent to the north and Shanxi Coal Group, high-are connected to the town, the East and willows bordering Town, South Henan ride with Shaoji sector.

8. 咱俩说的事根本不搭界
    The things that we said are irrelative.

9. 又重赂越王无疆,使之攻楚,先把与赵国不搭界的楚国的注意力转移到它的老对手越国身上去。
    Bribe again without Jiang Yue to attack Chu, first and Zhao of Chu does not have to do with the attention to its old rival to the more country people.

10. 我是真的很爱经典的hip hop,我也知道现在的确有很多喜欢 dirtysouth的人,但那种音乐真的和我浑身不搭界
    I really love soulful hip hop, I know alot of new fans are into dirty south beats, but its really not my thing.

11. 搭界是什么意思

11. 原来亚嫩河是摩押的边界,在摩押和亚摩利人搭界的地方。
      The Arnon is the border of Moab, between Moab and the Amorites.

12. 我想,这是因为它没和离婚或者呕吐搭界
      I think because it didn't involve divorce or projectile vomiting.

13. 对,你没有看错,是雪橇队,来自那个与冰雪毫不搭界的热带岛国。
      No, you`re not misreading. It is a bobsled team, from that tropical island without any clue about winter.

14. 分界线错配和/或搭界不超过0.1MM。

15. 今天我向110反映了一起发生在杭州下沙的一起有诈骗嫌疑的事件,但令我失望的是当我把事情说清楚后,那位接待的服务员却说这事要先找12315,结果我照这做了。但是当我打12315时,他给我一个理由,在广场上的活动由城管管的,和他们不搭界。我真的很晕,难道在消费者反映问题后,他们不会相互沟通一下的啊,还要我们打电话自行解决。我真的有点不快,杭州作为中国的一个大城是竟有如此的一面。
      Today I to 110 had reflected occurs under Hangzhou the sand has the cheating suspicion together the event, but makes is after I which I am disappointed the matter said clear, that reception service person actually said this matter had first to look for 12315, result I to do according to this But when I hit 12315, he gives me a reason, in the square activity by the city tube tube, does not border with them Did my really very much corona, after the consumer reflect the question, they cannot mutually link up, but also wants us to make the phone call voluntarily to solve I a little am not really quick, Hangzhou is unexpectedly has as a China's big city so at the same time May say is......

16. 县境四周环山、东至老马岭、岳神山与高平、晋城市泽州县为邻;西至东坞岭与翼城县搭界;南至仙翁山、舜王坪与阳城、垣曲县接壤;北至香山岭、关帝岭、宇峻山与浮山、安泽、长子县毗邻。
      County surrounded by mountains, east to the old maling, Yue Kamiyama and Gaoping, Jincheng City is adjacent toze zhou xian; west to east dock Yicheng County Ridge and ride circles; southxian weng Shan, Shun Wang Ping and Yangcheng, Sadakazu Qu County border; north to Shannon mountains, Guandi Ling, Yu-Chun and Lau Fau Shan Shan, Anze, the eldest son of the adjacent county.

17. 冈比亚三面与塞内加尔搭界
      Gambia is bordered on three sides by senegal.

18. 在这个时候,我相信记忆,相信与我耕种的那块小小的知识自留地完全不搭界的即时的兴趣。
      At the moment, I am relying on memory, on a fortuitous interest in something well outside the tiny smallholding of knowledge I've begun to cultivate.

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19. 即使对看似毫不搭界的、肉眼可见的皮炎,色彩化妆品的使用仍很重要。
      Recognizing dermatoses that rarely may be related to their use also is important.

20. 这和拯救生命一点也不搭界
      This has nothing to dowith saving a life.

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