
擂鼓是什么意思 擂鼓在线翻译 擂鼓什么意思 擂鼓的意思 擂鼓的翻译 擂鼓的解释 擂鼓的发音 擂鼓的同义词 擂鼓的反义词 擂鼓的例句


擂鼓 基本解释


擂鼓[léi ɡǔ]


擂鼓 网络解释

1. 擂鼓的意思

1. BeatingDrum:访医先生AVisitingPhysician | 擂鼓BeatingDrum | 卖月饼SellingMoonCake

擂鼓 双语例句

1. 911查询·英语单词

1. 假如在夏季午后游湖遇到雷雨也不必害怕,那是大自然让你领略另一番气象景观:一刹那乌云压顶,风丝不动,时空在这一刻凝固了,突然,惊雷踏水波而来,雨点擂鼓般敲击着船篷,——正当惊魂未定时,雨驻云开,虹霓飞架,雨后青山如黛,湖水墨蓝,夕阳从云层里投射山间寺庙的红墙碧瓦,暮鼓钟声附着波光云影悠悠飘来,使你恍惚进入佛光禅境的空灵遐想。
    If the Lake in the summer afternoon thunderstorms do not have to experience fear, it is natural to allow you a taste of different meteorological landscape: the moment cloud top pressure, wind wire fixed, coagulation time and space at this moment, and suddenly, thunder wave follow from rain-like percussionthe Flog drum beat Boat canopy, - legitimate shock, the rain in Yunkai, Hongyemun set up in the sky, after the rain, such as Dai Castle, Lake ink blue, sunset clouds in projection from the mountain temple of green glazed tile walls, twilight drum bell attached shimmering clouds floated long, so you enter the Temple of Zen trance of reverie dense.

2. 我会为你擂鼓助威。
    I ` ll bang the drum for you.

3. 年5 月19 日,四川省北川县擂鼓镇,一名撤离出来的小女孩儿,背篼里装着两只小狗。
    An evacuated little girls has two dogs in her basket carrier in Leigu Township, Beichuan County, Sichuan

4. 擂鼓的翻译

4. 在这种情况下,我想使敌人将帅恐惧,士卒悲叹,行阵不稳,后阵的想逃,前阵的动摇,然后,擂鼓呐喊乘势进击,从而使敌人逃跑,应该怎么办?
    I want to cause the enemy`s general to become terrified; their officers and men to become dispirited; their battle array to become weak; their reserve army wants to run off; and those deployed in front are shaken.

5. 根据前方需要,6月12日早,志愿者刘继南和梅朵将被分配到北川的擂鼓镇开展为期一个月的支教工作。
    According to their requirement, Liu Jinan and Mei Duo will be allocated to Beichuan to be teachers there for a month.

6. 擂鼓什么意思

6. 我为死者擂鼓,我从我的号角为他们吹出最嘹亮而快乐的音乐。
    I blow through my embouchures my loudest and gayest for them. Vivas to those who have fail'd!

7. 我看了看伟大之母依然在擂鼓,朝着星辰的方向,跳入了KIVA。
    I look to Grandmother drumming, toward the stars above, and jump into the kiva well.

8. 爱情的奇妙之处在于它可以让你心跳如擂鼓
    It can make your heart beat faster.

9. 他们擂鼓给运动员加油。不适合
    They beat drums to cheer up the players.

10. 擂鼓的解释

10. 他们擂鼓给运动员加油。
    They beat drums to cheer up the player s.

11. 擂鼓的近义词

11. 赛龙舟是这个节日的传统节目,江岸还有人擂鼓呐喊,热闹非凡。
      Dragon boat competition is listed as a traditional program at that festival. on both side of the river, people beat the drum and shout for encouragement.

12. 我们不妨设想一群懒惰的人,住在山岭之下,他们从未一探山中的峡谷与岩穴;有一天,大雷雨扫荡这山岭,在那些峡谷岩穴之间呼啸回荡,声若擂鼓,揭露了山谷内部的深奥幽秘,象个盘旋曲折的大螺壳。然后,住在山麓的居民,对於这近在咫尺而从未接触过并且素不熟悉的迷津,大感惊异。
      We may suppose a class of indolent people living at the base of a great mountain range, who had never ventured to explore the valleys and canyons back in the mountains; and some day, when a great thunderstorm goes careening through the mountains, it turns the hidden glens into echoing trumpets, and reveals the inner recesses of the valley, like the convolutions of a monster shell, and then the dwellers at the foot of the hills are astonished at the labyrinths and unexplored recesses of a region so near by, and yet so little known.

13. 擂鼓的解释

13. 成语〖解释〗擂鼓:急击鼓。筛锣:敲锣。敲锣打鼓。形容大声吵闹。也比喻竭力把事情夸大。
      Beat the drums and sound the gongs -- to give a warning; make a fuss about trifles

14. 自从一月你的守护星木星进入白羊座以来,你已经是一个积极主动的人,热切地行进擂鼓
      Ever since your ruler, Jupiter, entered Aries in January, you've been a real self-starter and very eager to march to the beat of your own drum.

15. 我会为你擂鼓助威。
      I'll bang the drum for you.

16. 擂鼓的近义词

16. 五更时分,船只接近曹营。诸葛亮让军士们在船上擂鼓呐喊,装作周瑜来偷袭。
      When Zhuge's fleet got close to the Cao camp before dawn, Zhuge Liang ordered his soldiers to shout and beat drums to fake an attack.

17. 一路轻歌曼舞,一路激昂扼腕,一路擂鼓呐喊。
      You walk all the way full of soft music and graceful dance, excitement or disappointment, and loud shout by drum.

18. 后来鲁庄公问曹刿,为甚麽敌军擂过三遍鼓以后,曹刿才命令鲁军擂鼓
      Afterwards, Lord Juang asked Tsau Guei why he had waited until the enemy had struck their drum three times before ordering the Lu army to strike their once.

19. 一阵阵毕毕剥剥的火声汇成了似乎要震撼山岳的擂鼓似的隆隆声。
      The separate noises of the fire merged into a drum-roll that seemed to shake the mountain.

20. 擂鼓是什么意思

20. 一阵阵毕毕剥剥的火声汇成了似乎要震撼山岳的擂鼓似的隆隆声。
      The separate noises of the fire merged into a drum - roll that seemed to shake the mountain.

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