
攒钱是什么意思 攒钱在线翻译 攒钱什么意思 攒钱的意思 攒钱的翻译 攒钱的解释 攒钱的发音 攒钱的同义词 攒钱的反义词 攒钱的例句


攒钱 基本解释

攒钱[zuán qián]


攒钱 网络解释

1. save up:Notes on the text 课文注释 | 2 save up, 攒钱. | 3 blow up, (指暴风雨)出现并加剧;刮起.

2. 911查询·英语单词

2. save money:7.有意思的地方 somewhere interesting | 8.攒钱 save money | 9.同时 at the same time

3. save some money:10. a year of two 一两年 | 11. save some money 攒钱 | 12. at the same time 同时

4. put away:9. put away 收起,放回原处,积蓄,攒钱 | I'm just going to put the car away. 我正准备把汽车开进车库. | She has a few thousand dollars put away for her retirement. 她为退休生活攒了几千元钱.

攒钱 双语例句

1. 如果你现在开始攒钱,不知不觉中,你就能供自己上大学了。
    If you save the money from now on, you can let youself go to the university unconsciously.

2. 如果你现在开始攒钱,不知不觉中,你就能供自己上大学了。
    If you save money from now on, you can afford youself to go to a university unconciously.

3. 911查询·英语单词

3. 我所说的爱还是这样一种爱:一位退休的女士决定攒钱这样她就可以去非洲更好的照料那些饱受爱滋病折磨得孤儿。
    Love is also found within a retired woman who decides to raise money so she can go to Africa where she can best tend to and take care of orphaned children who are affected by HIV and AIDS.

4. 这样我就可以攒钱去看你了。
    So I can save to come and see you.

5. 主人公一波三折的买房奋斗史,道出了都市无房族的困惑:攒钱的速度永远赶不上房价上涨的速度。
    The speed of making money is lagging far behind the speed of rising home prices.

6. 如果你现在开始攒钱,不知不觉中,你就能供自己上大学了。
    If you save money from now, you will afford yourself to go to the colleage.

7. danci.911cha.com

7. 你们的礼物非常漂亮,我一直在攒钱想买一个
    I have been trying to save up to buy one for a long time.

8. 你们的礼物非常漂亮,我一直在攒钱想买一个,你们送给我的生日礼物再也好不过了。
    The presents you brought were wonderful. I have been trying to save up to buy one for a long time. It was the most wonderful present which you could have gotten for me.

9. danci.911cha.com

9. 你是在攒钱,我也在那条路上尽我的微力。
    You're saving, and I'm doing my little along that road.

10. 911查询·英语单词

10. 她们在红锡做的信箱型攒钱罐里存起了三先令十便士。
    They save up three and tenpence in a red tin letterbox moneybox.

11. 当然,还有些玩家不得不攒集金钱,用于游戏中的各个地方;而`攒钱`的步骤是相当无聊的。
      And then there are of course people who need to grindmoney to fund their different activities in the game.

12. 当然,还有些玩家不得不攒集金钱,用於游戏中的各个地方;而`攒钱`的步骤是相当无聊的。
      And then there are of course people who need to grind money to fund their different activities in the game.

13. 在你的新年决心中,制定一个攒钱的目标,与你的固定收入挂钩,即使攒下的每笔钱并不很多。
      Among your New Year's resolutions include asavings goal that is afunction of your regular income, even if it's not alarge amount of money.

14. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

14. 我在攒钱买新油泵。
      I'm saving for a new fuel pump.

15. 在你的新年决心中,制定一个攒钱的目标,与你的固定收入挂钩,即使攒下的每笔钱并不很多。
      Among your New Year's resolutions include a savings goal that is a function of your regular income, even if it's not a large amount of money.

16. 在你的新年决心中,制定一个攒钱的目标,与你的固定收入挂钩,即使攒下的每笔钱并不很多。
      Among your New Year's resolution s include a savings goal that is a function of your regular income, even if it's not a large amount of money.

17. 在你的新年决心中,制定一个攒钱的目标,与你的固定收入挂钩,即使攒下的每笔钱并不很多。
      Among yourNew Year's resolutions include a savings goal that is a function ofyour regular income, even if it's not a large amount of money.

18. 攒钱什么意思

18. 在你的新年决心中,制定一个攒钱的目标,与你的固定收入挂钩,即使攒下的每笔钱并不很多。
      Among your New Years resolution s include a savings goal that is a function of your regular income, even if its not a large amount of money.

19. 攒钱的翻译

19. 在你的新年决心中,新年决心中制定一个攒钱的目标,制定一个攒钱的目标,与你的固定收入挂钩,即使攒下的每笔钱并不很多。
      Among your New Year's resolutions i nclude a savings goal that is a function of your regular i ncome, even if it's not a large amount of money.

20. 攒钱的翻译

20. 他在攒钱要买一台新电脑。
      He is saving up to buy a new computer.

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