
数不清是什么意思 数不清在线翻译 数不清什么意思 数不清的意思 数不清的翻译 数不清的解释 数不清的发音 数不清的同义词


数不清 基本解释




词典be countless数不清。

数不清 网络解释

1. shu'bu'qing:shu'biao'dian 鼠标垫 1 | shu'bu'qing 数不清 1 | shu'dai'shang 书带上 1

2. The stars are beyond number:The news is beyond belief. (难以置信) | The stars are beyond number. (数不清) | The scene was beyond description. (无法形容)

数不清 双语例句

1. 数不清的意思

1. 这些官员不仅享有厚禄,而且还有各种数不清的福利。
    Fringe benefits, 福利, On top of the high salary, these officials also enjoy countless fringe benefits.

2. 数不清

2. 石榴树有大人的拳头那么粗,有七八个大杈,大杈上还有数不清的小杈儿,像比赛似的向四周伸展着。
    Pomegranate trees are an adult fist, there are seven or eight major branches of a tree and large branches of a tree there are still numerous small branches of a tree a few, like games like stretched to four weeks.

3. 它代表了我的大学时光:数不清的课,学习到深夜,激人奋发的老师,新想法和理论以及丰富的精神食粮。
    It represented countless classes and studying long into the nights, of stimulating teachers, of new ideas and theories, of plenty of food for thought.

4. 那些数不清的你吸收魂,全部都融入了恶食之中
    The countless soul you gathered have merged into one....inside akujiki

5. 数不清

5. 最近我看了好多好多的小说,连自己也许都快数不清了。
    Recently I read many many novels, all was perhaps quick innumerably including own.

6. 如今超市的货架上,各种品牌、各种风味的芝麻酱都数不清了,那口麻酱白糖抹馒头片的香味,也淡出了人们的生活,变成了随时可以回忆的香味。
    Now at supermarket you can find several brands and flavors sesame butter. The bun plastered butter and sugar, had become a flavor of memory. Solid soyabean, substitute for arrow root powder, were elimated although they were cheap

7. 那天我母亲给了我数不清的拥抱和吻。
    That day I got enough hugs and kisses from Mum to last two lifetimes.

8. 数不清什么意思

8. 世俗的权力不会长久持续,它是受支配于数不清的变化。
    Worldly Power Is Not Of Long Duration, And Is Subject To Innumerable Changes.

9. 越过墙外,一望无际展现在我们眼前,是阿诺河美丽河谷的全貌,还有座落於费叶索里的修院、伽利略的高塔、薄伽丘的寓所、古老的别院别庄、数不清的胜地,千娇百媚,都在这一片浸浴无限光华的景致中绽放光芒。
    Beyond the walls, the whole sweet Valley of the Arno, the convent at Fiesole, the Tower of Galileo, BOCCACCIO'S house, old villas and retreats; innumerable spots of interest, all glowing in a landscapeof surpassing beauty steeped in the richest light; are spread before us.

10. 数不清的近义词

10. 我去过的次数多到数不清
    I've been there more times than I can remember.

11. 数不清的旅程无尽的流浪是因为没觅到,拴马的桩。
      Too many trips and vagrancies without an ending, cause we can`t find a peg to tie our horse.

12. 大师居住在地心一个非常优美的峡谷中,在那里高高的翠峰矗立,直抵钟乳石穹顶,山峰上数不清的瀑布倾泻直下,形成了溪流江河并一直汇成下面峡谷的湖泊。
      The Grand Masters settled in a beautiful valley within the inner earth that was most beautiful in appearances; with lofty green hills that lifted high to the stalactite ceilings above and were covered with vast numbers of waterfalls descending into streams and rivers that formed into lakes beneath.

13. 大家沿着罗伦古道向上攀登,一路上,数不清的台阶,层层叠叠,曲曲折折,蜿蜒盘旋,路两边树木葱郁,遮天盖日。
      Laurent Road all along the climb up, along the way, countless steps, layer upon layer, twists and turns, winding over the road on both sides of verdant trees, to build on.

14. 数不清

14. 通常,那种愿望对我们来讲是针对于过去饮酒岁月中那数不清的对我们关系的伤害。
      Often, that willingness for us is subject to the amount of damage done to our relationships during the drinking years.

15. 还有额外的心愿,多到数不清
      And'Will'to boot, and'Will'in overplus

16. 数不清的意思

16. 这是圣诞夜,吉姆,为了你我才卖了头发,我的头发也许是数的清的,但我对你的爱确实数不清的。
      And this is the eveing before Christmas, Jim.

17. 我去了数不清的城市,有机会跟你们见面。
      I've visited uncountable number of cities that gave chance to visit you guys...

18. 无数的矿物质、数不清的浮游生物、各种各样的动物尸体,都被深深冻结在南极和北极渺无边际的冰川里。
      Numerous minerals, numerous plankton, a variety of animal carcasses, were deep frozen in the Antarctic and Arctic boundless glaciers.

19. 数不清的意思

19. 数不清的守候,数不清的痴盼,数不清的依恋,数不清的念想。
      Waiting for countless, countless silly hope, countless attachment, and the countless read like.

20. 数不清在线翻译

20. 在增加农民经济负担的同时,还给农民带来数不清的兵祸或战难。
      Farmers economic burden was heavy, and they also suffered from wars.

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