
旗开得胜是什么意思 旗开得胜在线翻译 旗开得胜什么意思 旗开得胜的意思 旗开得胜的翻译 旗开得胜的解释 旗开得胜的发音


旗开得胜 基本解释

旗开得胜[qí kāi dé shèng]

词典win victory the moment one raises one's standard旗开得胜。

词典As soon as one went into action he won a victory.旗开得胜。

词典be triumphant at one stroke旗开得胜。

词典be triumphant in the first battle旗开得胜。

Hell of a good start

旗开得胜 汉英大词典

旗开得胜[qí kāi dé shèng]

win victory the moment one raises one's standard; As soon as one went into action he won a victory.; be triumphant at one stroke; be triumphant in the first battle; gain a battle at the unfurling of the flag; succeed at the first try; succeed from the very

  例:旗开得胜, 马到成功。

    (I wish you) speedy success.

旗开得胜 网络解释

1. 旗开得胜的近义词

1. achieve immediate victory; win instant success:28. 留得青山在不怕没柴烧 Where there is life, there is hope. | 29. 旗开得胜 achieve immediate victory; win instant success | 30. 求名求利 gain in both fame and wealth

2. 旗开得胜

2. start off with a bang:其身正,不令而行 If the ruler acts properly, the folks would obey him without being order... | 旗开得胜 start off with a bang | 前事不忘,后事之师 Past experience, if not forgotten, is a guide for the fu...

旗开得胜 双语例句

1. 最后,他说道他的法案会旗开得胜的。
    Ultimately, he says, his law will prevail.

2. 可是不久又漂来了第二个,这一回啊,我可就旗开得胜啦。
    But by and by along comes another one, and this time I won.

3. 祝你在新的一年里旗开得胜
    A:1 wish you every success in the coming now year!

4. danci.911cha.com

4. 他的步伐带着一股冲锋陷阵的味道,想必也有旗开得胜的想望。
    This march savored of an attack, and certainly of a desire for conquest.

5. 汤坦海曼队在两分钟后就得分了,对他们来说,这是旗开得胜
    Tottenham score after only two minutes and it was first blood to them.

6. 再次祝贺你荣升为管理部经理,旗开得胜。并且祝愿心情愉快、万事如意。
    Again, I congratulate you on your promotion as director of the Management Department, and I wish for you much success in the years ahead.

7. GSI公司曾在中东和澳大利亚的大沙漠中勘探,也使用过我们莫尔厂提供的沙漠设备,但都得心应手、旗开得胜、马到成功,惟有中国的塔克拉玛干大沙漠,设备进入工区才两个多月,就已经有一多半泡病号和抛锚待料。
    GSI has conducted the seismic operation in deep desert in the Middle East and Australia. The desert equipment that used was supplied by our Mol manufacture. The equipment was suitable to the dusk properly; But in the deep desert in Takalamaken of China, only two months, half of then broke down!

8. 柒零零捌」以香港七十年的代风貌延续至二零零八年为主题,制作出一本多功能的怀旧记事簿参赛,旗开得胜取得最佳摊位设计、最受欢迎摊位设计、最受欢迎宣传大使和最佳产品/服务季军奬项。
    In its endeavour to extend the lifestyle of the 70s to 2008, 7008 produced a multi-functional diary embellished with nostalgic illustrations to compete in the Programme. The company got its first taste of success by winning awards for Best Booth Design, Most Popular Booth Design, Most Popular Mobile Promoter and Second Runner-up for Best Product/ Service.

9. 好的开头是成功的一半,无论何人做何事,务必要求旗开得胜
    Everything has its beginning. A good beginning is the half of succeeder, whoever do whatever.

10. 无论我们将要遇到什么样的困难,我们旗开得胜,为世界彻底地铲除了萨达姆·侯赛因以及他的余孽。
    Whatever our subsequent difficulties, our initial success definitively rid the world of Saddam Hussein and his monstrous sons.

11. 旗开得胜

11. 米兰消息-国际米兰U18青年队在57届狂欢节杯上旗开得胜,在周二下午的比赛上,以2比0战胜保加利亚球队纳菲塔克斯。
      MILAN - Inter Primavera make it a winning start to the 57th Carnival Cup with a 2-0 victory over Bulgarian side Naftex on Tuesday afternoon.

12. 首先过黄河,一下消灭敌人四个师部、九个半旅,旗开得胜,那气势是很了不起的。
      First, we crossed the Yellow River and annihilated four division headquarters and nine and a half brigades of the enemy at one stroke. This initial victory displayed the terrific momentum of our counteroffensive.

13. 旗开得胜

13. 主场球队依靠默里·斯特朗的罚球而旗开得胜
      The home side drew first blood with a penalty from Murray Strang.

14. 旗开得胜,马到成功。
      (I wish you) speedy success.

15. 旗开得胜,那气势是很了不起的。
      This initial victory displayed the terrific momentum of our counteroffensive.

16. 恭贺高考旗开得胜,奉上礼物以作纪念。祝贺获得学位。
      Congratulations on your success in the national college entrance examination. I beg you to take this little gift as a souvenir.

17. 恭贺你高考旗开得胜,送上小礼物留作纪念。
      Congratulations on your victory in the College Entrance Examination! Here is a small gift of mine for you as a souvenir.

18. 有一次,我代表全班出战,并且旗开得胜
      One time, I took on the whole class and won.

19. 这个战役,我军旗开得胜
      Our army won victory in the first battle.

20. 刚刚旗开得胜成为俄国第一个民选总统的叶利钦,来到美国。
      Boris Yeltsin arrived in the U. S., fresh from his victory in becoming the first popularly elected Russian president.

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