
日色是什么意思 日色在线翻译 日色什么意思 日色的意思 日色的翻译 日色的解释 日色的发音 日色的同义词 日色的反义词 日色的例句


日色 基本解释

日色[rì sè]


日色 网络解释

1. bbsd:旷日持久bbrs | 日色bbsd | 日夕bbss

2. 日色的翻译

2. Night:874 Water 深火蓝 | 877 Night 日色 | 880 Dk marine 深靛蓝

日色 双语例句

1. 跑了来,仍然只是留下一片阴影,又跑了去,来到我们的国土里,随了弥漫在远处的白茫茫的烟,随了树梢上的淡淡的金黄色,也随了暮鸦背上的日色,轻轻地落在人们的心头,又被人们关在门外了。
    It rushes here and then rushes away, still only leaving a shadow. It arrives on our motherland, with the diffusing white smog in the distance, the light goldenness on the tree crowns and the sunset above the backs of evening birds, gently falling onto and touching people`s hearts. However, it is relentlessly shut outside the door

2. 其迷人之处更在于它一日之内,随着天际日色、云彩的变化而变幻无穷。
    Its even more enchanting is its day, with the sky日色, changes in clouds and endless changes.

3. 仿佛是配合她的说辞,东边天空有道金黄的流光一闪,初升不久的明媚阳光一波波洒落下来--然而,只是进入不了这一片雨幕……不同于夏季常有的太阳雨,庭院里的阴霾和远方的日色完全被分隔在两个世界,仿佛有一大片看不见的乌云织成了穹顶,把盛夏的晨光挡在结界以外,在自己的领地中模糊了时间的界限,洒下带着深秋寒意的丝丝水线。
    Imitate the Fo matches with her speak, the east the sky has a quickly passing time of gold one Shan, the beginning rises soon bright and beautiful sunlight a wave of spread to drop down-however, just can't get into this one rain act ……differ from the sun rain that have often in summer, the sunlight of the haze and the far-away place in the courtyard is completely boxed off faintness under two worlds, imitate the Fo have a heavy slice unseen dark cloud knit the Qiong crest, the pair of the dawn of midsummer block at the knot the boundary outside, at own territory horary of boundary, spread under take deep autumn cold idea of in fine threads water line.

4. 回头看这日色时,渐渐地坠下去了。
    When he looked back at the sun, it was almost gone.

5. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

5. 当他们再从屋里探出头来寻找黄昏的时候,黄昏早随了白茫茫的烟的消失,树梢上金色的消失,鸦背上日色的消失而消失了。
    When they reach out for the dusk, the dusk has gone with the vast expanse of white smoke, the goldenness over the tree-crowns and the sunset above the birds` backs.

6. 云翳蔽空,日色朦胧,经丛林这么一反射,又阴又湿的空气就给烤得热烘烘的。
    The sun obscured by overcast, refracted from the jungle and heated the moist dark air.

7. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

7. 门外日色昏黄,楼梯上铺着湖绿花格子漆布地衣,一级一级上去,通入没有光的所在。
    Outside the door the setting sun was smoky yellow, and the staircase covered with turquoise plaid linoleum led up step after step to a place where there was no light.

8. 日色不早了。
    It is getting dark.

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