
显圣是什么意思 显圣在线翻译 显圣什么意思 显圣的意思 显圣的翻译 显圣的解释 显圣的发音 显圣的同义词 显圣的反义词 显圣的例句


显圣 基本解释


词典make its presence or power felt显灵;显圣。

显圣 双语例句

1. 《关帝历代显圣志传》就是一部文人裒集加工的关公灵迹故事集。
    Biography of Emperor Kuan in Successive Dynasties is a story collection on emperor Guan made by the scholars.

2. 这是一个神圣的日子,是显圣的黎明,因为巴孛的出现乃是真晨的初道曙光……这是福佑的日子,是上天恩泽的开端,是神圣光辉的起始。
    It is a blessed day and the dawn of manifestation, for the appearance of the Báb was the early light of the true morn, ... it is a blessed day, the inception of the heavenly bounty, the beginning of the divine effulgence.

3. 显圣

3. 当我从各民族中把他们领回,从他们敌人的地方聚集他们,在众异民眼前,在他们身上显圣
    When I bring them back from among the peoples, I will gather them from the lands of their enemies, and will prove my holiness through them in the sight of many nations.

4. 赵家三代均是虔诚的佛门弟子,赵居士的母亲74岁的王老居士也是一位老修行,赵居士早就想请佛像,自从弥勒显圣,赵居士不仅如愿以偿,而且生意也非常之好。
    Zhao three generations are devout followers of Buddhism, Zhao lay the 74-year-old mother of Wanglaoji Lay is an old practice Taoism, Zhao Lay had long ago wanted to please Buddha Maitreya significantly since St., Zhao lay not only do, but also very business good.

5. 她告诉他主显圣的日子发生于奇迹的年代,是一去不复返的年代,现在再也不会有这种事了。
    She told him that all of those things happened in the days of miracles which had passed and no longer happened in these days.

6. 911查询·英语单词

6. 上帝假如对饥饿的人们显圣,他是不会以除了食物之外的任何形态出现。
    If God were to appear to starving people, he would not dare to appear in any other form than ~.

7. 这种天赋属于那些神圣的显圣和拥有至高地位之人。
    Holy Manifestations and those who are in the highest station.

8. 显圣的器皿为什么人类是依照神的模样造出来的?
    Vessels for Expression Why was man created in the image of God?

9. 独於显圣,就是独特在这个显圣寺,还有那个径山湖的道场,这两个道场,「众盈八千」:住的出家人,有八千多人。
    It wasn`t that there were eight thousand people living there every single day.

10. danci.911chaxun.com

10. 这位智积菩萨,在中国苏州灵岩山常常显圣,就是来度众生,令人看见他。
    When they were building the Monastery at Lingyan they dug up a statue of Wisdom-Accumulation Bodhisattva, too.

11. 这些年轻人说几乎每天都会看到圣母马利亚显圣
      The young people have claimed almost daily visitations from the Virgin Mary.

12. 这也可以说是金刚藏菩萨显圣,也可以说是弘忍大师修行的威德把他们都慑服了。
      You could say that was a manifestation created by the Vajra Treasury Bodhisattvas or you could say it was the awesome virtue of Great Master Hongren that frightened them.

13. 卢尔德的治疗,忘却的河流,诺克的显圣,淌血的圣像。
      Lourdes cure, waters of oblivion, and the knock apparition, statues bleeding.

14. danci.911cha.com

14. 早在西晋时期,中国的“亿万富翁”就开始人前显圣了。
      As early as West Jin period, the Chinese billionaires began to show off their wealth.

15. 约翰发现父亲不在看他除了神灵显圣以外,他现在什么都看不见。
      John saw that his father was not seeing him, was not seeing anything unless it were a vision.

16. 我在显圣时看到过。
      I have been informed * In visions.

17. 显圣的意思

17. 身为显圣的器皿,我们接受并承载基督,而祂就通过我们的存在展现在世人面前。
      As vessels we receive and contain Christ that He might be expressed through our entire being.

18. 显圣

18. 加拿大广播电视标准委员会说,显圣电视台不应当播出其“今日力量”栏目中的一辑节目。
      The Canadian Broadcast Standards Council said Vision TV had been wrong to show an episode of " Power Today " hosted by U.

19. 拉斯拉哈斯大教堂建于瓜伊塔拉河的河谷之内,据说是圣母玛利亚显圣的地方。
      Built inside the canyon of the Guaitara River, Las Lajas was said to be the site of an apparition of the Virgin Mary.

20. 《关帝历代显圣志传》中的关羽形象与叙事策略
      The Image of Guan Yu and the Narrative Tactics in Biography of Emperor Kuan in Successive Dynasties

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