
暗里是什么意思 暗里在线翻译 暗里什么意思 暗里的意思 暗里的翻译 暗里的解释 暗里的发音 暗里的同义词 暗里的反义词 暗里的例句


暗里 基本解释


暗里[àn li ]


词典in one's heart在内心深处。

暗里 汉英大词典

暗里[àn li]

(暗中) secretly

暗里 网络解释

1. abld:阿波罗,abl | 暗里,abld | 暗恋,abli

暗里 双语例句

1. 暗里的意思

1. 海冰一直以他不加掩饰的平和出现在所有人面前,他不*装模做样,不*溜须迎合,不*明里暗里的攻击他人,而*他的本色,就足以展示他的魅力和拓展他的领域。
    The sea-ice has appeared in front of all people with his confrontive gentle disposition all the time, he * load with mould make kind, * is it must cater to to slip away, * attack others secretly on being bright, and * true qualities of his, enough to show his glamour and his field of expansion.

2. 你的一切,让我暗里着迷。
    You all, let me fascinated..

3. 据说他暗里和两个女人有关系!
    It is said he has secret love affairs with two women!

4. 他对此更不满意,尽在暗里使绊子。
    He became still more dissatisfied for it and secretly did everything in his power to obstruct it.

5. 若要享有良好的声誉,就应公开施舍、暗里偷窃。
    To enjoy a good reputation, give publicly, and steal privately.

6. 于是,打着各种优惠的旗号暗里降价,成为今年第一季度的一大特色。
    Therefore, they call foul silent under various preferential prices as a major characteristic of the first quarter of this year.

7. 要暗里申饬友,但是要公然奖赏友。
    Admonish your friends privately but praise them openly.

8. 此类银行中的美国银行和花旗银行几乎有一万亿美元的庞大负债,而有了政府明里暗里的担保,它们只须支付最少的利率。
    Between them BofA and Citigroup have almost a trillion dollars of wholesale debt on which they are paying minimal interest rates, thanks to explicit or implicit government guarantees.

9. 要暗里告诫友,但是要公开夸奖友。
    Admonish your friends privately, but praise them openly.

10. 暗里

10. 纽曼阴险得很,明里一套,暗里一套。
    Newman was devious, prepared to say one thing in print and another in private

11. danci.911chaxun.com

11. 她明里暗里帮了我不少。
      She helped me a lot directly and indirectly.

12. 他对此更不满意,尽在暗里使绊子。
      He became still more dissatisfied with it and secretly did everything in his power to obstruct it.

13. 画面的形象如儿童涂鸦,骑猪的山人,春风里的桃花,农舍外的木床,桌椅上的茶碗,都被支离成碎片在深暗里飘落。画面的气氛通过奇异的联想,神奇地传达出来,一切都恍如梦中。作品的题目像有意设置的机关,诱导着你寻找和思索:《蒙冤》,怎么冤了,谁冤你了?
      Yet as one continues to look and to scutiny, the surface of the paintings would lift itself up and transforms into nothing less than vast expanses, misty waters, and the racing clouds of the firmament at dusk.

14. 911查询·英语单词

14. 欧洲央行明里暗里地都在努力想让华尔街和其他投资者们相信,他们已经有了一项计划,将能让现金紧缺的欧元区成员国更容易借到足够多的资金来满足还债所需。
      The ECB has tried to reassure Wall Street and the city publicly and through backchannels that they have a plan in place that will make it easier for cash-strapped eurozone members to borrow enough money to meet their debt obligations.

15. 时下,无论是在京都、上海或是深圳,还是在不过弹丸之地的小小县城,人们总能够发现一些身后总有权力的影子在明里暗里飘拂的怒马鲜车、锦衣玉食的家庭、家族,看起来一个个气派堂皇,勾兑紧密,似乎有着前二百年的根基,后一百年的期许。
      Nowadays, whether it is in Kyoto, Shanghai or Shenzhen, or in a small town, but a small place, people can always find some behind the shadow of the total power flowing in overtly or covertly, the anger and fresh horse cars, silk clothing and Yushi family the family, it seems a grand one style, blending close, seem to have the foundation for two hundred years ago, after a century expectations.

16. 西方交际官相信中国对吉拉尼暗里传达的信息跟公布的陈词谰言完全不同。
      Western diplomats believe its private message to Gilani is likely to have been very different from the public platitudes.

17. 这回无论明里暗里,还有前儿你值给如儿的那座宅子,你都得把两个丫头的陪嫁置办的一般厚!
      The this time regardless remove inside is dingy inside, also have front son you are worth to such as son of the house, you must purchase going with bride of two wencheses generally thick!

18. 桑给巴尔人发现门道:最好的办法就是明里臣服于英国,暗里继续进行奴隶贸易。
      The zanzibaris learned that the best course was publicly to give in to the British, and then just continue trading slaves.

19. 另外,他们不应当将业绩或股价指标作为明里暗里的薪酬基础。
      They would also not be using earnings or stock price metrics as implicit or explicit bases for rewards.

20. 暗里的意思

20. 他们怎样以假象欺骗我们,而在暗里却干着我们意料不到的事情呢?
      How do they succeed in deceiving us by their false appearances, while furtively doing the things we least expect?

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