
望日是什么意思 望日在线翻译 望日什么意思 望日的意思 望日的翻译 望日的解释 望日的发音 望日的同义词 望日的反义词 望日的例句


望日 基本解释


望日[wàng rì]

词典the 15th day of a lunar month望日。

望日 汉英大词典

望日[wàng rì]

the 15th day of a lunar month

望日 网络解释

1. viewing sunrise:澄湖一片天 A vast sky in the clear lake | 望日 viewing sunrise | 光影墨色 Light and shadow against a dark background

望日 双语例句

1. 然而,从节期来看,正月上辛日可以是正月上旬从初一到初十的任何一天,却绝不可能是望日
    But, the Shangxin-Day in January of the Chinese Lunar New Year could be any time from the first day to the tenth, and could not be only the fifteenth.

2. 他如云间的晨星,又如望日的圆月
    Like a star shining among the clouds, like the full moon at the holyday season

3. 本书展示了数百幅作者在三峡工程蓄水前抢拍的三峡岩石照片,描绘出其神似仙女回眸,形若雄鹰望日的美景。
    This book presents hundreds of photos of these rocks and cliffs taken before they are submerged in the rising water of the Three Gorges Project.

4. 每当朔日和望日台风可能侵袭松山机场或台风在其附近之机会比上弦和下弦者为大,前者约为后者的5.5倍。
    During the New Moon and the Full Moon, the occurrences of typhoons have higher frequency of reaching the Airport than those of the First Quarter and the last Quarter, the former approximately for the latter's 5.5 times.

5. 我们希望日朝之间能够在双边的基础上对有关问题进行探讨,研究如何解决。
    We hope the two sides can hold bilateral discussions on the relevant issue in order to resolve it.

6. 我希望日、朝通过沟通与谈判,能够顺利解决这个问题。
    I hope it can be resolved smoothly through dialogue and negotiation between them.

7. 但是,这是日本和朝鲜之间的问题,我希望日、朝通过沟通与谈判,能够顺利解决这个问题。
    However, this is an issue between Japan and the DPRK. I hope it can be resolved smoothly through dialogue and negotiation between them.

8. 从运动一开始,国人就声明对日经济绝交针对的是执意侵华政策的日本政府,希望日本人民督促其政府改善中日关系。
    No sooner had the movement begun the countrymen declared that the target of breaking off economic relations with Japan was the Japanese Government which carried out aggressive policy, hoping Japanese people urging their government to improve the relations between China and Japan.

9. 另有东顶望日、鹰察秋毫、两佛论禅等自然景观。
    Another East Top望日, eagles秋毫review, the two of Zen Buddhism and other natural landscape.

10. 归期遥遥无望日了。
    Far away hopeless day of date of return.

11. 望日后新东方和校方均能考虑为佳。
      I hope next time it would be taken into account by NOS and school authorities as well.

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