
朝堂是什么意思 朝堂在线翻译 朝堂什么意思 朝堂的意思 朝堂的翻译 朝堂的解释 朝堂的发音 朝堂的同义词 朝堂的反义词 朝堂的例句


朝堂 基本解释



朝堂 双语例句

1. 公共领域的主要场所是朝堂和学校,尤其是书院。
    The main places of public sphere are courts and schools, especially the colleges.

2. 当有宾客来到朝堂,可让他来带去招待来宾,若问他仁德,我不知道。
    Chliu might be employed as governor, but I don`t know whether he be perfectly virtuous.

3. 中国自秦完成天下一统,延续到汉唐盛世,公共领域的主要场所是朝堂和学校。
    As for China, from the first unified dynasty----Qin to the prosperous Han and Tang, main places of public sphere are courts and schools.

4. 在古代,一位冤民如果能设法来到京城,就可以在朝堂外击鼓鸣冤,以引起皇帝或大臣的注意。
    In olden times, if an aggrieved subject could make it to the capital, he was entitled to beat the imperial drum to attract the attention of the emperor or his staff.

5. 对自己贬谪遭遇的幽愤不平、对自己人格操守的清白自认、对造成自己苦难现实的权臣或小人的讥刺恨怒、对谪居地荒芜僻陋的栖居环境与生活条件的痛切感知、对自己被逐离朝堂之后可能遭遇的更多诽谤谗毁的惶恐、对自己未来人生的忧虑、对故国故园故人的深切思念,以及在对谪居生活的被迫适应过程中,对消解和超越现实沉沦与痛苦的可能方式进行自觉或不自觉的探寻与尝试,这一系列的情感体验,便成为了贬谪者日常生活与文学创作中重要的题材内容及情感因素。
    Feeling aggrieved for their being relegated, having wrath and sarcasm to the powerful men or small men who put them into the hard situation, experiencing painfully the poor living condition in the remote and desolate areas, being afraid that they might suffer more slanders after being expelled out of the imperial court, worrying about their own future, missing deeply the nation land, native place and old friends and exploring or trying in every possible way, consciously or unconsciously, All these emotional experience and expression formed the emotion subject of the relegated's daily life.

6. 对自己贬谪遭遇的幽愤不平、对自己人格操守的清白自认、对造成自己苦难现实的权臣或小人的讥刺恨怒、对谪居地荒芜僻陋的栖居环境与生活条件的痛切感知、对自己被逐离朝堂之后可能遭遇的更多诽谤谗毁的惶恐、对自己未来人生的忧虑、对故国故园故人的深切思念,以及在对谪居生活的被迫适应过程中,对消解和超越现实沉沦与痛苦的可能方式进行自觉或不自觉的探寻与尝试,这一系列的情感体验,便成为了贬谪者日常生活与文学创作中重要的题材内容及情感因素。
    Feeling aggrieved for their being relegated, having wrath and sarcasm to the powerful men or small men who put them into the hard situation, experiencing painfully the poor living condition in the remote and desolate areas, being afraid that they might suffer more slanders after being expelled out of the imperial court, worrying about their own future, missing deeply the nation land, native place and old friends and exploring or trying in every possible way, consciously or unconsciously, All these emotional experience and expression formed the emotion subject of the relegateds daily life.

7. 朝堂的意思

7. 反映在朝堂之上,便是这两种思想主线之间的斗争,反映在具体的法律措施上,便是繁多的诏令上了。
    Reflected in the Imperial court above the main line is between these two ideological struggle, reflected in specific legal measures, that is, on a range of command.

8. 他最终被炀帝赐死的原因是因为他在朝堂上公开赞扬高颎,使得炀帝将他看作改革的绊脚石所致。
    He was eventually Yang Di Ci dead because he publicly praised the DPRK-classroom high Jiong, Yang Tai makes his due as a stumbling block to reform.

9. 他们都有各自的朝堂,皇帝或国王有朝堂,上朝的是骑士,官员之类的,这些人为他献策,实现他的意志。
    They each have a court, the emperor or the king has a court of officials with knights and that sort of thing that advise him and carry out his will.

10. 先秦雅乐,主要适用于宗庙、朝堂等仪式需要,因而表现为缓慢、平稳,肃穆、庄严,广大且曲直得当等音声特征。
    While the refined music at that time, was mainly applied to the ceremony of ancestral temple or a ruling house, which is characteristic of being slow, stable, solemn and peaceful, large and bending.

11. 经过国君的坐位时,神色立即庄重起来,精神饱满地按礼仪走步,说话像是气力不足似的。提起衣服的下摆上朝堂时像鞠躬似地弯下身来,屏住气像是停止呼吸似的。
      When he was passing the vacant place of the prince, his counten ance appeared to change, and his legs to bend under him, and his words came as if he hardly had breath to utter them.

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